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Packages with Keyword: SLAB
Package NameAbstractRSICC TapelistTitle
ALDOSEAbstractC00577 IBMPC 00Dose Calculation for Alpha Disc Source.
APARNA-IIAbstractC00296 I0360 00Integral Transport Theory Code System Based on Discrete Ordinate Representation in Space and Direction-Slab Geometry.
ARMYL-GAbstractC00297 U1106 00Calculation of Transmission Factors for Gamma Rays from Nuclear Explosions.
ARMYL-NAbstractC00298 U1106 00Calculation of Transmission Factors for Neutrons from Nuclear Explosions.
ASFIT-VARIAbstractC00336 H0000 00Gamma-Ray Transport Code System for One-Dimensional Finite Systems.
ASFIT-VARIAbstractC00336 IBMPC 00Gamma-Ray Transport Code System for One-Dimensional Finite Systems.
ASTROSAbstractC00073 I7090 00Calculation of Primary and Secondary Proton Dose Rates in Spheres and Slabs of Tissue.
BEBCAbstractC00077 I7090 00Electron Bremsstrahlung Penetration Code for Space Vehicles.
BIGGIAbstractC00066 I3675 00Numerical Gamma-Ray Transport Code for Plane or Spherical Multilayer Geometry.
BIGGIAbstractC00066 U1108 00Numerical Gamma-Ray Transport Code for Plane or Spherical Multilayer Geometry.
CALKUXAbstractC00594 IBMPC 00Code System to Calculate Exposure Transmission of Medical X-ray Beams Through Barrier Materials.
CASCADEAbstractC00176 C6600 00Monte Carlo Simulation of the Transport of High Energy Electrons and Photons in Matter.
CASCADEAbstractC00176 I0360 00Monte Carlo Simulation of the Transport of High Energy Electrons and Photons in Matter.
CHARGE IIAbstractC00070 C6500 00Space Radiation Shielding Code - Proton and Electron Penetration of Multilayered Slabs and Spheres.
CHARGE IIAbstractC00070 I3675 00Space Radiation Shielding Code - Proton and Electron Penetration of Multilayered Slabs and Spheres.
CHARGE-PCAbstractC00070 IBMPC 00Space Radiation Shielding Code - Proton and Electron Penetration of Multilayered Slabs and Spheres.
COMPRASHAbstractC00072 I3675 00Spinney Removal-Diffusion Shielding Code.
DANTSYS 3.0AbstractC00547 MFMWS 01One-, Two-, and Three-Dimensional, Multigroup, Discrete-Ordinates Transport Code System.
DEMON & DEMON RAbstractC00181 I3675 00Demonstration Monte Carlo Code System in Slab Geometry.
DOORS 3.2AAbstractC00650 MFMWS 04One, Two- and Three-Dimensional Discrete Ordinates Neutron/Photon Transport Code System.
EDMULT 6.4AbstractC00430 MNYCP 02Evaluates Electron Depth-Dose Distributions in Multilayer Slab Absorbers.
EDNAAbstractC00104 I7090 00Electron Dose and Number Analysis Code by Kernel Integration.
ELBAAbstractC00119 I0360 00Electron and Bremsstrahlung Dose Rate Code.
ENEDEPAbstractC00227 GE400 00Energy Deposition Code System for GE 265 Time-Sharing System.
ETRANAbstractC00107 I0360 00Monte Carlo Code System for Electron and Photon Through Extended Media.
FSCATTAbstractC00186 I3033 00Discrete Ordinates Gamma-Ray Transport Code System in Plane Geometry.
FSCATTAbstractC00186 U1108 00Discrete Ordinates Gamma-Ray Transport Code System in Plane Geometry.
AbstractC00792 PCX86 00Integrated TIGER Series of Coupled Electron/Photon Monte Carlo Transport Codes System.
JN-METD 2&1AbstractC00208 I0370 00Neutron Transport Code System with Isotropic Scattering, Bare Slabs and Homogeneous Slabs (JN Method 1), Multilayer Slabs (JN Method 2).
KUXAbstractC00515 ALLCP 00Medical X-Ray Shielding Calculation.
LEBCAbstractC00052 I7090 00Electron Bremsstrahlung Code.
LPSCAbstractC00064 I7090 00Proton Penetration Code - Multilayer Slab Geometry.
MARC-PNAbstractC00311 D8810 00A Neutron Diffusion Code System with Spherical Harmonics Option.
