ID#: P00273IBMPC00 Transmitted on one RSIC #: PSR-273 MICRO DS/DD (360k) diskette. CODE PKG NAME: FERD-PC COMPUTER: IBM PC PACKAGED: 6/15/89 MOST RECENT UPDATE: *********************************************************************** Description MODE Number of bytes Number of lines *********************************************************************** 1. README.RSI ASCII 640 14 2. PFERD.EXE - compressed BINARY 287995 file which contains the following files. *********************************************************************** 1. README - instructions ASCII 1090 22 2. SAMPLE.BGD - background ASCII 9436 130 pulse height data 3. SAMPLE.BIN - binned data ASCII 4121 70 4. RESPONSE.DAT - response ASCII 50080 626 sample input 5. SAMPLE.FGD - foreground ASCII 9436 130 pulse height data 6. SAMPLE.LOG - log output binary 41280 605 file 7. SAMPLE.OUT - sample output ASCII 3442 51 8. SAMPLE.PUN - unfolded data ASCII 2667 56 9. SAMPLE.WIN - synthetic ASCII 37280 477 window output 10. RESPONSE.UNF - sample BINARY 27934 unformatted response data 11. FERD-PC.FOR - FORTRAN 77 ASCII 50487 1737 source for FERD-PC 12. PLOTFERD.BAS - BASIC ASCII 56266 2186 source for PLOTFERD 13. FERD-PC.EXE - executable BINARY 244040 FERD-PC (needs math co- processor) 14. PLOTFERD.EXE - executable BINARY 143214 PLOTFERD *********************************************************************** Note: The code was tested on an IBM PC/XT with 640k memory under DOS 3.1. The compiler used was MICROSOFT FORTRAN Version 4.01.