BUGLE-96: Coupled 47 Neutron, 20 Gamma-Ray Group Cross Section Library
Derived from ENDF/B-VI for LWR Shielding and Pressure Vessel Dosimetry
BCBN: Convert ANISN card-image data to binary format.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
A new multigroup cross-section library based on ENDF/B-VI data has been
produced and tested for light water reactor shielding and reactor pressure
vessel dosimetry applications. The broad-group library, designated DLC-185/BUGLE-96,
is intended to replace the DLC-75/BUGLE-80 and DLC-76/SAILOR libraries,
which are both based on ENDF/B-IV data. It also replaces the DLC-175/BUGLE-93
library by correcting some deficiencies and adding several additional data
sets. The processing methodology for BUGLE-96 is consistent with ANSI/ANS
6.1.2, since the ENDF data were first processed into a fine-group, pseudo-problem-independent
format and then collapsed into the final broadgroup format. An extensive
integral data testing effort was performed to qualify the data and to assess
its impact on LWR shielding applications. In general, results using the
new data show significant improvements relative to earlier ENDF data.
The BUGLE-96 cross sections are intended for use in LWR shielding and
pressure vessel dosimetry applications. The multigroup data have been collapsed,
and in some cases self-shielded, using flux spectra typical of PWR and
BWR reactor models. Flux spectra from five specific locations within these
models were used, corresponding to: (1) off-center in a BWR core region,
(2) off-center in a PWR core region, (3) the downcomer region in a PWR
model, (4) within the pressure vessel at a depth of one-fourth the total
thickness, and (5) within the concrete shield surrounding a PWR reactor
vessel. The concrete-spectrum-weighted cross sections have been shown to
be generally applicable to a wide range of shielding problems.
BUGLE-96 contains 120 nuclides which have been processed as infinitely dilute and collapsed using an LWR concrete shield spectrum. Additionally, it contains 105 nuclides which have been energy self-shielded and collapsed using LWR-specific material compositions and flux spectra. A separate set of data are included which combines the isotopic BUGLE nuclides into natural elements and provides them with material identifiers which are identical to the original DLC-76/SAILOR library. In addition to the BUGLE-96 and SAILOR-96 data sets, which have been processed without upscatter in the thermal groups, two new data sets are provided which retain the upscatter reactions for groups below 5eV. These data sets are designated as BUGLE-96T and SAILOR-96T. Nuclides with Z < 30 (hydrogen through copper) are given in a P7 Legendre expansion while P5 expansion is available for all other nuclides. Several dosimetry and standard response functions are included with the library along with kerma factors for all nuclides. The library was collapsed from the VITAMIN-B6 fine-group library using the AMPX-77 processing code system. VITAMIN-B6 is derived from ENDF/B-VI Release 3 nuclear data, except for two nuclides (Sn obtained from LENDL and Zirc2 obtained from ENDF/B-IV). The responses and kerma factors were also derived primarily from ENDF/B-VI.
Attached tables provide information on file contents.
The BCBN Fortran program is included to read formatted ANISN records
and write them as unformatted records.
Card images in ANISN format; all computers (D00185/ALLCP/00).
Not applicable.
a) Included in document:
RSIC, "READ.ME" (March 28, 1996).
J. E. White, D. T. Ingersoll, R. Q. Wright, H. T. Hunter, C. O. Slater,
N. M. Greene, R. E. MacFarlane, R. W. Roussin, "Production and Testing
of the Revised VITAMIN-B6 Fine-Group and the BUGLE-96 Broad-Group Neutron/Photon
Cross-Section Libraries Derived from ENDF/B-VI.3 Nuclear Data," ORNL-6795,
R1, NUREG/CR-6214, Revision 1 (January 1995) (DRAFT).
b) Background information:
D. T. Ingersoll, J. E. White, R. Q. Wright, H. T. Hunter, C. O. Slater,
N. M. Greene, R. E. MacFarlane, R. W. Roussin, "Production and Testing
of the VITAMIN-B6 Fine-Group and the BUGLE-93 Broad-Group Neutron/Photon
Cross-Section Libraries Derived from ENDF/B-VI Nuclear Data," ORNL-6795,
NUREG/CR-6214 (January 1995).
