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Click on Abstract to read the package abstract.
Click on RSICC Tapelist to view list of files distributed with package.
810 -- US DOE 10CFR810 Jurisdiction
FEDC -- US Government Agencies and Their Contractors Only
OECD -- Restricted/See Abstract
RUGA -- Restricted Use Government Authorized
USSO -- US Distribution Only
USUNV -- US Universities Only
Package Name | Abstract | RSICC Tapelist | Title |
ANIPLO D50 | Abstract | P00213 I0360 00 | A Digital Computer Program for Plotting Results from Calculations with the Sn Computer Program ANISN. |
ANSIFT | Abstract | P00077 C6600 00 | ANSI Standard Fortran Sifting Program. |
ANSIFT | Abstract | P00077 I0360 00 | ANSI Standard Fortran Sifting Program. |
APSAI | Abstract | P00065 I3691 00 | Activity Calculations and Plotting of Neutron or Gamma-Ray Spectra Generated by Discrete Ordinates Code System ANISN. |
BAYES | Abstract | P00205 DP010 00 | User's Guide for A General-Purpose Computer Code System for Fitting a Functional Form to Experimental Data. |
BSPRP2 | Abstract | P00372 IRISC 00 | Code System to Process DORT Boundary-Flux Files. |
CHENDF 7.02 | Abstract | P00333 MNYCP 05 | Codes for Handling ENDF/B-V and ENDF/B-VI Data. |
DORGLIB | Abstract | P00181 I0360 00 | An Interactive Program for Displaying Nuclide Decay and Generation Data Based on ORIGEN Data Library. |
EDITOR | Abstract | P00035 I0360 00 | Alters Mode, Copies, Merges, Punches, Edits, or Adds to ENDF/B-Formatted Data on Tapes or Cards. |
ENDVER/GUI | Abstract | P00572 PCX86 00 | The ENDF File Verification Support Package. |
EZVIDEO | Abstract | P00237 IBMPC 00 | Graphics Routines for the IBM PC. |
FASTPLOT 1.0 | Abstract | P00354 IBMPC 00 | Interface to Microsoft FORTRAN Graphics. |
FERRET | Abstract | P00145 U0000 00 | Least-Squares Solution to Nuclear Data and Reactor Physics Problems. |
FLOWPLOT II | Abstract | P00234 I3033 00 | Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer Plotting Package. |
FLUSH | Abstract | P00043 C6600 00 | Spectral Unfolding Code - Stepwise Regression of System Response Functions. |
FREEFORM | Abstract | P00081 I0360 00 | Free-Form Input Reading Routines. |
GANDR/SEMOVE | Abstract | C00765 PCX86 00 | Program for Calculating Derivatives of Processed Multigroup Nuclear Data by Discrete Differences. |
GOFRR | Abstract | P00127 I0360 00 | Generator of Graphical Output of DOT and ANISN Fluxes and Reaction Rates. |
GRFPAK | Abstract | P00478 I0360 00 | Code System to Plot CORTES FEM Results. |
INTRIGUE-II | Abstract | P00054 I0360 00 | Logarithmic and Semilogarithmic CALCOMP Plot Routines. |
KENO2MCNP | Abstract | P00541 PC586 00 | Conversion of Input Data between KENO V.a and MCNP File Formats. |
LOUHI82 | Abstract | P00236 U1108 00 | General Purpose Unfolding Program with Linear and Nonlinear Regularizations. |
LSL-M2 | Abstract | P00233 D6220 00 | Least-Squares Logarithmic Adjustment of Neutron Spectra. |
LSL-M2 | Abstract | P00233 IBMPC 00 | Least-Squares Logarithmic Adjustment of Neutron Spectra. |
MAINTAIN | Abstract | P00067 I0360 00 | Code System for Use in Maintaining and Revising Card Image Files on Tape. |
MAZE II | Abstract | P00041 U1108 00 | Spectral Unfolding Code. |
MAZE-1 | Abstract | P00041 C6600 00 | Spectral Unfolding Code. |
MOCUP | Abstract | P00365 DALPU 00 | MCNP/ORIGEN Coupling Utility Programs. |
MONTEBURNS 2.0 | Abstract | P00455 MNYCP 02 | Automated, Multi-Step Monte Carlo Burnup Code System. |
MRSPAK | Abstract | P00212 DVX11 00 | A Code System To Generate a Text File Containing Combinatorial Geometry Data Corresponding to PADL2 Geometry. |
ORPLOT-PC | Abstract | P00328 PC386 00 | Plotting Package for Data Evaluation Intercomparison. |
PICTURE | Abstract | P00238 IBMPC 00 | Combinatorial Geometry Printer Plotting. |
PLOTENDF | Abstract | P00214 I3033 00 | A Program for Producing Graphical Output. |
PLOTFB | Abstract | P00018 I3675 00 | ENDF/B Data Plotting Code. |
PLOTNFIT | Abstract | P00382 IBMPC 00 | Code System for Data Plotting and Curve Fitting. |
PLOT-S | Abstract | P00552 PC586 00 | Plotting Program with Special Features for Windows Environment. |
PREPRO2019 | Abstract | P00351 MNYCP 10 | Pre-Processing Code System for Data in ENDF/B Format. |
SAIPS-PC | Abstract | P00295 IBMPC 00 | Information Processing System for Calculating Neutron Spectra from Measured Reaction Rates. |
SCOPE | Abstract | P00210 I3033 00 | Computer Code System for Shipping Cask Optimization and Parametric Evaluation. |
SIOB | Abstract | P00139 I0360 00 | Calculation of Least-Squares Shape Fitting Several Neutron Transmission Measurements Using the Breit-Wigner Multilevel Formula. |
STRADE | Abstract | P00252 I3081 00 | Stratified Random Design. |
TPASS | Abstract | P00164 DP010 00 | A Gamma-Ray Spectral Data-Reduction and Analysis Code System. |
TRANSX 2.15 | Abstract | P00317 MFMWS 01 | Code system to produce neutron, photon, and particle transport tables for discrete-ordinates and diffusion codes from cross sections in MATXS format. |
TRANSX-CTR | Abstract | P00206 CY000 00 | Interfaces MATXS Cross-Section Libraries to Nuclear Transport Codes for Fusion Systems Analysis. |
UKE-III | Abstract | P00015 I3691 00 | Cross Section Format Translator - UKNDL to ENDF/B. |
VIDEO-PC | Abstract | P00311 IBMPC 00 | Super VGA Primitives Graphics System. |
VIEWCXS | Abstract | P00514 PC586 00 | Interactive Graphic User Interface to View Neutron and Gamma-Ray Interaction Cross Sections. |
VIXEN | Abstract | P00030 C6600 00 | A Code to Check Physical Consistency of Photon-Production Data in Revised ENDF Format. |
VIXEN | Abstract | P00030 I0360 00 | A Code to Check Physical Consistency of Photon-Production Data in Revised ENDF Format. |
WLUP 3.0 | Abstract | D00231 MNYCP 01 | 69- and 172- Group Cross Section Libraries for WIMS. |