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Packages with Keyword: RADIOACTIVITY RELEASE
Package NameAbstractRSICC TapelistTitle
ACT-ARAAbstractC00372 CYXMP 00Code System for the Calculation of Changes in Radiological Source Terms with Time.
AIRGAMMAAbstractC00567 FM380 00A Program For The Calculation Of External Exposure To Gamma Rays From A Radioactive Cloud.
CHAINT-MCAbstractC00584 CYXMP 00A Two-Dimensional Model for the Analysis of Contaminant Transport in a Fractured Porous Medium.
COMRADEX4AbstractC00332 I0360 00Evaluator of Potential Radiological Doses in the Near (< 10 km) Environment of Radioactive Release.
DOSE-SGTRAbstractC00624 IBMPC 00Code System to Calculate the Integrated Iodine Release to the Environment During a Steam Generator Tube Rupture in a PWR.
DPCTAbstractC00580 CYXMP 00A Deterministic-Probabilistic Model For Contaminant Transport.
EDOAbstractC00489 U1110 00A Code System in Fortran V for the Evaluation of Dose During Normal Operation of a Nuclear Power Plant.
FONTAAbstractC00423 S4044 00Code System For Calculating Individual And Collective Doses From Reactor Accidents Using Pasquill's Plume Model.
GALE BWRAbstractC00335 U1100 00Boiling Water and Pressurized Water Reactors Gaseous and Liquid Effluents Radiological Assessment Code System.
GALE PWR & BWRAbstractC00335 I3033 00Boiling Water and Pressurized Water Reactors Gaseous and Liquid Effluents Radiological Assessment Code System.
GALE86AbstractC00506 MNYCP 02Calculation of Routine Radioactive Releases in Gaseous and Liquid Effluents from Boiling Water and Pressurized Water Reactors.
GENII 2.10AbstractC00737 PCX86 02Environmental Radiation Dosimetry Software System.
GENII-LIN 2.1AbstractC00728 PC586 01GENII-LIN Multipurpose Health Physics Code System with a New Object-Oriented Interface, Release 2.0.
GETOUTAbstractC00461 C0176 00A Computer Code System for Predicting One-Dimensional Radionuclide Decay Chain Transport through Geologic Media.
HAARM-3AbstractP00401 CDCMF 00Aerosol Behavior Log-Normal Distribution Model.
HABIT 1.1AbstractC00665 IBMPC 01Code System for Evaluation of Control Room Habitability.
HADOCAbstractC00452 U1100 00Calculates External and Inhalation Doses from Acute Radionuclide Releases on the Hanford Site.
HOTSPOT 3.0.2AbstractM00009 IBMPC 03Health Physics Code System for Evaluating Accidents Involving Radioactive Materials.
INTERTRAN IAbstractC00473 ALLMF 00A Code System for Assessing the Impact from Transporting Radioactive Material.
IODESAbstractC00365 I0360 00A Code System for Calculating the Estimation of Dose to the World Population from Releases of Iodine-129 to the Environment.
IRDAMAbstractC00524 IPCXT 00Interactive Rapid Dose Assessment Model.
LADTAP IIAbstractC00363 C7600 00Code System for Calculating Radiation Exposure to Man from Routine Release of Nuclear Reactor Liquid Effluents.
LADTAP IIAbstractC00363 D0780 00Code System for Calculating Radiation Exposure to Man from Routine Release of Nuclear Reactor Liquid Effluents.
LADTAP IIAbstractC00363 I3033 00Code System for Calculating Radiation Exposure to Man from Routine Release of Nuclear Reactor Liquid Effluents.
LEAFAbstractC00312 C6600 00Fission Product Release Calculator-From a Reactor Containment Building for Arbitrary Radioactive Decay Chains.
LPGSAbstractC00385 I3033 00Code System for Calculating Radiation Exposure Resulting from Accidental Radioactive Releases to the Hydrosphere.
MARINRADAbstractC00503 C1785 00Code System Model for Assessing the Consequences of Release of Radioactive Material into the Oceans.
NRCDOSE 2.3.20AbstractC00684 PC586 14Code System for Evaluating Routine Radioactive Effluents from Nuclear Power Plants with a Windows Interface.
NRCDOSE72V1.2.3AbstractC00768 PCX86 03Code System for Evaluating Routine Radioactive Effluents from Nuclear Power Plants with a Windows Interface.
ORION-IIAbstractC00491 FM780 00A Computer Code to Estimate Environmental Concentration and Dose Due to Airborne Release of Radioactive Material.
PFPLAbstractC00607 D0VAX 00Puff-Plume Atmospheric Deposition Model.
RADSHIP-2AbstractC00523 FM200 00Code System To Analyze Radiological Impact From Radwaste Transportation.
RADSYSAbstractC00530 I3033 00Code System for Radioactivity Buildup and Radioactive Waste Generation Calculations.
RADTRAD 3.03AbstractC00800 IBMPC 00A Simplified Model for RADionuclide Transport and Removal And Dose Estimation.
RADTRAD 3.03-EXEAbstractC00800 IBMPC 01A Simplified Model for RADionuclide Transport and Removal And Dose Estimation.
RASCAL 4.3AbstractC00783 PCX86 02Radiological Assessment for Consequence Analysis.
RATAFAbstractC00681 IMFPC 01Code System for the Radioactive Liquid Tank Failure Study.
REFREPAbstractC00570 D8810 00A Near-Field Model For A Spent Fuel Repository.
REPRISK PC 1.02AbstractC00586 PC386 01Repository Risk Assessment Software for Personal Computers.
RISKAPAbstractC00486 I3033 00Analysis of Increased Risk to Arbitrary Populations.
SLIDERULE 1.0AbstractC00704 PC586 01Nuclear Criticality Slide Rule.
SPEEDIAbstractC00507 FM180 00Code System for Real-Time Prediction of Radiation Dose to the Public Due to an Accidental Release from a Nuclear Power Plant.
TACT-IIIAbstractC00447 I3033 00Calculation of the Transport of Radioactivity from a Reactor Core.
TERFOC-NAbstractC00596 MFMWS 00Terrestrial Food-Chain Model for Normal Operations.
TIRION 4AbstractC00395 I3033 00A Program for Calculating Consequences of a Release of Radioactive Material to the Atmosphere.
WEERIEAbstractC00426 I3033 00Code System for Assessing the Radiological Consequences of Airborne Effluents from Nuclear Installations.
WHATIF-AQAbstractC00561 B7800 00A Computer Program For Speciation Calculation.
WRAITHAbstractC00427 U1100 00Code System for Calculating Internal and External Doses Resulting from an Atmospheric Release of Radioactive Material.
The Radiation Safety Information Computational Center (RSICC) collects, analyzes, maintains, and distributes software in the areas of radiation transport and safety. RSICC resides in the Nuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle Division (NEFCD) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.