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Packages with Keyword: UNCERTAINTY ANALYSIS
Package NameAbstractRSICC TapelistTitle
ABLEIT-TRANSAbstractP00247 C0175 00Error Propagation Analysis for Burnup Calculation.
ACORNSAbstractP00264 IBMPC 01Analysis of Correlations Used in Neutron Spectrometry.
ANGELO-LAMBDAAbstractP00544 MNYCP 01Covariance Matrix Interpolation and Mathematical Verification.
BAYESAbstractP00205 DP010 00User's Guide for A General-Purpose Computer Code System for Fitting a Functional Form to Experimental Data.
FERRETAbstractP00145 U0000 00Least-Squares Solution to Nuclear Data and Reactor Physics Problems.
GMAAbstractP00367 MNYCP 00Code System for Calculation of Reactor Accident Consequences.
LEPRICONAbstractP00277 I3033 01PWR Pressure Vessel Surveillance Dosimetry Analysis System.
LEPRICONAbstractP00277 IRISC 00PWR Pressure Vessel Surveillance Dosimetry Analysis System.
ORMONTEAbstractP00275 IBMPC 00Uncertainty Analysis Code System for Use with User-Developed Systems Models.
REFERDOUAbstractP00249 FM380 00Code System for NE-213 Unfolding of Neutron Spectra up to 100 MeV with Response Function Error Propagation.
SPHINXAbstractP00129 C7600 00A One-Dimensional Diffusion and Transport Nuclear Cross Section Processing Code System.
SPHINXAbstractP00129 I0360 00A One-Dimensional Diffusion and Transport Nuclear Cross Section Processing Code System.
TAM3AbstractP00308 IBMPC 00Demonstrates Monte Carlo Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis.
UMG 3.3AbstractP00529 PC586 00Unfolding with Maxed and Gravel.
ZOTT99AbstractP00272 ALLCP 02Zero-in On The Truth; Evaluation of Correlated Data Using Partitioned Least Squares.
The Radiation Safety Information Computational Center (RSICC) collects, analyzes, maintains, and distributes software in the areas of radiation transport and safety. RSICC resides in the Nuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle Division (NEFCD) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.