ID#: P00382IBMPC00 RSIC#: PSR-382 CODE PKG NAME: PLOTNFIT COMPUTER: IBM PC PACKAGED: 01/27/99 MOST RECENT UPDATE: *********************************************************************** Transmitted on one DS/HD diskette in DOS format *********************************************************************** README 999 01-27-99 1:44p README PLOTNFIT 4TH 51,430 01-06-90 8:39a PLOTNFIT.4TH INI06891 SIS 239 06-26-89 4:59p INI06891.SIS FOL06891 SIS 321 06-26-89 5:29p FOL06891.SIS READ1ST PNF 36,176 10-05-89 2:43p READ1ST.PNF *********************************************************************** This package was received from the Energy Science and Technology Software Center. Due to NRC time restraints the PLOTNFIT code was not tested at RSICC. Note: PLOTNFIT must have GRAPHICS and BASICA installed on the pc to run.