Included are the referenced document and a compressed file which contains
the data files and BCBN retrieval program. The package is available on
either CD-ROM or Unix cartridge tape. If package is transmitted on CD-ROM,
both Unix and DOS files are included. If package is transmitted on tape,
only the Unix file is included.
February 1994, revised April 1994, May 1994, March 1996, July 1999.
Nuclide Tables Follow:
Table 1. Nuclides in BUGLE-96 which are
infinitely dilute and weighted with a concrete flux spectrum. This is table
3.10 in NUREG/CR-6214 pp. 49-50. It is unchanged from the BUGLE-93 release.
Entry Nuclide ANISN-ID
1 Ag-107 1-6
2 Ag-109 7-12
3 Al-27 13-20
4 Am-241 21-26
5 Am-242 27-32
6 Am-242m 33-38
7 Am-243 39-44
8 Au-197 45-50
9 B-10 51-58
10 B-11 59-66
11 Ba-138 67-72
12 Be-9 73-80
13 Be-9 (Thermal) 81-88
14 Bi-209 89-94
15 C 95-102
16 C (Graphite) 103-110
17 Ca 111-118
18 Cd-Nat 119-124
19 Cl-Nat 125-132
20 Cm-241 133-138
21 Cm-242 139-144
22 Cm-243 145-150
23 Cm-244 151-156
24 Cm-245 157-162
25 Cm-246 163-168
26 Cm-247 169-174
27 Cm-248 175-180
28 Co-59 181-188
29 Cr-50 189-196
30 Cr-52 197-204
31 Cr-53 205-212
32 Cr-54 213-220
33 Cu-63 221-228
34 Cu-65 229-236
35 Eu-151 237-242
36 Eu-152 243-248
37 Eu-153 249-254
38 Eu-154 255-260
39 Eu-155 261-266
40 F-19 267-274
41 Fe-54 275-282
42 Fe-56 283-290
43 Fe-57 291-298
44 Fe-58 299-306
45 Ga 307-312
46 H-1 (H2O) 313-320
47 H-1 (CH2) 321-328
48 H-2 (D2O) 329-336
49 H-3 337-344
50 He-3 345-352
51 He-4 353-360
52 Hf-174 361-366
53 Hf-176 367-372
54 Hf-177 373-378
55 Hf-178 379-384
56 Hf-179 385-390
57 Hf-180 391-396
58 In-Nat 397-402
59 K 403-410
60 Li-6 411-418
61 Li-7 419-426
62 Mg 427-434
63 Mn-55 435-442
64 Mo 443-448
65 N-14 449-456
66 N-15 457-464
67 Na-23 465-472
68 Nb-93 473-478
69 Ni-58 479-486
70 Ni-60 487-494
71 Ni-61 495-502
72 Ni-62 503-510
73 Ni-64 511-518
74 Np-237 519-524
75 Np-238 525-530
76 Np-239 531-536
77 O-16 537-544
78 O-17 545-552
79 P-31 553-560
80 Pa-231 561-566
81 Pa-233 567-572
82 Pb-206 573-578
83 Pb-207 579-584
84 Pb-208 585-590
85 Pu-236 591-596
86 Pu-237 597-602
87 Pu-238 603-608
88 Pu-239 609-614
89 Pu-240 615-620
90 Pu-241 621-626
91 Pu-242 627-632
92 Pu-243 633-638
93 Pu-244 639-644
94 Re-185 645-650
95 Re-187 651-656
96 S 657-664
97 S-32 665-672
98 Si 673-680
99 Sn-Nat 681-686
100 Ta-181 687-692
101 Ta-182 693-698
102 Th-230 699-704
103 Th-232 705-710
104 Ti 711-718
105 U-232 719-724
106 U-233 725-730
107 U-234 731-736
108 U-235 737-742
109 U-236 743-748
110 U-237 749-754
111 U-238 755-760
112 V 761-768
113 W-Nat 769-774
114 W-182 775-780
115 W-183 781-786
116 W-184 787-792
117 W-186 793-798
118 Y-89 799-804
119 Zr 805-810
120 Zr (Zirc-2) 811-816
Table 2. Materials in the BUGLE-96 broad-group
library with special PWR and BWR weightings. This table is a modification
of Table 3.11 to reflect changes in BUGLE-96.
