VITAMIN-B6: A Fine-Group Cross Section Library Based on ENDF/B-VI Release 3 for Radiation Transport Applications.
AIM: Convert AMPX master card-image data to binary format (not included).
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
The successful use of DLC-41/VITAMIN-C, which was based on ENDF/B-IV, and DLC-113/VITAMIN-E, which was based on ENDF/B-V, to a variety of radiation transport problems led to the development of specifications for VITAMIN-B6.
This new multigroup cross-section library based on ENDF/B-VI Release 3 data was produced and tested for light water reactor shielding and reactor pressure vessel dosimetry applications. Significant benchmark data testing of VITAMIN-B6 was an integral part of this development work to accelerate the qualification. Over 50 benchmarks were calculated using the VITAMIN-B6 library. In general, results using the new data show significant improvements relative to earlier ENDF data.
The successful application of VITAMIN-B6 to LWR pressure vessel fluence calculations has been demonstrated. It is expected that the range of applications will be similar to previous multigroup cross section development efforts using the VITAMIN concept (generation of fine-group, pseudo problem-independent data). In the past, the VITAMIN concept has proven to be a very effective approach for fusion reactor neutronics, LMFBR core physics analysis, radiation effects of nuclear weapons, and light water reactor shielding and dosimetry. This new fine-group, pseudo problem-independent, cross-section library contains 120 nuclides. Several dosimetry response functions and kerma factors for all 120 nuclides are also included with the library. Unlike previous VITAMIN series data libraries, VITAMIN- B6 contains multigroup cross sections with thermal upscattering.
VITAMIN-B6 is derived from ENDF/B-VI nuclear data, except for two nuclides (Sn obtained from LENDL and Zirc2 obtained from ENDF/B-IV). The responses and kerma factors were also derived primarily from ENDF/B-VI. The ENDF data were processed with the PSR-355/NJOY94 code system and converted to AMPX master library format with the SMILER module of PSR-315/AMPX77.
The actual 199 neutron group boundaries in VITAMIN-B6 were selected from 175 groups in VITAMIN-J (a European library based on the VITAMIN-C and VITAMIN-E structures) and the 27 groups used in the SCALE shielding library, with deference given to the VITAMIN-J boundaries at higher energies when the energy values are slightly different. The thermal energy range, which contains 36 neutron groups, is defined with 5.043 eV as the uppermost boundary.
The photon energy group structure is based on a combination of the 42 gamma-ray groups in VITAMIN-J and the 18 groups in the SCALE shielding library. The top energy group extends to 30 MeV, which allows proper representation of high energy gamma rays from neutron capture at high energies. Although the cross-section for capture at neutron energies between 20 and 30 MeV is small, such a reaction in some materials could produce gamma rays with energies between 20 and 30 MeV (VITAMIN-E gamma-ray groups only went up to 20 MeV).
Attached tables provide information on file contents.
Modules from PSR-352/SCAMPI, which is a subset of PSR-315/AMPX77 with some improvements from CCC-545/SCALE/4.3, were used to read the ASCII files, convert them to binary, and run test cases. The AIM program, which is included in each of these three packages, reads the formatted data and writes them as unformatted records.
Card images in AMPX master library format; all computers (D00184/ALLCP/00).
Run times are problem dependent. The test cases were run at RSICC on an IBM RS/6000 using modules from the SCAMPI package. The ctrb6 case ran in about 4 minutes. The zpr1 case ran in about 5 minutes, and the zpr2 case ran in about 10 minutes.
The following is interim documentation for DLC-184. Formal documentation is in process and will be announced in the RSICC Newsletter upon completion.
a. included in document:
RSICC, "READ.ME," (December 1996).
J. E. White, R. Q. Wright, D. T. Ingersoll, R. W. Roussin, N. M. Greene, and R. E. MacFarlane, "VITAMIN-B6: A Fine-Group Cross Section Library Based on ENDF/B-VI for Radiation Transport Applications," from Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, pp. 733-736 (May 1994).
