BUGJEFF311.BOLIB: JEFF-3.1.1 Broad-Group Coupled Cross Section Library For LWR Shielding & Pressure Vessel Dosimetry Applications.
ENEA-Bologna 2007 Revision of SCAMPI, NJOY-99.259 (P480MNYCP00).
Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and the Environment "E. Clementel" Research Centre, Bologna, Italy and Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk, Russian Federation through the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency Data Bank, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France.
The ENEA-Bologna Nuclear Data Group generated the
BUGJEFF311.BOLIB library in FIDO-ANISN format. BUGJEFF311.BOLIB is a
broad-group coupled neutron and photon working cross section library dedicated
to LWR shielding and pressure vessel dosimetry applications and it is based on
the OECD-NEA Data Bank JEFF-3.1.1 library of evaluated nuclear data. The
neutron and photon energy group structures (47 neutron groups + 20 photon
groups) of BUGJEFF311.BOLIB are the same as those of the corresponding BUGLE-96
similar library generated at ORNL in 1996, based on ENDF/B-VI.3 evaluated
nuclear data. BUGJEFF311.BOLIB was produced from the ENEA-Bologna VITJEFF311.BOLIB
fine-group mother library in AMPX format, based on JEFF-3.1.1 data.
The fine-group data of VITJEFF311.BOLIB were collapsed and in some cases self-shielded, through the ENEA-Bologna 2007 Revision of the SCAMPI nuclear data processing system, using neutron and photon flux spectra typical of PWR and BWR reactor models. The ENEA-BOLOGNA VITJEFF311.BOLIB and BUGJEFF311.BOLIB libraries can be respectively considered as European counterparts of the ORNL VITAMIN-B6 and BUGLE-96 libraries. BUGJEFF311.BOLIB, differently from BUGLE-96 which contains only prompt neutron fission spectra (chi) and prompt neutrons per fission (nu) data, includes total (prompt + delayed) neutron fission spectra and total (prompt + delayed) neutrons per fission for 35 fissionable nuclides.
From VITJEFF311.BOLIB it is possible to generate easily, through further proper data processing, working libraries of collapsed and self-shielded cross sections in AMPX format for calculations with the AMPX, SCAMPI and SCALE systems or in FIDO-ANISN format (as for example the BUGJEFF311.BOLIB library) for calculations with the DOORS and PARTISN deterministic transport systems and finally for calculations with the MORSE Monte Carlo code. This problem-dependent data processing must be exclusively performed through the ENEA-Bologna 2007 Revision of the SCAMPI system that can read the binary files generated by NJOY-99 with double precision data.
Preliminary testing of the BUGJEFF311.BOLIB library was
performed through three-dimensional fixed source transport calculations with
the TORT-3.2 discrete ordinates (SN) code on the PCA-Replica 12/13 and VENUS-3
engineering neutron shielding benchmark experiments, included in the SINBAD
international database of fission reactor shielding integral experiments. The
two cited experiments were specifically conceived to check the nuclear data and
transport codes used in LWR radiation shielding and radiation damage analyses.
