ID#: D00184ALLCP00 RSIC# DLC-184 CODE PKG NAME: VITAMIN-B6 COMPUTER: ALL COMPUTERS PACKAGED: 12/31/96 MOST RECENT UPDATE: *********************************************************************************** Distributed on CD-ROM, 4mm, 8mm or DC 6150 in a compressed Unix tar file (~70MB). NOTES for TAPE CARTRIDGE DISTRIBUTION 1. tar xvf /dev/rmt0 (reads from cartridge tape to disk) 2. uncompress -c d00184allcp00.tar | tar xvf - (uncompress and extract data files) *********************************************************************************** -rw-r--r-- ~195MB d00184allcp00.tar ********************************************************************************** bcd subdirectory contents README ampx.ag107 ampx.cm242 ampx.fe54 ampx.li7 ampx.pa233 ampx.ta182 ampx.ag109 ampx.cm243 ampx.fe56 ampx.pb206 ampx.th230 ampx.al27 ampx.cm244 ampx.fe57 ampx.mn55 ampx.pb207 ampx.th232 ampx.am241 ampx.cm245 ampx.fe58 ampx.pb208 ampx.ti ampx.am242 ampx.cm246 ampx.n14 ampx.pu236 ampx.u232 ampx.am242m ampx.cm247 ampx.h1ch2 ampx.n15 ampx.pu237 ampx.u233 ampx.am243 ampx.cm248 ampx.h1h2o ampx.na23 ampx.pu238 ampx.u234 ampx.au197 ampx.co59 ampx.h2d2o ampx.nb93 ampx.pu239 ampx.u235 ampx.b10 ampx.cr50 ampx.h3 ampx.ni58 ampx.pu240 ampx.u236 ampx.b11 ampx.cr52 ampx.he3 ampx.ni60 ampx.pu241 ampx.u237 ampx.ba138 ampx.cr53 ampx.he4 ampx.ni61 ampx.pu242 ampx.u238 ampx.be9 ampx.cr54 ampx.hf174 ampx.ni62 ampx.pu243 ampx.v ampx.be9th ampx.cu63 ampx.hf176 ampx.ni64 ampx.pu244 ampx.w182 ampx.bi209 ampx.cu65 ampx.hf177 ampx.np237 ampx.re185 ampx.w183 ampx.c ampx.eu151 ampx.hf178 ampx.np238 ampx.re187 ampx.w184 ampx.eu152 ampx.hf179 ampx.np239 ampx.s ampx.w186 ampx.cdnat ampx.eu153 ampx.hf180 ampx.o16 ampx.s32 ampx.wnat ampx.cgph ampx.eu154 ampx.innat ampx.o17 ampx.y89 ampx.clnat ampx.eu155 ampx.k ampx.p31 ampx.snnat ampx.zirc2 ampx.cm241 ampx.f19 ampx.li6 ampx.pa231 ampx.ta181 ampx.zr ampx.al27.rel4 - Al-27 processed from ENDV/B-VI Release 4 response.vb6r3 - neutron response functions in ANISN fine-group structure ******************************************************************************** bcd/test subdirectory contents -rw-r--r-- 5139 ctrb6.input -rw-r--r-- 288 ctrb6.msgs -rw-r--r-- 1086662 ctrb6.output -rw-r--r-- 2596 zpr1.input -rw-r--r-- 422 zpr1.msgs -rw-r--r-- 791860 zpr1.output -rw-r--r-- 693 zpr2.input -rw-r--r-- 77 zpr2.msgs -rw-r--r-- 606178 zpr2.output ******************************************************************************* NOTES: The README file includes info on reading the tape and running test cases. The ascii data files require approximately 200 MB of disk space. Extracting files from tar will create a subdirectory called "bcd" under the present working directory. The test cases were run on an IBM RS/6000 Model 590 using PSR-352/SCAMPI.