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Packages with Keyword: ISOTOPE INVENTORY
Package NameAbstractRSICC TapelistTitle
AARE-V1.0AbstractC00846 MNYCP 00Activation in Accelerator Radiation Environments
ACAB-2008AbstractC00758 MNYCP 01Activation Abacus Inventory Code System for Nuclear Applications.
ACT-ARAAbstractC00372 CYXMP 00Code System for the Calculation of Changes in Radiological Source Terms with Time.
AISITE IIAbstractC00286 I0360 00Reactor Siting Code System.
AKTIVAbstractC00339 I0360 00An Evaluation of Activity, Afterheat and Biological Hazard Potential of Stainless Steel Structures in Fusion Reactor Blankets.
ALARA 2.7.8AbstractC00723 MNYCP 00Code System for Analytic and Laplacian Adaptive Radioactivity Analysis.
ALPHNAbstractC00612 IBMPC 00Code System for Calculating (alpha,n) Neutron Production in Canisters of High-Level Waste.
ANITA-2000AbstractC00693 MNYCP 00Analysis of Neutron Induced Transmutation and Activation.
ANITA-4AbstractC00606 MNYCP 01Analysis of Neutron Induced Transmutation and Activation.
BISON 1.5AbstractC00464 HM200 00One-Dimensional Discrete Ordinate Transport and Burnup Calculation Code System.
BISON-CAbstractC00659 MNYWS 00One-Dimensional Discrete Ordinate Transport and Burnup Calculation Code System.
CACA-2AbstractC00302 I0360 00Heavy Isotope and Fission-Product Concentration Calculation Code System.
CARMEN SYSTEMAbstractC00487 U1110 00A Code System for Neutronics PWR Calculation by Diffusion Theory with Space-Dependent Feedback Effects.
CHAINS-PCAbstractC00604 IBMPC 00Code System to Compute Atom Density of Members of a Single Decay Chain.
CINDER 1.05AbstractC00755 PC586 00Code System for Actinide Transmutation Calculations
DCHAIN 1.3AbstractC00640 MNYCP 01Code System for Radioactive Decay and Reaction Chain Calculations.
DCHAIN-SP2001AbstractC00712 MNYWS 01Code System for Analyzing Decay and Build-up Characteristics of Spallation Products.
DKRAbstractC00323 CY000 00A Radioactivity and Dose Rate Calculation Code System for Fusion Reactors.
FDKRAbstractC00541 I4381 00Radioactivity and Dose Rate Calculation Code for Fission, Fusion and Hybrid Reactors.
FISPINAbstractC00413 ICL00 00Nuclide Inventory Calculation System.
HARADAbstractC00387 I0360 00Calculation of Daughter Concentrations in Air Following the Atmospheric Release of a Parent Radionuclide.
HYACINTHAbstractC00294 I0360 00Fast Heavy Isotope Point Burnup and Decay Code System - Analytical Solution.
INAPAbstractC00235 U1108 00Improved Neutron Activation Prediction Code Systems.
INREM IIAbstractC00392 I3033 00Computer Implementation of Recent Models for Estimating the Dose Equivalent to Organs of Man from an Inhaled or Ingested Radionuclide.
ISOGEN IIAbstractC00055 I3675 00Radioisotope Generator Code.
KORIGENAbstractC00457 I3033 00A Modification of the Isotope Generation and Depletion Code System ORIGEN.
LEAFAbstractC00312 C6600 00Fission Product Release Calculator-From a Reactor Containment Building for Arbitrary Radioactive Decay Chains.
LIONSAbstractC00247 I0360 00Calculation of Fission Product Inventory, Gamma-Ray Dose Rates and Gamma-Ray Doses by Kernel Integration.
MAGIKAbstractC00359 I0360 00A Monte Carlo Code System for Computing Induced Residual Activation Dose Rates.
MARMERAbstractC00579 D8350 00A Flexible Point-Kernel Shielding Code System.
MARMERAbstractC00579 PC486 00A Flexible Point-Kernel Shielding Code System.
MTR_PC 2.6AbstractC00674 PC386 00Modular Code System for Neutronics, Thermalhydraulics and Shielding Calculations.
MYRAAbstractC00056 C0000 00Calculation of Shipping Costs and Cask Designs for Irradiated Fuel Elements.
MYRAAbstractC00056 I7090 00Calculation of Shipping Costs and Cask Designs for Irradiated Fuel Elements.
NACAbstractC00164 C0000 00Neutron Activation Analysis and Product Isotope Inventory Code System.
NACAbstractC00164 IBMMF 00Neutron Activation Analysis and Product Isotope Inventory Code System.
NAC-PCAbstractC00164 IBMPC 00Neutron Activation Analysis and Product Isotope Inventory Code System.
NAPAbstractC00101 I7090 00Multigroup Time-Dependent Neutron Activation Prediction Code.
ORIGEN2.2AbstractC00371 ALLCP 03Isotope Generation and Depletion Code - Matrix Exponential Method.
ORIGEN-JENDL32AbstractC00703 MNYWS 00Isotope Generation and Depletion Code - Matrix Exponential Method.
PREMORAbstractC00369 I0360 00A Point Reactor Exposure Code System for Survey Nuclear Analysis of Power Plant Performance.
PURSEAbstractC00338 C6600 00A Plutonium Radiation Source Code System.
RACCAbstractC00388 CY000 00A Code System for Computing Radioactivity-Related Parameters for Fusion Reactor Systems.
RACCAbstractC00388 I3033 00A Code System for Computing Radioactivity-Related Parameters for Fusion Reactor Systems.
RACC-PULSEAbstractC00639 MNYWS 00RACC Code System for Computing Radioactivity-Related Parameters for Fusion Reactor Systems Modified for Pulsed/Intermittent Activation Analysis.
RADACAbstractC00627 PC486 02Code System for Calculating Radioactive Decay and Accumulation of Decayed Products Using Integer-Array Arithmetic for Precise Evaluation of the Bateman Equations.
RASPAAbstractC00352 C7600 00A Code for the Calculation of Buildup and Decay of Fission Products and Actinides.
RIBD-IIAbstractC00137 C6600 00Radioisotope Buildup and Decay Code System.
RIBD-IIAbstractC00137 I0360 00Radioisotope Buildup and Decay Code System.
RIBD-IRTAbstractC00382 U1100 00Radioisotope Buildup and Decay Code System.
RICECCCAbstractC00348 I0360 00A Reactor Nuclide Inventory Code for Calculating Actinides and Fission Products.
SANDORAbstractC00364 C7600 00Isotope Generation and Depletion Code Matrix Exponential Method.
SOSUMAbstractC00109 I3675 00Multigroup Beta and Gamma-Ray Energy Sources from Activities.
SOURCES-4CAbstractC00661 MNYCP 04Code System for Calculating (alpha,n), Spontaneous Fission, and Delayed Neutron Sources and Spectra.
SRAC95AbstractC00716 MNYWS 00Thermal Reactor Code System for Reactor Design and Analysis.
SWATAbstractC00714 MNYCP 01Step-Wise Burnup Analysis Code System to Combine SRAC-95 Cell Calculation Code and ORIGEN2.
THIDA-2AbstractC00410 FM380 00Code System for the Calculation of Transmutation, Activation, Decay Heat and Dose Rate in Fusion Reactors.
VESTA 2.1.5-AURORA 1.0AbstractC00769 PCX86 01A Generic Monte Carlo Code and Depletion Module Interface.
The Radiation Safety Information Computational Center (RSICC) collects, analyzes, maintains, and distributes software in the areas of radiation transport and safety. RSICC resides in the Nuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle Division (NEFCD) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.