ID#: P00367MNYCP00 RSIC #: PSR-367 CODE PKG NAME: GMA COMPUTER: Sun,IBM RS/6000,PC PACKAGED: 05/11/98 MOST RECENT UPDATE: *************************************************************************** Distributed on 2 DS/HD 3.5-inch diskettes. One diskette is DOS format, and the other is UNIX format and can be read only on Unix operating systems. When expanded, the files from the DOS and Unix diskettes will be identical. *************************************************************************** P367DOS0 EXE 1,260,886 7-16-98 2:36p p367dos0.EXE p367tar0.gz 1,249,552 May 11 11:39 p00367mnycp00.tar.gz Contents of gma.tar file (Uncompressed size is ~7 Mbytes) README Information file DAT.F Fortran source; reduces the cross sections of the original data sets to the energy grid of the a priori RCL.F Fortran source; reads, copies, lists and edits GMDATA.CRD GMA.F Fortran source; generalized least-squares evaluation code SAMPLE/ Input and output for test case DOS/ Executables for PC version *************************************************************************** To install the GMA package under DOS: 1) Choose a directory for installation; "cd" into it 2) P367dos0 -d (will create subdir "gma") To install the GMA package under Unix: 1) Choose a directory for installation; "cd" into it 2) copy p00367mnycp00.tar.gz to the directory 3) gunzip p00367mnycp00.tar.gz 4) tar xvf p00367mnycp00.tar (will create subdir "gma") The compressed tar file was written under Unix with GNU's gzip command. GMA was tested on an IBM RS/6000 Model 590 running AIX 4.2 with xlf77 version 3.22 and on a SUN Sparc 20 running SUNOS 5.6 (Solaris 2.6) with f77 version 4.2. A compiler is required on Unix systems. The code was also tested at RSICC on a Pentium 100 in a DOS window of Windows 95. The PC executables included in this package were created with Lahey F77L3/EM-32 compiler version 5.2. See README for further details on installing and running GMA.