NUMBER OF GROUPS: 47 neutron groups and 20 photon groups
THERMAL NEUTRON GROUPS: 5 neutron groups below 5.043 eV without/ with
upscattering cross sections retained
NEUTRON ENERGY RANGE: 1.0E-5 eV - 17.332 MeV
PHOTON ENERGY RANGE: 10.0 keV - 14.0 MeV
CROSS SECTION LEGENDRE ORDER: P7 for materials with Z less or equal to 29
(copper); P5 for the remainder of the nuclides
H-H2O H-CH2 H-ZrH D-D2O H-3 He-3 He-4 Li-6
Li-7 Be-9 Be-Th B-10 B-11 C-nat C-Gph N-14
N-15 O-16 O-17 F-19 Na-23 Mg-24 Mg-25 Mg-26
Al-27 Si-28 Si-29 Si-30 P-31 S-32 S-33 S-34
S-36 Cl-35 Cl-37 K-39 K-40 K-41 Ca-40 Ca-42
Ca-43 Ca-44 Ca-46 Ca-48 Ti-46 Ti-47 Ti-48 Ti-49
Ti-50 V-nat Cr-50 Cr-52 Cr-53 Cr-54 Mn-55 Fe-54
Fe-56 Fe-57 Fe-58 Co-59 Ni-58 Ni-60 Ni-61 Ni-62
Ni-64 Cu-63 Cu-65 Ga-nat Y-89 Zr-90 Zr-91 Zr-92
Zr-94 Zr-96 Nb-93 Mo-92 Mo-94 Mo-95 Mo-96 Mo-97
Mo-98 Mo-100 Ag-107 Ag-109 Cd-106 Cd-108 Cd-110 Cd-111
Cd-112 Cd-113 Cd-114 Cd-115m Cd-116 In-113 In-115 Sn-112
Sn-114 Sn-115 Sn-116 Sn-117 Sn-118 Sn-119 Sn-120 Sn-122
Sn-123 Sn-124 Sn-125 Sn-126 Ba-138 Eu-151 Eu-152 Eu-153
Eu-154 Eu-155 Gd-152 Gd-154 Gd-155 Gd-156 Gd-157 Gd-158
Gd-160 Er-162 Er-164 Er-166 Er-167 Er-168 Er-170 Hf-174
Hf-176 Hf-177 Hf-178 Hf-179 Hf-180 Ta-181 Ta-182 W-182
W-183 W-184 W-186 Re-185 Re-187 Au-197 Pb-204 Pb-206
Pb-207 Pb-208 Bi-209 Th-230 Th-232 Pa-231 Pa-233 U-232
U-233 U-234 U-235 U-236 U-237 U-238 Np-237 Np-238
Np-239 Pu-236 Pu-237 Pu-238 Pu-239 Pu-240 Pu-241 Pu-242
Pu-243 Pu-244 Am-241 Am-242 Am-242m Am-243 Cm-241 Cm-242
Cm-243 Cm-244 Cm-245 Cm-246 Cm-247 Cm-248
nat=natural element
Five fine-group (199 neutron groups + 42 photon groups) neutron and photon
problem-dependent weighting spectra were employed to generate the BUGJEFF311.BOLIB
cross sections through VITJEFF311.BOLIB cross section collapsing. These
problem-dependent weighting spectra were pre-calculated with the XSDRNPM
one-dimensional transport module of the ENEA-BOLOGNA 2007 Revision of the ORNL
SCAMPI system. The calculations were performed in representative spatial
locations of the radial geometries of the BWR and PWR one-dimensional models.
In particular neutron and photon flux spectra calculated in the following five
specific locations were used to obtain the collapsed cross section sets:
1) off-center in a BWR core region;
2) off-center in a PWR core region;
3) within the downcomer region in a PWR model;
4) within the PWR pressure vessel (PV) at a depth of one-fourth the total
thickness (T) (1/4 T PV);
5) within the concrete shield surrounding a PWR pressure vessel.
In particular an infinite dilution cross section set containing 182 materials
was generated through cross section collapsing using the neutron and photon
flux spectra calculated within the concrete shield surrounding a PWR reactor
pressure vessel. The concrete-spectrum-weighted cross sections have been shown
to be generally applicable to a wide range of shielding problems. With the
neutron and photon flux spectra calculated in the cited spatial locations were
produced, in addition, six parameterized cross section sets of self-shielded
cross sections for various material mixtures, typical of BWR and PWR
compositional models.
The BUGJEFF311.BOLIB library contains several types of response functions.
"General Neutron Response Functions"
This set of data includes the neutron group upper energies, the group energy
widths, the group lethargy widths, the group midpoint energies (E-mid), the
group square-roots of E-mid and the group multiplicative factors for the total
neutron flux, the E>1.0 MeV neutron flux, the E>0.1 MeV neutron flux and
the E<0.414 eV neutron flux.
"Total Neutron Fission Spectra (chi) and Total Neutrons per Fission
This set of data includes the total (prompt + delayed) neutron fission spectra
(chi) and the total (prompt + delayed) neutrons per fission (nu) data for 35
fissionable nuclides. The total neutrons per fission were obtained
with two different neutron weighting spectra: flat weighting and 1/4 T PV weighting.
