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Packages with Keyword: RADIOLOGICAL SAFETY
Package NameAbstractRSICC TapelistTitle
AIRDOS-PCAbstractC00551 IBMPC 00Clean Air Act Compliance Software for Personal Computers.
ARRRGAbstractC00404 U1100 00Calculation of Radiation Dose to Man from Radionuclides in the Environment.
AT123DAbstractC00417 I0360 00Analytical Transient One-, Two-, and Three-Dimensional Simulation of Waste Transport in an Aquifer System.
BUSHAbstractC00333 I0360 00A Code to Calculate Radiation Doses Inside Buildings from Routine Releases of Radionuclides to the Atmosphere.
CAACAbstractC00476 D0VAX 00Code System for Implementation of Atmospheric Dispersion Assessment Required by the Clear Air Act.
CAACAbstractC00476 I3033 00Code System for Implementation of Atmospheric Dispersion Assessment Required by the Clear Air Act.
CAP-88AbstractC00542 D0VAX 00Clean Air Act Assessment Package.
CAP-88AbstractC00542 I3090 00Clean Air Act Assessment Package.
CAP-88AbstractC00542 IBMPC 00Clean Air Act Assessment Package.
CAP88-PCAbstractC00542 IBMPC 01Clean Air Act Assessment Package.
CRRISAbstractC00518 I3033 00Computerized Radiological Risk Investigation System for Assessing Doses and Health Risks from Atmospheric Releases of Radionuclides.
CRRISAbstractC00518 PC586 00Computerized Radiological Risk Investigation System for Assessing Doses and Health Risks from Atmospheric Releases of Radionuclides.
DOSFACTER IIAbstractC00400 D0750 00Calculation of Dose-Rate Conversion Factors for Exposure to Photons and Electrons.
DOSFACTER IIAbstractC00400 I0360 00Calculation of Dose-Rate Conversion Factors for Exposure to Photons and Electrons.
DOSFACTER-DOEAbstractC00536 I3033 00Calculation of Dose-Rate Conversion Factors for Exposure to Photons and Electrons.
DWNWNDAbstractC00383 DP010 00Interactive Gaussian Plume Atmospheric Transport Model.
FOODAbstractC00403 U1108 00Calculation of Radiation Dose to Man from Radionuclides in the Environment.
GALE BWRAbstractC00335 U1100 00Boiling Water and Pressurized Water Reactors Gaseous and Liquid Effluents Radiological Assessment Code System.
GALE PWR & BWRAbstractC00335 I3033 00Boiling Water and Pressurized Water Reactors Gaseous and Liquid Effluents Radiological Assessment Code System.
GALE86AbstractC00506 MNYCP 02Calculation of Routine Radioactive Releases in Gaseous and Liquid Effluents from Boiling Water and Pressurized Water Reactors.
GENII 2.10AbstractC00737 PCX86 02Environmental Radiation Dosimetry Software System.
GENII-LIN 2.1AbstractC00728 PC586 01GENII-LIN Multipurpose Health Physics Code System with a New Object-Oriented Interface, Release 2.0.
HADOCAbstractC00452 U1100 00Calculates External and Inhalation Doses from Acute Radionuclide Releases on the Hanford Site.
HOTSPOT 3.0.2AbstractM00009 IBMPC 03Health Physics Code System for Evaluating Accidents Involving Radioactive Materials.
INGDOSAbstractC00408 DP010 00A Conversational Code System Designed to Implement NRC Reg-Guide 1.109 Models for Estimation of Annual Doses from Ingestion of Atmospherically Released Radionuclides in Foods.
KRONICAbstractC00229 I0360 00Calculation of Annual Average External (Beta and Gamma Radiation) Doses from Chronic Atmospheric Releases of Radionuclides.
KRONICAbstractC00229 U1108 00Calculation of Annual Average External (Beta and Gamma Radiation) Doses from Chronic Atmospheric Releases of Radionuclides.
LADTAP IIAbstractC00363 C7600 00Code System for Calculating Radiation Exposure to Man from Routine Release of Nuclear Reactor Liquid Effluents.
LADTAP IIAbstractC00363 D0780 00Code System for Calculating Radiation Exposure to Man from Routine Release of Nuclear Reactor Liquid Effluents.
LADTAP IIAbstractC00363 I3033 00Code System for Calculating Radiation Exposure to Man from Routine Release of Nuclear Reactor Liquid Effluents.
LPGSAbstractC00385 I3033 00Code System for Calculating Radiation Exposure Resulting from Accidental Radioactive Releases to the Hydrosphere.
NRCDOSE 2.3.20AbstractC00684 PC586 14Code System for Evaluating Routine Radioactive Effluents from Nuclear Power Plants with a Windows Interface.
NRCDOSE72V1.2.3AbstractC00768 PCX86 03Code System for Evaluating Routine Radioactive Effluents from Nuclear Power Plants with a Windows Interface.
PABLMAbstractC00402 U1100 00Calculation of Accumulated Radiation Doses to Man from Radionuclides Found in Food Products and from Radionuclides in the Environment.
PRESTO-IIAbstractC00504 I0360 00Code System for Low-Level Waste Environmental Transport and Risk Assessment.
RABFIN PARTSAbstractC00668 IBMPC 00Code System for Calculating Gaseous Effluent Dose Parameters.
RASCAL 4.3AbstractC00783 PCX86 02Radiological Assessment for Consequence Analysis.
RATAFAbstractC00681 IMFPC 01Code System for the Radioactive Liquid Tank Failure Study.
AbstractC00623 IBMPC 02Radiological Risk Assessment Code System for Spent Nuclear Fuel Transportation.
RSAC-7.2AbstractC00761 PC586 01Radiological Safety Analysis.
SHARDAAbstractC00521 C0740 00Sample Heat, Activity, Reactivity, and Dose Analysis for Safety Analysis of Irradiations in a Research Reactor.
SLIDERULE 1.0AbstractC00704 PC586 01Nuclear Criticality Slide Rule.
TIRION 4AbstractC00395 I3033 00A Program for Calculating Consequences of a Release of Radioactive Material to the Atmosphere.
WEERIEAbstractC00426 I3033 00Code System for Assessing the Radiological Consequences of Airborne Effluents from Nuclear Installations.
The Radiation Safety Information Computational Center (RSICC) collects, analyzes, maintains, and distributes software in the areas of radiation transport and safety. RSICC resides in the Nuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle Division (NEFCD) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.