MUSPALBAbstractC00171 ICL00 00Albedo Calculation of Multigroup Spectra of Neutrons Transmitted Through Multilayer Slab Shielding.
NCRP49AbstractC00462 IBMPC 00X-Ray Shield Calculation System.
NITRANAbstractC00582 FM380 00Neutron Transport Code System Based On Anisotropic Scattering.
NRNAbstractC00054 C6600 00Multigroup Removal-Diffusion Code System for Planes, Cylinders and Spheres.
NUGAM 2&3 SSLABAbstractC00210 I0360 00Monte Carlo Prediction of Photon Transport Distributions.
OGREAbstractC00046 I3675 00A General-Purpose Monte Carlo Gamma-Ray Transport Code System.
OGRE-MINAbstractC00409 DGECL 00A General-Purpose Monte Carlo Gamma-Ray Transport Code System for Minicomputers.
ONETRANAbstractC00266 C7600 00A One-Dimensional Multigroup Discrete Ordinates Finite Element Transport Code System.
ONETRANAbstractC00266 CY000 00A One-Dimensional Multigroup Discrete Ordinates Finite Element Transport Code System.
ONETRANAbstractC00266 I3033 00A One-Dimensional Multigroup Discrete Ordinates Finite Element Transport Code System.
OOSIIAbstractC00324 C0000 00Calculation of Isotropic Scattering by Particles for One-Dimensional and Three-Dimensional Transport in Slabs by Invariant Imbedding, Orders-of-Scattering Method, Including Check Calculations by Integral Transport Theory and Monte Carlo.
PALLAS-1D(VII)AbstractC00380 FM380 00Multigroup Time-Independent Neutron Transport Code System for Plane or Spherical Geometry.
PIPEAbstractC00219 I0360 00Numerical Gamma-Ray Transport Code System for Plane/Spherical Geometry.
PRESTAbstractC00355 I0360 00Calculator of Pressure and Temperature Transient in Containment Studies.
PROBAbstractC00287 I0370 00Multigroup One-Dimensional Transport Code System, Collision Probability Method.
PUSHLDAbstractC00271 C0074 00Gamma-Ray Three-Dimensional Calculation of Dose Rates from Plutonium in Various Geometries.
RACCAbstractC00388 CY000 00A Code System for Computing Radioactivity-Related Parameters for Fusion Reactor Systems.
RACCAbstractC00388 I3033 00A Code System for Computing Radioactivity-Related Parameters for Fusion Reactor Systems.
RACC-PULSEAbstractC00639 MNYWS 00RACC Code System for Computing Radioactivity-Related Parameters for Fusion Reactor Systems Modified for Pulsed/Intermittent Activation Analysis.
SABINE-3AbstractC00121 C7600 00Spinney (Removal-Diffusion) Shielding Code System in One-Dimensional Geometry.
SABINE-3AbstractC00121 I0370 00Spinney (Removal-Diffusion) Shielding Code System in One-Dimensional Geometry.
SABINE-3AbstractC00121 U1106 00Spinney (Removal-Diffusion) Shielding Code System in One-Dimensional Geometry.
SABINE-PCAbstractC00121 IBMPC 00Spinney (Removal-Diffusion) Shielding Code System in One-Dimensional Geometry.
SHIELDOSEAbstractC00379 ALLMF 00Code System for Space Shielding Radiation Dose Calculations.
SHIELDOSE-PCAbstractC00379 IBMPC 00Code System for Space Shielding Radiation Dose Calculations.
SNEXAbstractC00353 C0000 00A One-Dimensional Single Group Discrete Ordinates Transport Code System.
TDAAbstractC00180 MNYWS 01A Time-Dependent, Multigroup, One-Dimensional, Discrete Ordinates Transport Code System.
TESSAbstractC00215 C3600 00Multigroup Discrete Ordinates Code System for Slab and Spherical Geometries.
TMMSAbstractC00246 I0360 00Gamma-Ray Penetration Shielding Code System, Transmission Matrix Method.
TREEDEAbstractC00326 C0000 00Monte Carlo Neutron Transport Code System Based on the Track Rotation Estimator.
USRHYDAbstractC00197 I3675 00Electron and X-Ray Energy Deposition and Hydrodynamics Code System.
XSHLDAbstractC00495 IBMPC 00Diagnostic X-Ray Shielding Calculation.
The Radiation Safety Information Computational Center (RSICC) collects, analyzes, maintains, and distributes software in the areas of radiation transport and safety. RSICC resides in the Nuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle Division (NEFCD) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.