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810 -- US DOE 10CFR810 Jurisdiction
FEDC -- US Government Agencies and Their Contractors Only
OECD -- Restricted/See Abstract
RUGA -- Restricted Use Government Authorized
USSO -- US Distribution Only
USUNV -- US Universities Only
Package Name | Abstract | RSICC Tapelist | Title |
BARC-35 | Abstract | D00124 IBMMF 00 | 35-Group Neutron Cross Sections and Resonance Self-Shielding Factors Generated in ISOTXS and BRKOXS Format from ENDF/B-IV Using MINX. |
BUGLE-80 | Abstract | D00075 IBMPC 03 | Coupled Neutron, Gamma-Ray Group Cross Section Library Derived from ENDF/B-VI for LWR Shielding and Pressure Vessel Dosimetry Applications. |
BUGLE-80 | Abstract | D00075 PC386 01 | Coupled Neutron, Gamma-Ray Group Cross Section Library Derived from ENDF/B-VI for LWR Shielding and Pressure Vessel Dosimetry Applications. |
BUGLE-93 | Abstract | D00175 ALLCP 01 | Coupled Neutron, Gamma-Ray Group Cross Section Library Derived from ENDF/B-VI for LWR Shielding and Pressure Vessel Dosimetry Applications. |
BUGLE-96 | Abstract | D00185 ALLCP 00 | Coupled Neutron, Gamma-Ray Group Cross Section Library Derived from ENDF/B-VI for LWR Shielding and Pressure Vessel Dosimetry Applications. |
COVFILS | Abstract | D00091 I0360 00 | Neutron Data and Covariances for Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis. |
COVFILS-2 | Abstract | D00137 ALLCP 00 | Neutron Data and Covariances for Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis. |
DDXLIB | Abstract | D00123 FM380 01 | 125-Neutron Group Double Differential Cross Section Library. |
DOSDAM81-82 | Abstract | D00097 C0000 00 | Multigroup Cross Sections in SAND-II Format for Spectral, Integral, and Damage Analyses. |
DOSDAM84 | Abstract | D00131 IBMMF 00 | Multigroup Cross Sections in SAND-II Format for Spectral, Integral, and Damage Analyses. |
E3LWR | Abstract | D00098 C0000 00 | 45 Neutron, 16 Gamma-Ray and 15 Neutron, 5 Gamma-Ray Group LWR Cross Section Libraries Derived from EURLIB-III using the AGRUKO Optimized Collapsing Scheme. |
EPR | Abstract | D00037 I3691 05 | Coupled 100-Group Neutron 21-Group Gamma-ray Cross Sections for EPR Neutronics. |
EPR MASTER | Abstract | D00052 I3691 00 | 100 Neutron Group Cross Sections in AMPX Master Library Format. |
ERRORJ | Abstract | P00526 MNYCP 03 | Multigroup Covariance Matrices Generation from ENDF/B-6 Format. |
FGXRRS | Abstract | D00132 C0000 00 | Few Group Cross Section Library for Research Reactor Calculations. |
FLUNG | Abstract | D00086 I3033 00 | Coupled 35-Group Neutron and 21-Group Gamma Ray, P3 Cross Sections for Fusion Applications. |
GAMMON | Abstract | D00071 ALLCP 00 | Gamma-Ray Moments Method Code System. |
GARG | Abstract | D00073 C0000 00 | 27-Group Neutron Cross Sections in Discrete Ordinates Format Generated with FIGERO (PSR-149) from ENDF-B Data. |
IRAN-LIB | Abstract | D00159 IBMPC 00 | A P-3 Coupled Neutron-Gamma Cross Section Library in ISOTXS For Use with ANISN/PC (CCC-514). |
LAFPX-V | Abstract | D00054 C0000 01 | A Multigroup Reaction Cross-Section Collapsing Code and Library of 154-Group Fission-Product Cross Sections. |
LAFPX-V | Abstract | D00054 C0000 02 | A Multigroup Reaction Cross-Section Collapsing Code and Library of 154-Group Fission-Product Cross Sections. |
MACKLIB-IV-82 | Abstract | D00060 I0360 01 | A Library of Nuclear Response Functions Generated with the MACK-V Computer Program from ENDF/B-IV. |
MATXS10 | Abstract | D00176 ALLCP 00 | Neutron, Photon Cross Sections from ENDF/B-IV in MATXS Format. |
MATXS11 | Abstract | D00177 ALLCP 00 | Neutron, Photon Cross Sections from ENDF/B-IV in MATXS Format. |
MENSLIB | Abstract | D00084 I0370 00 | 60 Group, P5, Cross Sections in DTF-IV for Transport Calculations for Neutrons with Energies Up to 60 MeV. |
MGCLIB | Abstract | D00118 FM380 00 | 137 and 26 Neutron Multigroup Cross Section Library with the Bondarenko Type Shielding Table. |
ORYX-E | Abstract | D00038 I0360 00 | ORIGEN Yields and Cross Sections Nuclear Transmutation and Decay Data from ENDF/B-IV. |
ORYX-E | Abstract | D00038 I0360 01 | ORIGEN Yields and Cross Sections Nuclear Transmutation and Decay Data from ENDF/B-IV. |
PVC | Abstract | D00048 I3691 00 | 36 Group, P5, Photon Interaction Cross Sections for 38 Materials in ANISN Format. |
PVE | Abstract | D00126 I3033 00 | 38 Group, P8, Photon Interaction Cross Sections in ANISN Format from VITAMIN-E. |
SAILOR | Abstract | D00076 PC386 01 | Coupled, Self-Shielded, 47 Neutron, 20 Gamma-Ray, P3, Cross Section Library for Light Water Reactors. |
UKCTRI-81 | Abstract | D00064 I0370 01 | 46-Group Neutron Cross Sections and Kerma Factors for Fusion Reactor Calculations. |
VELM | Abstract | D00133 I0360 00 | Multigroup Cross-Section Libraries Based on ENDF/B-V Data for Sodium-Cooled Reactor Shield Analysis. |
VITAMIN-4C | Abstract | D00053 I3691 00 | Broad-Group and Fine-Group and Coupled Neutron/Gamma Cross-Section Libraries Derived from ENDF/B-VII.0 Nuclear Data. |
VITAMIN-B6 | Abstract | D00184 ALLCP 00 | Broad-Group and Fine-Group and Coupled Neutron/Gamma Cross-Section Libraries Derived from ENDF/B-VII.0 Nuclear Data. |
VITAMIN-B7/BUGLE-B7 | Abstract | D00245 MNYCP 01 | Broad-Group and Fine-Group and Coupled Neutron/Gamma Cross-Section Libraries Derived from ENDF/B-VII.0 Nuclear Data. |
VITAMIN-C | Abstract | D00041 I0360 02 | Broad-Group and Fine-Group and Coupled Neutron/Gamma Cross-Section Libraries Derived from ENDF/B-VII.0 Nuclear Data. |
VITAMIN-E | Abstract | D00113 I3033 02 | Broad-Group and Fine-Group and Coupled Neutron/Gamma Cross-Section Libraries Derived from ENDF/B-VII.0 Nuclear Data. |
VITAMIN-J/COVA | Abstract | D00157 D8810 00 | Broad-Group and Fine-Group and Coupled Neutron/Gamma Cross-Section Libraries Derived from ENDF/B-VII.0 Nuclear Data. |