J. E. White, D.T. Ingersoll, C. O. Slater, R. W. Roussin, "BUGLE-96: A Revised Multigroup Cross Section Library for LWR Applications Based on ENDF/B-VI Release 3," (presented at the American Nuclear Society Radiation Protection & Shielding Topical Meeting, April 21-25, 1996, Falmouth, MA) (April 1996).
b. background information:
D. T. Ingersoll, J. E. White, R. Q. Wright, H. T. Hunter, C. O. Slater, N. M. Greene, R. E. MacFarlane, R. W. Roussin, "Production and Testing of the VITAMIN-B6 Fine-Group and the BUGLE-93 Broad-Group Neutron/Photon Cross-Section Libraries Derived from ENDF/B-VI Nuclear Data," ORNL-6795, NUREG/CR-6214 (January 1995).
Included are the referenced documents and one CD-ROM, or cartridge tape which contain the data files and test cases written in a Unix tar file.
December 1996.
Table1. Nuclides available in VITAMIN-B6.
entry identifier nuclide
1 47107 ag107
2 47109 ag109
3 13027 al27
4 95241 am241
5 95242 am242
6 95601 am242m
7 95243 am243
8 79197 au197
9 5010 b10
10 5011 b11
11 56138 ba138
12 4009 be9
13 4309 be9(th)
14 83209 bi209
15 6012 c
16 6312 c (gph)
17 20000 ca
18 48000 cd(nat)
19 17000 cl(nat)
20 96241 cm241
21 96242 cm242
22 96243 cm243
23 96244 cm244
24 96245 cm245
25 96246 cm246
26 96247 cm247
27 96248 cm248
28 27059 co59
29 24050 cr50
30 24052 cr52
31 24053 cr53
32 24054 cr54
33 29063 cu63
34 29065 cu65
35 63151 eu151
36 63152 eu152
37 63153 eu153
38 63154 eu154
39 63155 eu155
40 9019 f19
41 26054 fe54
42 26056 fe56
43 26057 fe57
44 26058 fe58
45 31000 ga
46 1001 h1(h2o)
47 1901 h1(ch2)
48 1002 h2(d2o)
49 1003 h3
50 2003 he3
51 2004 he4
52 72174 hf174
53 72176 hf176
54 72177 hf177
55 72178 hf178
56 72179 hf179
57 72180 hf180
58 49000 in(nat)
59 19000 k
60 3006 li6
61 3007 li7
62 12000 mg
63 25055 mn55
64 42000 mo
65 7014 n14
66 7015 n15
67 11023 na23
68 41093 nb93
69 28058 ni58
70 28060 ni60
71 28061 ni61
72 28062 ni62
73 28064 ni64
74 93237 np237
75 93238 np238
76 93239 np239
77 8016 o16
78 8017 o17
79 15031 p31
80 91231 pa231
81 91233 pa233
82 82206 pb206
83 82207 pb207
84 82208 pb208
85 94236 pu-236
86 94237 pu237
87 94238 pu238
88 94239 pu239
89 94240 pu240
90 94241 pu241
91 94242 pu242
92 94243 pu243
93 94244 pu244
94 75185 re185
95 75187 re187
96 16000 s
97 16032 s32
98 14000 si
99 50000 sn(nat)
100 73181 ta181
101 73182 ta182
102 90230 th230
103 90232 th232
104 22000 ti
105 92232 u232
106 92233 u233
107 92234 u234
108 92235 u235
109 92236 u236
110 92237 u237
111 92238 u238
112 23000 v
113 74000 w(nat)
114 74182 w182
115 74183 w183
116 74184 w184
117 74186 w186
118 39089 y89
119 40000 zr
120 40302 zirc2
Table 2. List of response functions in ANISN format.
Table 2a.
Response Function Table Positions in Part A of Response Arrays
(Actual data in ANISN format used to produce DLC-185/BUGLE-96 in 241 x 279 matrix.)
