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Packages with Keyword: PWR
Package NameAbstractRSICC TapelistTitle
BUGENDF70.BOLIBAbstractD00262 PCX86 00ENDF/B-VII.0 Broad-Group Coupled Cross Section Library for LWR Shielding & Pressure Vessel Dosimetry Applications.
BUGJEFF311.BOLIBAbstractD00254 MNYCP 01JEFF-3.1.1 Broad-Group Coupled Cross Section Library For LWR Shielding & Pressure Vessel Dosimetry Applications.
EQUIVA-1.1AbstractP00323 IMFPC 00Generation of Environment-Insensitive Equivalent Diffusion Theory Parameters for PWR Reflector Regions.
EQUIVA-2AbstractP00324 IMFPC 00Generation of Environment-Insensitive Equivalent Diffusion Theory Parameters for PWR Reflector Regions.
FAMRECAbstractP00167 C7600 01Fuel Assembly Mechanical Response Code System.
GALE86AbstractC00506 MNYCP 02Calculation of Routine Radioactive Releases in Gaseous and Liquid Effluents from Boiling Water and Pressurized Water Reactors.
LEPRICONAbstractP00277 I3033 01PWR Pressure Vessel Surveillance Dosimetry Analysis System.
LEPRICONAbstractP00277 IRISC 00PWR Pressure Vessel Surveillance Dosimetry Analysis System.
MARCH2AbstractP00473 CDCMF 00Code System to Model LWR Meltdown Accident Response.
MARIA SYSTEMAbstractP00359 D6000 00Code System to Calculate Cross Sections for PWR Fuel Assembly Calculations.
OCTAVIAAbstractP00460 I0370 00Code System to Calculate Pressure Vessel Failure Probabilities.
ORCENT-2AbstractP00474 I3033 00Code System for Analysis of Steam Turbine Cycles Supplied by Light Water Reactors.
ORLIBJ32AbstractD00255 MNYCP 00ORIGEN2 Libraries Based on JENDL-3.2.
PWR-AXBUPRO-GKNAbstractD00209 MNYCP 00Measured Axial Burnup Profiles for NeckarWesthiem PWR Reactors.
RCSLK9AbstractP00452 IBMPC 00Code System to Calculate Reactor Coolant System Leak Rate.
SCOPEAbstractP00210 I3033 00Computer Code System for Shipping Cask Optimization and Parametric Evaluation.
AbstractP00476 C7600 00Code System to Calculate Stress-Strains from Transient Pressures.
THYDE-P2AbstractP00554 FV100 00Computer Code for PWR LOCA Thermohydraulic Transient Analysis.
UTSGAbstractP00379 I3033 00Code System for Calculating the Nonlinear Transient Behavior of a Natural Circulation U-Tube Steam Generator with Its Main Steam System.
WREM-TOODEE2AbstractP00469 ALLMF 002-D Time-Dependent Fuel Element, Thermal Analysis Code System.
The Radiation Safety Information Computational Center (RSICC) collects, analyzes, maintains, and distributes software in the areas of radiation transport and safety. RSICC resides in the Nuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle Division (NEFCD) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.