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Package NameAbstractRSICC TapelistTitle
AISITE IIAbstractC00286 I0360 00Reactor Siting Code System.
BOT3P-5.3AbstractP00530 MNYCP 02Code System for 2D and 3D Mesh Generation and Graphical Display of Geometry and Results for Radiation Transport Codes.
CHNSEDAbstractC00671 I0360 00Code System to Model Sediment & Containment Transport.
CORTESAbstractP00404 I0360 00Code System for Thermal & Mechanical Analysis of Tees.
EEDBAbstractP00531 MNYCP 00The Energy Economic Data Base.
ENTREE 1.4.0AbstractP00519 MNYWS 00BWR Core Simulation System for Space and Time Dependent Coupled Phenomena.
AbstractP00485 CY000 00Code System for Static and Dynamic Piping System Analysis.
EXPRESSAbstractC00622 MNYCP 00Exact Preparedness Supporting System.
FAMRECAbstractP00167 C7600 01Fuel Assembly Mechanical Response Code System.
FLODISAbstractP00417 I0360 00Code System to Calculate Thermal Response of FSV HTGR Core.
FORECAST V3.0AbstractP00384 IBMPC 00Forecast Regulatory Effects Cost Analysis Program.
GUI2QAD-3DAbstractC00697 PC586 01A Graphical User Interface for QAD-CGPIC, a Point Kernal Code for Neutron and Gamma-Ray Shielding Calculations in Complex Geometry.
HORNAbstractC00568 I3083 00A Computer Code To Analyze The Gas-Phase Transport of Fission Products In Reactor Cooling System Under Severe Accidents.
INTRUDE-ANSAbstractC00539 D8810 00A Repository Intrusion Risk Evaluation Code.
AbstractD00194 ALLCP 00Las Cruces Trench Site Database, Vadose Model.
LEAFAbstractC00312 C6600 00Fission Product Release Calculator-From a Reactor Containment Building for Arbitrary Radioactive Decay Chains.
NRCDOSE 2.3.20AbstractC00684 PC586 14Code System for Evaluating Routine Radioactive Effluents from Nuclear Power Plants with a Windows Interface.
NRCPIPES 2.0AAbstractP00429 IBMPC 00Code System for Fracture Mechanics Analysis of Circumferential Surface Cracks in Pipes.
OMCOSTAbstractP00381 I3033 00Code System for Non-fuel O & M Cost Estimation for Large Steam-Electric Power Plants.
ORMGEN3DAbstractP00430 CY0MP 00Mesh Generator for 3-D Crack Geometries.
ORTURBAbstractP00418 I0360 00HTGR Steam Turbine Dynamic Behavior.
PADLOCAbstractC00330 U0000 00A One-Dimensional, Time-Dependent Program for Calculating Coolant and Plateout Fission Product Concentrations in a Network of Pipes.
PREMORAbstractC00369 I0360 00A Point Reactor Exposure Code System for Survey Nuclear Analysis of Power Plant Performance.
PRESTAbstractC00355 I0360 00Calculator of Pressure and Temperature Transient in Containment Studies.
PWR-AXBUPRO-GKNAbstractD00209 MNYCP 00Measured Axial Burnup Profiles for NeckarWesthiem PWR Reactors.
Q&AAbstractP00428 IBMPC 00Questions and Answers Based on Revised 10 CFR Part 20
REFCO83AbstractP00447 I3033 00Nuclear Fuel Cycle Cost Economics Code System.
REST 1;2;3AbstractC00225 I0360 00Fission Product Inventory Code System with Fission Product Escape Model.
SACHETAbstractC00571 D8810 00A Computer Program To Evaluate The Dynamic Fission Product Inventories in the Multiple Compartment System of PWR's.
SAMCRAbstractP00487 U1100 00Code System for 2-D Elastodynamic Fracture Analysis.
SEISIM1AbstractP00453 C7600 00Code System for Seismic Probabilistic Risk Assessment.
AbstractP00493 CY000 00Seismic/Hazard Characterization in the Eastern U.S.
SMAFSAbstractP00547 PC586 00Steady-State Analysis Model for Advanced Fuel Cycle Schemes.
AbstractP00476 C7600 00Code System to Calculate Stress-Strains from Transient Pressures.
AbstractP00583 PCX86 00Code System to Predict Leakage Rate and Area of Crack Opening for Cracked Pipes in Nuclear Power Plants.
TEMPEST-2AbstractP00558 I0360 00Thermalization Program for Neutron Spectra and MultiGroup Cross-Sections.
TEMPEST-BNWAbstractP00559 C7600 00Transient 3-D Thermohydraulics for FBR.
THYDE-B1/MOD2AbstractP00553 FM200 00Computer Code for PWR LOCA Thermohydraulic Transient Analysis.
THYDE-P2AbstractP00554 FV100 00Computer Code for PWR LOCA Thermohydraulic Transient Analysis.
TIBSOAbstractC00512 MNYCP 00Code System to Calculate Production and Migration of Radionuclides in Nuclear Reactor Systems.
UTSGAbstractP00379 I3033 00Code System for Calculating the Nonlinear Transient Behavior of a Natural Circulation U-Tube Steam Generator with Its Main Steam System.
WIMS-ANL 4.0AbstractC00698 MNYCP 00Deterministic Code System for Reactor Lattice Calculation.
WIMSD-5B.12AbstractC00656 MNYCP 02Deterministic Code System for Reactor Lattice Calculation
The Radiation Safety Information Computational Center (RSICC) collects, analyzes, maintains, and distributes software in the areas of radiation transport and safety. RSICC resides in the Nuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle Division (NEFCD) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.