ID#: P00460I037000 RSICC#: PSR-460 CODE PKG NAME: OCTAVIA ORIGINAL COMPUTER: IBM 370 TEST COMPUTER: IBM 9672 PACKAGED: 03/27/2001 ********************************************************************** Transmitted on one DS/HD 3.5 inch diskette in DOS format ********************************************************************** README 924 11-18-99 2:50p readme OCTAVIA FOR 104,960 11-17-99 2:53p octavia.for OCTAVIA INP 2,460 11-17-99 2:53p octavia.inp 3 file(s) 108,344 bytes ********************************************************************** OCTAVIA was developed at the Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research to run on an IBM mainframe and was originally distributed by the National Energy Software Center. It was later transferred to the Energy Science and Technology Software Center then to RSICC. No changes were made to the source file when it was released by RSICC in March 2001. No executables are included with the package. See the documentation for details on package execution. OCTAVIA was compiled and tested at RSICC on an IBM 9672 Model 52 running MVS/ESA 4.2.2 and OS/390 Version 1.3 using VS Fortran 2.5.0. Plotting was not implemented when it was executed at RSICC, and no changes were made to the source code.