Nuclide ANISN-ID Description
B-10 1001-1008 PWR core coolant
Cr-50 1009-1016 PWR core clad
Cr-52 1017-1024 PWR core clad
Cr-53 1025-1032 PWR core clad
Cr-54 1033-1040 PWR core clad
Fe-54 1041-1048 PWR core clad
Fe-56 1049-1056 PWR core clad
Fe-57 1057-1064 PWR core clad
Fe-58 1065-1072 PWR core clad
H-1(H2O) 1073-1080 PWR core coolant
Ni-58 1081-1088 PWR core clad
Ni-60 1089-1096 PWR core clad
Ni-61 1097-1104 PWR core clad
Ni-62 1105-1112 PWR core clad
Ni-64 1113-1120 PWR core clad
O-16 1121-1128 PWR core coolant
O-16 1129-1136 PWR core fuel
U-235 1137-1142 PWR core fuel
U-238 1143-1148 PWR core fuel
Zr 1149-1154 PWR core clad
H-1(H2O) 2001-2008 PWR downcomer
O-16 2009-2016 PWR downcomer
C 2017-2024 PWR downcomer
Cr-50 2025-2032 PWR downcomer
Cr-52 2033-2040 PWR downcomer
Cr-53 2041-2048 PWR downcomer
Cr-54 2049-2056 PWR downcomer
Fe-54 2057-2064 PWR downcomer
Fe-56 2065-2072 PWR downcomer
Fe-57 2073-2080 PWR downcomer
Fe-58 2081-2088 PWR downcomer
Mn-55 2089-2096 PWR downcomer
Ni-58 2097-2104 PWR downcomer
Ni-60 2105-2112 PWR downcomer
Ni-61 2113-2120 PWR downcomer
Ni-62 2121-2128 PWR downcomer
Ni-64 2129-2136 PWR downcomer
C 3001-3008 PWR 1/4 T in Pressure Vessel
Cr-50 3009-3016 PWR 1/4 T in Pressure Vessel
Cr-52 3017-3024 PWR 1/4 T in Pressure Vessel
Cr-53 3025-3032 PWR 1/4 T in Pressure Vessel
Cr-54 3033-3040 PWR 1/4 T in Pressure Vessel
Fe-54 3041-3048 PWR 1/4 T in Pressure Vessel
Fe-56 3049-3056 PWR 1/4 T in Pressure Vessel
Fe-57 3057-3064 PWR 1/4 T in Pressure Vessel
Fe-58 3065-3072 PWR 1/4 T in Pressure Vessel
Mn-55 3073-3080 PWR 1/4 T in Pressure Vessel
Ni-58 3081-3088 PWR 1/4 T in Pressure Vessel
Ni-60 3089-3096 PWR 1/4 T in Pressure Vessel
Ni-61 3097-3104 PWR 1/4 T in Pressure Vessel
Ni-62 3105-3112 PWR 1/4 T in Pressure Vessel
Ni-64 3113-3120 PWR 1/4 T in Pressure Vessel
Al-27 4001-4008 Concrete type 04
C 4009-4016 Concrete type 04
Ca 4017-4024 Concrete type 04
Fe-54 4025-4032 Concrete type 04
Fe-56 4033-4040 Concrete type 04
Fe-57 4041-4048 Concrete type 04
Fe-58 4049-4056 Concrete type 04
H-1(H2O) 4057-4064 Concrete type 04
K 4065-4072 Concrete type 04
Mg 4073-4080 Concrete type 04
Na-23 4081-4088 Concrete type 04
O-16 4089-4096 Concrete type 04
Si 4097-4104 Concrete type 04
C 5001-5008 Carbon steel
C 5009-5016 Stainless steel
Cr-50 5017-5024 Carbon steel
Cr-50 5025-5032 Stainless steel
Cr-52 5033-5040 Carbon steel
Cr-52 5041-5048 Stainless steel
Cr-53 5049-5056 Carbon steel
