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Packages with Keyword: PLOTTING
Package NameAbstractRSICC TapelistTitle
ANAAbstractP00356 IBMPC 00Code System for Gamma-Ray Spectra Analyses.
APPLE-2AbstractP00111 FM200 00Plotter of Neutron and Gamma-Ray Spectra and Reaction Rates.
APPLE-2AbstractP00111 I3081 00Plotter of Neutron and Gamma-Ray Spectra and Reaction Rates.
APSAIAbstractP00065 I3691 00Activity Calculations and Plotting of Neutron or Gamma-Ray Spectra Generated by Discrete Ordinates Code System ANISN.
BOT3P-5.3AbstractP00530 MNYCP 02Code System for 2D and 3D Mesh Generation and Graphical Display of Geometry and Results for Radiation Transport Codes.
CGS 11.4AbstractP00243 MFMWS 03Common Graphics System.
COMPLOTAbstractP00259 IBMMF 00Convert EXFOR Format Data to Computation Format and Plot Comparisons of EXFOR and ENDF/B Evaluated Data (Version 86-1).
DORGLIBAbstractP00181 I0360 00An Interactive Program for Displaying Nuclide Decay and Generation Data Based on ORIGEN Data Library.
EVALPLOTAbstractP00211 I3081 00A Program to Plot Data in the Evaluated Nuclear Data File/Version B Format.
EZVIDEOAbstractP00237 IBMPC 00Graphics Routines for the IBM PC.
FASTPLOT 1.0AbstractP00354 IBMPC 00Interface to Microsoft FORTRAN Graphics.
FLOWPLOT IIAbstractP00234 I3033 00Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer Plotting Package.
GRFPAKAbstractP00478 I0360 00Code System to Plot CORTES FEM Results.
GRPANLAbstractP00321 D0VAX 00Code System for Analyzing Ge and Alpha-Particle Detector Spectra.
HYPERMETAbstractP00101 C3800 00Gamma-Ray Spectra Analyzer Germanium Detector.
HYPERMETAbstractP00101 F150F 00Gamma-Ray Spectra Analyzer Germanium Detector.
HYPERMETAbstractP00101 I0360 00Gamma-Ray Spectra Analyzer Germanium Detector.
INTRIGUE-IIAbstractP00054 I0360 00Logarithmic and Semilogarithmic CALCOMP Plot Routines.
LOOM-PAbstractP00153 F2307 00A Finite Element Mesh Generation Code System with On-Line Graphic Display.
MESAAbstractP00223 I3033 00Non-Linear Least Squares Spectral Analysis.
ORPLOT-PCAbstractP00328 PC386 00Plotting Package for Data Evaluation Intercomparison.
PICTUREAbstractP00238 IBMPC 00Combinatorial Geometry Printer Plotting.
PLOTENDFAbstractP00214 I3033 00A Program for Producing Graphical Output.
PLOTFBAbstractP00018 I3675 00ENDF/B Data Plotting Code.
PLOTNFITAbstractP00382 IBMPC 00Code System for Data Plotting and Curve Fitting.
PLOT-SAbstractP00552 PC586 00Plotting Program with Special Features for Windows Environment.
PLOTTAB-89.1AbstractP00274 ALLCP 00Plot Continuous Curves or Discrete Points.
PREPRO2019AbstractP00351 MNYCP 10Pre-Processing Code System for Data in ENDF/B Format.
VIDEO-PCAbstractP00311 IBMPC 00Super VGA Primitives Graphics System.
VIEWCXSAbstractP00514 PC586 00Interactive Graphic User Interface to View Neutron and Gamma-Ray Interaction Cross Sections.
WINDOWSAbstractP00136 I0360 00A Program for the Analysis of Spectral Data Foil Activation Measurements.
The Radiation Safety Information Computational Center (RSICC) collects, analyzes, maintains, and distributes software in the areas of radiation transport and safety. RSICC resides in the Nuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle Division (NEFCD) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.