"IAEA IRDF-2002 Neutron Dosimeter Cross Sections"
This set of data contains the dosimeter cross sections for all the 71 nuclear
reactions included in the IAEA IRDF-2002 International Reactor Dosimetry File.
The IRDF-2002 neutron dosimeter cross sections were processed in the 47 neutron
group structure of BUGJEFF311.BOLIB with two different neutron weighting
spectra: flat weighting and 1/4 T PV weighting.
"Neutron and Photon KERMA Factors"
This set of data includes the neutron KERMA factors for all the 182 materials
contained in the infinite dilution cross section set of BUGJEFF311.BOLIB and
the photon KERMA factors for the corresponding 53 natural elements. The
collapsing of the neutron and photon KERMA factors was obtained by using
respectively the neutron and photon flux spectra calculated within the concrete
shield surrounding a PWR reactor vessel.
The BUGJEFF311.BOLIB library was generated, through cross section collapsing of the ENEA-Bologna VITJEFF311.BOLIB fine-group general-purpose library for nuclear fission applications, using the updated and corrected ENEA-Bologna 2007 Revision of the ORNL SCAMPI nuclear data processing system. In particular this ENEA-Bologna version of the SCAMPI system, already transferred to OECD-NEA Data Bank (PSR-0352/05 SCAMPI), permits to obtain the total (prompt + delayed) neutron fission spectra and the total (prompt + delayed) neutrons per fission data of the fissionable nuclides, differently from the original version of SCAMPI developed at ORNL.
The adopted cross section processing methodology for BUGJEFF311.BOLIB is the same as that used for producing the BUGLE-96 library and is consistent with the ANSI/ANS 6.1.2-1999 (R2009) American National Standard, reapproved in 2009.
The VITJEFF311.BOLIB cross sections were generated with the LANL NJOY-99.259 data processing system and were converted into the AMPX format using the SMILER module of the previously cited ENEA-Bologna 2007 Revision of the SCAMPI system. VITJEFF311.BOLIB is a pseudo-problem-independent library based on the Bondarenko (f-factor) method for the treatment of neutron resonance self-shielding and temperature effects. It has the same neutron and photon energy group structures (199 neutron groups + 42 photon groups) as the ORNL VITAMIN-B6 library in AMPX format (based on ENDF/B-VI.3 evaluated nuclear data) from which the BUGLE-96 library was generated at ORNL.
The VITJEFF311.BOLIB library contains 182 nuclides: 176 nuclides at 4 temperatures, obtained for the most part with 6 to 8 values for the background cross section. The Fe-56 processed file was obtained with an additional value (0.01 barns) for the background cross section with respect to the background cross section values used to generate the corresponding data file for VITAMIN-B6.
Thermal scattering cross sections were processed at all the temperatures available in the JEFF-3.1.1 thermal scattering law data file for 6 additional bound nuclides: H-1 in light water (H-H2O), H-1 in polyethylene (H-CH2), H-1 in zirconium hydride (H-ZrH), H-2 deuterium (D) in heavy water (D-D2O), C in graphite (C-Gph) and Be in beryllium metal thermal (Be-Th).
UNIX workstation, PC, or Mac (D00254MNYCP01).
a. Documentation available with library
M. Pescarini, V. Sinitsa, R. Orsi, M. Frisoni, “BUGJEFF311.BOLIB – A JEFF-3.1.1 Broad-Group Coupled (47 n + 20 gamma) Cross Section Library in FIDO-ANISN Format for LWR Shielding and Pressure Vessel Dosimetry Applications,” ENEA-Bologna Technical Report UTFISSM-P9H6-002_rev1 (March 14, 2013).
V. Sinitsa, M. Pescarini, “ENEA-Bologna 2007 Revision of the SCAMPI
(ORNL) Nuclear Data Processing System,” ENEA-Bologna Technical Report
FPN-P9H6-006 (September 13, 2007).
R. Orsi, “ADEFTA Version 4.1: A Program to Calculate the Atomic Densities
of a Compositional Model for Transport Analysis,” ENEA-Bologna Technical Report
FPN-P9H6-010 (May 20, 2008).
The data libraries and documents are transmitted on DVD, which includes data libraries in FIDO-ANISN format. Uncompressed files are about 210 MB.
April 2013.