THYDE-B1/MOD2: Computer Code for the Analysis of Small-Break Loss-of-Coolant Accident of Boiling Water Reactors.
Department of Nuclear Safety Evaluation Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki-Ken, Japan, through the OECD NEA Data Bank, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France.
FACOM M-200; FORTRAN77 (P00553FM20000). (NEADB ID: NEA-0778/003).
THYDE-B1/MOD2 is a computer code to analyze thermo-hydraulic transients of the reactor cooling system of a BWR, mainly during a small-break loss-of coolant accident (SB-LOCA) with special emphasis on the behavior of pressure and mixture level in the pressure vessel. THYDE-B1/MOD2 uses the steam table subroutines of RELAP-4, so the same steam table dataset as used in RELAP-4 must be supplied.
The running time depends on the number of time steps and the complexity of the nodalization of the system to be analyzed. A rough estimate of CPU time requirements is about 6ms/volume.step on FACOM M-200. As a BWR is usually modeled by 4 to 6 volumes with time step size of 3 to 10 milliseconds, the total CPU time for a transient of 500 seconds is about 0.5 to 2 hours.
A Fortran compiler is required. No executables are included in the distribution. The results of a THYDE-B1/MOD2 calculation were plotted by the SPLPACK-1 program generally designed for transient analysis codes and used the CALCOMP plotting system. The NEADB first released this package in 1989; it was not modified when RSICC released it in 2009.
10.a Included in the document
K. Muramatsu and M. Akimoto: THYDE-B1/MOD1: A Computer Code for Analysis of Small-Break Loss-of-Coolant Accidents of Boiling Water Reactors, JAERI-M 82-126, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute report (August 1982).
Library Functions and Subroutines Used in THYDE-B1 and SPLPLOT-1.
10.b Background information
K. Muramatsu et al., Users Manual for SPLPACK-1 A Program Package for Plotting and Editing of Experimental and Analytical Data of Various Transient Systems, JAERI-M 83-166 (1983).
K. Muramatsu et al., Analysis of ROSA-III Small-Break LOCA Experiment RUN 804 by THYDE-B1 Computer Code, JAERI-M 9413 (1981).
T. Simizu, Verification of LOCA/ECCS Analysis Code ALARM-B2 and THYDE-B1 by Comparison with RELAP4/MOD6/U4/J3, JAERI-M 82-094 (1982).
THYDE-B1/MOD2 SPLPLOT-1: Plotting Output
The package contains the documents cited in Section 10.a and one self-extracting compressed DOS file on a single CD. This file includes Fortran and assembler source code, steam table data and sample problem input and output.
January 2010.