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Package NameAbstractRSICC TapelistTitle
ALBEMOAbstractC00268 C6600 00Albedo Monte Carlo Code System.
AMCAbstractC00090 I3675 00Monte Carlo Albedo Code for Neutron and Capture Gamma-Ray Distributions in Rectangular Concrete Ducts.
CALKUXAbstractC00594 IBMPC 00Code System to Calculate Exposure Transmission of Medical X-ray Beams Through Barrier Materials.
CASKCODESAbstractP00262 IBMPC 00CAPSIZE, SCOPE, AND KWIKDOSE for Shipping Cask Optimization, Dose Calculation, Parameter Evaluation, and Shielding Requirements.
COMPRASHAbstractC00072 I3675 00Spinney Removal-Diffusion Shielding Code.
DLSAbstractC00264 C6600 00Two-Dimensional Shielding Calculational System with Diffusion Theory and Line-of-Sight Method.
DOPEXAbstractC00177 I3675 00Laminated Shield Weight Optimization Code System-Steepest Descent Calculational Model.
DOPEXAbstractC00177 U1108 00Laminated Shield Weight Optimization Code System-Steepest Descent Calculational Model.
DOPEX-1D2CAbstractC00214 I0360 00A One-Dimensional, Two-Constraint Radiation Shield Optimization Code System.
EASY-QAD 2.0.1AbstractC00744 PC586 02A Visualization Code System for Gamma and Neutron Shielding Calculations.
GREAT-GRASSAbstractC00143 I3675 00Monte Carlo Radiation Transport Code Systems for Fallout Shielding.
GUI2QAD-3DAbstractC00697 PC586 01A Graphical User Interface for QAD-CGPIC, a Point Kernal Code for Neutron and Gamma-Ray Shielding Calculations in Complex Geometry.
HAARM-3AbstractP00401 CDCMF 00Aerosol Behavior Log-Normal Distribution Model.
HIMACAbstractM00001 MNYCP 02Experimental Data of Neutron Yields from Thick Targets Bombarded by 100 to 800 MeV / Nucleon Heavy Ions.
INVENTAbstractC00540 D8810 00A Radionuclide Inventory and Hazard Index Code.
ISO-PC 2.1AbstractC00636 IBMPC 01Kernel Integration Code System for General Purpose Isotope Shielding Analyses.
K019AbstractC00100 I0360 00Shield Thickness Calculation Program for Space Vehicles.
KDLIBEAbstractC00124 I3675 00Kernel-Diffusion Shielding Analysis System.
LINEDOSEAbstractC00468 IBMPC 00A Line Source Shielding Code for Personal Computers.
MTR_PC 2.6AbstractC00674 PC386 00Modular Code System for Neutronics, Thermalhydraulics and Shielding Calculations.
MUSPALBAbstractC00171 ICL00 00Albedo Calculation of Multigroup Spectra of Neutrons Transmitted Through Multilayer Slab Shielding.
MVP-GMVP IIAbstractC00739 MNYCP 00General Purpose Monte Carlo Codes for Neutron and Photon Transport Calculations based on Continuous Energy and Multigroup Methods.
NAUA-MOD5 NAUA-MOD5/MAbstractP00556 MNYCP 00Aerosols in Reactor Containment During Meltdown.
NCRP49AbstractC00462 IBMPC 00X-Ray Shield Calculation System.
OPEX-IIAbstractC00103 I7090 00Radiation Shield Optimization Code.
PF-COMPAbstractC00106 C3600 00Building Fallout Radiation Protection Factor Analysis.
PROCIVAbstractC00488 U1110 00A Code System for Calculating the Protection Factors Against Radioactive Fallout for Apartment Buildings.
PUTZ 2.1AbstractC00595 IBMPC 00A Point-Kernel Photon Shielding Code.
QBSHIELDAbstractC00599 IBMPC 00Spherical Shield Design for Gamma-Ray Sources Using the Buildup Factor Method.
RADHEAT-V4AbstractC00300 FM380 00A Code System To Generate Multigroup Constants and Analyze Radiation Transport for Shielding Safety Evaluation.
RAIDAbstractC00083 I7090 00Monte Carlo Multibend Duct Shielding Code.
RASC-2DAbstractC00318 I0370 00Two-Dimensional Removal Diffusion Code Reactor Shielding Design Code System.
REACTORSHIELDING-NMSAbstractM00014 MNYCP 00REACTORSHIELDING-NMS, Reactor Shielding for Nuclear Engineers.
REMIT 5.1AbstractP00482 IBMPC 01Radiation Exposure Monitoring and Information Transmittal System.
ROCKWELL-RSDMAbstractM00017 MNYCP 00Reactor Shielding Design Manual by Rockwell T. III.
SABINE-3AbstractC00121 C7600 00Spinney (Removal-Diffusion) Shielding Code System in One-Dimensional Geometry.
SABINE-3AbstractC00121 I0370 00Spinney (Removal-Diffusion) Shielding Code System in One-Dimensional Geometry.
SABINE-3AbstractC00121 U1106 00Spinney (Removal-Diffusion) Shielding Code System in One-Dimensional Geometry.
SABINE-PCAbstractC00121 IBMPC 00Spinney (Removal-Diffusion) Shielding Code System in One-Dimensional Geometry.
SAP N-GAbstractC00092 I7094 00Neutron and Gamma-Ray Albedo Model Scatter Shield Analysis Code System.
SCORE-4AbstractC00234 I0370 00Two-Dimensional Multigroup Removal-Diffusion Shielding Code System.
SDCAbstractC00060 I3675 00Kernel Integration Shield Design Code for Radioactive Fuel Handling Facilities.
SHADRAC(G-30)AbstractC00084 I7090 00Kernel Integration Code - Shield Heating and Dose Rate Calculation in Complex Geometry.
SPARESAbstractC00148 I3675 00Space Radiation Environment and Shielding Code System.
SPOT1AbstractC00460 I3033 00Shielding Problem Code Based on Methods of Ono and Tsuruo.
SUGGELAbstractP00508 MNYWS 00Program Suggesting the Orbital Angular Momentum of a Neutron Resonance From the Magnitude Of Its Neutron Width.
TOXRISKAbstractC00692 CDCMF 00Code System for Toxic Gas Accident Analysis.
AbstractC00806 MNYCP 00Code System for Coupled Neutron, Photon, Electron, Positron, 3-D, Time Dependent, Monte-Carlo, Transport Calculations.
XOQGAMAbstractC00847 MNYCP 00Methodology and Software Routines for Computation of Gamma Radiation Exposures from Finite-cloud Gaussian Plumes
XSHLDAbstractC00495 IBMPC 00Diagnostic X-Ray Shielding Calculation.
The Radiation Safety Information Computational Center (RSICC) collects, analyzes, maintains, and distributes software in the areas of radiation transport and safety. RSICC resides in the Nuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle Division (NEFCD) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.