ID#: D00196IBMPC03 RSIC #: DLC-196 CODE PKG NAME: PR-EDB Version 3 COMPUTER: PC x86 PACKAGED: 02/25/99 MOST RECENT UPDATE: 06/19/2008 ************************************************************************* Transmitted on 1 CD DESCRIPTION FILE SIZE DATE TIME ************************************************************************* 06/06/2008 02:58 PM 38,506,168 Directory of expanded transmittal file. 11/29/2006 06:19 PM 10,543,104 3.0.msi 06/07/2004 12:20 PM 27 Autorun.inf 09/30/2003 01:22 PM 1,632 Config.ini 09/30/2003 01:22 PM 24,265,736 dotnetfx.exe 06/04/2004 12:03 PM 5,556,616 MDAC_TYP.EXE 11/28/2006 08:25 PM 36,352 readme.doc 12/17/2004 11:26 AM 152 Settings.ini 09/30/2003 01:22 PM 69,632 Setup.exe 11/29/2006 06:19 PM 170 Setup.Ini 9 File(s) 40,473,421 bytes ************************************************************************* Note: The code was tested at RSICC on a Pentium IV under Windows XP SP2. Database and executable files for Windows are included. This package is compatible with Windows 98 up through XP but is not compatible with Windows Vista and Office 2007. Either Microsoft Office 2000 or 2003 must be installed on the user’s computer. MS Office is not included in this package. Readme.doc lists computer requirements and has directions on installing. Expand EDBVER3 with WinZip then click on "Setup.exe" to install, Default location is Program Files\PREDB 3.0(Beta). To start, click the desktop icon labeled “PREDB 3.0” or Start/All Programs/PREDB then PREDB 3.0 Appendix A of the report is a User Guide. An example exercise begins on page 60 of the user guide. This example is helpful to illustrate use of PR-EDB utilities. Note that the heading and text are inconsistent for Step 9. As indicated by the heading, load table TMP0 for manipulation and create TMP1 to store the manipulations. Then continue as directed.