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Package NameAbstractRSICC TapelistTitle
AbstractD00215 PC486 00Electrical Distribution System Functional Inspection Data Base.
FEMAXI 6 VER.1AbstractP00536 IBMPC 00Code System for Light Water Reactor Fuel Analysis.
FRAPCON2AbstractP00517 MFMWS 00Fuel Rod Thermal-Mechanical Behavior.
GAMIDENTAbstractP00154 C0000 00A Program to Aid in the Identification of Unknown Materials by Gamma-ray Spectroscopy.
GRASS-SSTAbstractP00489 MNYCP 00Code System to Predict Fission-Gas Release & Fuel Swelling.
GT2R2AbstractP00483 ALLMF 00Code System to Calculate Fuel Rod Thermal Performance.
HERADAbstractC00444 CY00I 00Three-Dimensional Monte Carlo Computer Code System for Calculating Radiation Damage from Ion Beams.
LEPRICONAbstractP00277 I3033 01PWR Pressure Vessel Surveillance Dosimetry Analysis System.
LEPRICONAbstractP00277 IRISC 00PWR Pressure Vessel Surveillance Dosimetry Analysis System.
MARLOWE 15BAbstractP00137 MNYCP 08Computer Simulation of Atomic Collisions in Crystalline Solids.
NONSAP-CAbstractP00458 C7600 00Code System for Analysis of 3-D Reinforced Concrete Structures.
OCTAVIAAbstractP00460 I0370 00Code System to Calculate Pressure Vessel Failure Probabilities.
PR-EDBAbstractD00196 IBMPC 03Power Reactor Embrittlement Data Base.
SHIELDAbstractC00667 MNYCP 01Monte-Carlo Code System to Simulate Interaction of High Energy Hadrons with Complex Macroscopic Targets.
SPECTER-ANLAbstractP00263 D0VAX 00Neutron Damage Calculations for Materials Irradiations.
STABA,STAGT,STEGT,STIG,STIGMAAbstractP00575 MNYCP 00Stress Analysis of Dragon HTR Graphite Structure.
TR-EDBAbstractD00198 IBMPC 00Test Reactor Embrittlement Data Base.
TRIPOSAbstractC00537 CY00I 00Monte Carlo Ion Transport Analysis Code.
USINTAbstractP00415 MNYCP 00Code System to Calculate Heat and Mass Transfer In Concrete
The Radiation Safety Information Computational Center (RSICC) collects, analyzes, maintains, and distributes software in the areas of radiation transport and safety. RSICC resides in the Nuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle Division (NEFCD) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.