Cr-53 5057-5064 Stainless steel
Cr-54 5065-5072 Carbon steel
Cr-54 5073-5080 Stainless steel
Fe-54 5081-5088 Carbon steel
Fe-54 5089-5096 Stainless steel
Fe-56 5097-5104 Carbon steel
Fe-56 5105-5112 Stainless steel
Fe-57 5113-5120 Carbon steel
Fe-57 5121-5128 Stainless steel
Fe-58 5129-5136 Carbon steel
Fe-58 5137-5144 Stainless steel
Mn-55 5145-5152 Carbon steel
Mn-55 5153-5160 Stainless steel
Ni-58 5161-5168 Carbon steel
Ni-58 5169-5176 Stainless steel
Ni-60 5177-5185 Carbon steel
Ni-60 5186-5192 Stainless steel
Ni-61 5193-5200 Carbon steel
Ni-61 5201-5208 Stainless steel
Ni-62 5209-5216 Carbon steel
Ni-62 5217-5224 Stainless steel
Ni-64 5225-5232 Carbon steel
Ni-64 5233-5240 Stainless steel
Fe-54 6001-6008 BWR core clad
Fe-56 6009-6016 BWR core clad
Fe-57 6017-6024 BWR core clad
Fe-58 6025-6032 BWR core clad
H-1(H2O) 6033-6040 BWR core coolant
O-16 6041-6048 BWR core coolant
O-16 6049-6056 BWR core fuel
U-235 6057-6062 BWR core fuel
U-238 6063-6068 BWR core fuel
Zr 6069-6074 BWR core clad
Table 3. SAILOR-96 identifiers for data in ANISN format
ANISN-ID Material identification
3-6 h1(h2o) PWR core coolant
7-10 b10 PWR core coolant
11-14 o16 PWR core coolant
15-18 cr PWR core clad
19-22 fe PWR core clad
23-26 ni PWR core clad
27-30 zr PWR core clad
31-34 u235 PWR core fuel
35-38 u238 PWR core fuel
39-42 o16 PWR core fuel
43-46 u235 BWR core fuel
47-50 u238 BWR core fuel
51-54 o16 BWR core fuel
55-58 h1(h2o) PWR downcomer
59-62 o16 PWR downcomer
63-66 cr PWR downcomer
67-70 mn55 PWR downcomer
71-74 fe PWR downcomer
75-78 ni PWR downcomer
79-82 c PWR downcomer
83-86 h1(h2o) Concrete type 04
87-90 c Concrete type 04
91-94 o16 Concrete type 04
95-98 na23 Concrete type 04
99-102 mg Concrete type 04
103-106 al27 Concrete type 04
107-110 si Concrete type 04
111-114 k Concrete type 04
115-118 ca Concrete type 04
119-122 fe Concrete type 04
123-126 cr PWR 1/4 T in PV
127-130 mn55 PWR 1/4 T in PV
131-134 fe PWR 1/4 T in PV
135-138 ni PWR 1/4 T in PV
139-142 c PWR 1/4 T in PV
Table 4. List of the ANISN identifiers
for the response functions.
BUGLE-96 extends the available number of
response functions as requested by users. Table 4a corresponds to the row
positions of the response functions (same as DLC-175) plus additional responses
given in table 4b. The ANISN identifiers for the response functions are:
7001 - flat weighting
7002 - flat weighting
7003 - 1/4 T in PV
7004 - 1/4 T in PV
Table 4a.