Pos. Description
1. Upper Energy Boundaries (MeV)
2. nuclide 92235 process1018 -- u235 chi
3. li6 helium production 2/17/94
4. nuclide 525 process 107 B10(n,alpha)
5. nuclide 9040 process 18 Th232(n,f)
6. nuclide 92235 process 18 -- u235(n,f)
7. nuclide 92238 process 18 -- u238(n,f)
8. nuclide 9346 process 18 Np237(n,f)
9. nuclide 94239 process 18 -- pu239(n,f)
10. nuclide 13027 process 103 -- al27(n,p)
11. nuclide 13027 process 107 -- al27(n,alpha)
12. nuclide 1111 process 103 (vb6wgt.s32) s-32(n,p) 2/17/94
13. nuclide 2225 process 103 Ti46(n,p)
14. nuclide 2228 process 103 Ti47(n,p)
15. nuclide 2228 process 28 Ti47(n,n'p)
16. nuclide 2231 process 103 Ti48(n,p)
17. nuclide 2231 process 28 Ti48(n,n'p)
18. nuclide 2525 process 16 Mn55(n,2n)
19. nuclide 2625 process 103 Fe54(n,p)
20. nuclide 2631 process 103 Fe56(n,p)
21. nuclide 2725 process 16 Co59(n,2n)
22. nuclide 2725 process 107 Co59(n,p)
23. nuclide 2825 process 103 Ni58(n,p)
24. nuclide 2825 process 16 Ni58(n,2n)
25. nuclide 2831 process 103 Ni60(n,p)
26. nuclide 2925 process 107 Cu63(n,alpha)
27. nuclide 2931 process 16 Cu65(n,2n)
28. nuclide 4931 process 51 In115(n,n')
29. nuclide 5325 process 16 I127(n,2n)
30. nuclide 2125 process 102 Sc45(n,g)
31. nuclide 1125 process 102 Na23(n,g)
32. nuclide 2637 process 102 Fe58(n,g)
33. nuclide 2725 process 102 Co59(n,g)
34. nuclide 2925 process 102 Cu63(n,g)
35. nuclide 4931 process 102 In115(n,g)
36. nuclide 7925 process 102 Au197(n,g)
37. nuclide 9040 process 102 Th232(n,g)
38. nuclide 9237 process 102 U238(n,g)
39. Square Root (E) where E is in MeV
40. Constant
41. nuclide 92234 process 18 -- u234(n,f)
42. nuclide 92236 process 18 -- u236(n,f)
43. nuclide 94240 process 18 -- pu240(n,f)
44. nuclide 94241 process 18 -- pu241(n,f)
45. nuclide 94242 process 18 -- pu242(n,f)
46. nuclide 4525 process 51 Rh103(n,n')
47. nuclide 1111 process 444 si-28 displacement kerma (eV-b) 2/17/94
48. nuclide 92238 process1018 -- u238 chi
49. nuclide 94239 process1018 -- pu239 chi
50. E > 1.0 MeV Neutron Flux
51. E > 0.1 MeV Neutron Flux
52. E < 0.414 eV Neutron Flux
53. Average Energy (MeV)
54. Delta-E (MeV)
55. Delta-u
Table 2b
Response Function Table Positions in Part B of Response Arrays
(Actual data in ANISN format used to produce DLC-185/BUGLE-96 in 241 x 279 matrix.)
Pos. Description
1. nuclide 94238 process 18 -- pu238(n,f)
2. nuclide 92234 process 452 -- u234 nubar
3. nuclide 92235 process 452 -- u235 nubar
4. nuclide 92236 process 452 -- u236 nubar
5. nuclide 92238 process 452 -- u238 nubar
6. nuclide 94238 process 452 -- pu238 nubar
7. nuclide 94239 process 452 -- pu239 nubar
8. nuclide 94240 process 452 -- pu240 nubar
9. nuclide 94241 process 452 -- pu241 nubar
10. nuclide 94242 process 452 -- pu242 nubar
11. nuclide 92234 process1018 -- u234 chi
12. nuclide 92236 process1018 -- u236 chi
13. nuclide 94238 process1018 -- pu238 chi
14. nuclide 94240 process1018 -- pu240 chi
15. nuclide 94241 process1018 -- pu241 chi
16. nuclide 94242 process1018 -- pu242 chi