ID#: P00137MNYCP08 RSIC#: PSR-137 CODE PKG NAME: MARLOWE 15B COMPUTER: Workstations, PCs,Mac PACKAGED: 07/20/84 MOST RECENT UPDATE:03/19/2003 ************************************************************************ Transmitted on 1 SS/Mode CD-R disk ************************************************************************ 03/17/2003 03:03p 5,307,939 p137dos8.EXE (self-extracting - pc) 03/21/2003 09:13a 5,008,935 p137tar8.tgz (compressed tar - unix) 2 File(s) 10,316,874 bytes To extract the pc files simply click on p137dos8.exe To extract the unix files type gzip -dc p137tar8.tgz | tar xvf - The following file and subdirectories will be created for both versions. 12/02/2002 10:08a 4,065 HowTo15b.htm 03/19/2003 07:14p