Response Function Table Positions in Part A of Response Arrays
Pos. Description
1. Upper Energy Boundaries (MeV)
2. nuclide 92235 process1018 -- u235 chi
3. li6 helium production 2/17/94
4. nuclide 525 process 107 B10(n,alpha)
5. nuclide 9040 process 18 Th232(n,f)
6. nuclide 92235 process 18 -- u235(n,f)
7. nuclide 92238 process 18 -- u238(n,f)
8. nuclide 9346 process 18 Np237(n,f)
9. nuclide 94239 process 18 -- pu239(n,f)
10. nuclide 13027 process 103 -- al27(n,p)
11. nuclide 13027 process 107 -- al27(n,alpha)
12. nuclide 1111 process 103 (vb6wgt.s32) s-32(n,p) 2/17/94
13. nuclide 2225 process 103 Ti46(n,p)
14. nuclide 2228 process 103 Ti47(n,p)
15. nuclide 2228 process 28 Ti47(n,n'p)
16. nuclide 2231 process 103 Ti48(n,p)
17. nuclide 2231 process 28 Ti48(n,n'p)
18. nuclide 2525 process 16 Mn55(n,2n)
19. nuclide 2625 process 103 Fe54(n,p)
20. nuclide 2631 process 103 Fe56(n,p)
21. nuclide 2725 process 16 Co59(n,2n)
22. nuclide 2725 process 107 Co59(n,p)
23. nuclide 2825 process 103 Ni58(n,p)
24. nuclide 2825 process 16 Ni58(n,2n)
25. nuclide 2831 process 103 Ni60(n,p)
26. nuclide 2925 process 107 Cu63(n,alpha)
27. nuclide 2931 process 16 Cu65(n,2n)
28. nuclide 4931 process 51 In115(n,n')
29. nuclide 5325 process 16 I127(n,2n)
30. nuclide 2125 process 102 Sc45(n,g)
31. nuclide 1125 process 102 Na23(n,g)
32. nuclide 2637 process 102 Fe58(n,g)
33. nuclide 2725 process 102 Co59(n,g)
34. nuclide 2925 process 102 Cu63(n,g)
35. nuclide 4931 process 102 In115(n,g)
36. nuclide 7925 process 102 Au197(n,g)
37. nuclide 9040 process 102 Th232(n,g)
38. nuclide 9237 process 102 U238(n,g)
39. Square Root (E) where E is in MeV
40. Constant
41. nuclide 92234 process 18 -- u234(n,f)
42. nuclide 92236 process 18 -- u236(n,f)
43. nuclide 94240 process 18 -- pu240(n,f)
44. nuclide 94241 process 18 -- pu241(n,f)
45. nuclide 94242 process 18 -- pu242(n,f)
46. nuclide 4525 process 51 Rh103(n,n')
47. nuclide 1111 process 444 si-28 displacement kerma (eV-b) 2/17/94
48. nuclide 92238 process1018 -- u238 chi
49. nuclide 94239 process1018 -- pu239 chi
50. E > 1.0 MeV Neutron Flux
51. E > 0.1 MeV Neutron Flux
52. E < 0.414 eV Neutron Flux
53. Average Energy (MeV)
54. Delta-E (MeV)
55. Delta-u
Table 4b
Response Function Table Positions in Part B of Response Arrays
Pos. Description
1. nuclide 94238 process 18 -- pu238(n,f)
2. nuclide 92234 process 452 -- u234 nubar
3. nuclide 92235 process 452 -- u235 nubar
4. nuclide 92236 process 452 -- u236 nubar
5. nuclide 92238 process 452 -- u238 nubar
6. nuclide 94238 process 452 -- pu238 nubar
7. nuclide 94239 process 452 -- pu239 nubar
8. nuclide 94240 process 452 -- pu240 nubar
9. nuclide 94241 process 452 -- pu241 nubar
10. nuclide 94242 process 452 -- pu242 nubar
11. nuclide 92234 process1018 -- u234 chi
12. nuclide 92236 process1018 -- u236 chi
13. nuclide 94238 process1018 -- pu238 chi
14. nuclide 94240 process1018 -- pu240 chi
15. nuclide 94241 process1018 -- pu241 chi
16. nuclide 94242 process1018 -- pu242 chi