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Packages with Keyword: PROTON
Package NameAbstractRSICC TapelistTitle
ASTROSAbstractC00073 I7090 00Calculation of Primary and Secondary Proton Dose Rates in Spheres and Slabs of Tissue.
BPPCAbstractC00076 I7090 00Proton Penetration Codes for Space Vehicles.
BULK_C-12AbstractC00738 PC586 00Code System to Estimate Neutron and Photon Effective Dose Rates from Medium Energy Protons or Carbon Ions Through Concrete or Concrete/Iron.
BULK-IAbstractP00574 PCX86 00Radiation Shielding Tool for Proton Accelerator Facilities.
CALOR95AbstractC00610 MNYWS 00Monte Carlo Code System for Design and Analysis of Calorimeter Systems, Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) Target Systems, etc.
CARSTEPAbstractC00024 I7090 00Trajectory and Environment Code-Electron and Proton Fluxes Impinging on Spacecraft in Orbit.
CASIMAbstractC00265 I0360 00Monte Carlo Simulation of Transport of Hadron Cascades in Bulk Matter.
CCRMNAbstractP00366 MNYCP 00Monte Carlo Simulation of the Coupled Transport of Electrons and Photons.
CHARGE IIAbstractC00070 C6500 00Space Radiation Shielding Code - Proton and Electron Penetration of Multilayered Slabs and Spheres.
CHARGE IIAbstractC00070 I3675 00Space Radiation Shielding Code - Proton and Electron Penetration of Multilayered Slabs and Spheres.
CHARGE-PCAbstractC00070 IBMPC 00Space Radiation Shielding Code - Proton and Electron Penetration of Multilayered Slabs and Spheres.
EMPIRE-IIAbstractP00497 PC586 01Comprehensive Nuclear Model Code, Nucleons, Ions Induced Cross-Sections.
ERPEXAbstractC00305 C0073 00Monte Carlo Distributions of Energetic Proton Ranges in Silicon.
EXIFON2.0AbstractP00305 IPCXT 01A Model for Statistical Multistep Direct and Multistep Compound Reactions.
HERMES-KFAAbstractC00687 MNYWS 00Monte Carlo Code System for High-Energy Radiation Transport Calculations.
LAHET 2.8AbstractC00696 MFMWS 00Code System for High Energy Particle Transport Calculations.
LPPCAbstractC00051 I7090 00Proton Penetration Code.
LPSCAbstractC00064 I7090 00Proton Penetration Code - Multilayer Slab Geometry.
LSVDCAbstractC00053 I7090 00Space Vehicle Dose Calculation.
LSVDCAbstractC00053 I7090 01Space Vehicle Dose Calculation.
MAGIKAbstractC00359 I0360 00A Monte Carlo Code System for Computing Induced Residual Activation Dose Rates.
MEVDPAbstractC00157 C6600 00Primary Radiation Transport Code System - Complex Geometry - Computerized Anatomical Model Man.
MODELAbstractC00329 I3033 00Models of Trapped Proton and Electron Environments for Solar Maximum and Minimum.
MSM-SOURCEAbstractP00369 MNYCP 00Code System for Generation of Input Data for MCNP.
NMTC/JAMAbstractC00717 PC586 00High Energy Particle Transport Code System.
PADF-2007AbstractD00259 PCX86 00Proton Activation Data File in ENDF-6 Format.
PEQAG-2AbstractP00293 IPCAT 00A Pre-equilibrium Computer Code With Gamma Emission.
PTRANAbstractC00618 PC386 00Proton Monte Carlo Transport Program for the PC.
SCAT-2AbstractP00294 MNYCP 03Code System for Calculating Total and Elastic Scattering Cross Sections Based on an Optical Model of the Spherical Nucleus.
SHIELDOSEAbstractC00379 ALLMF 00Code System for Space Shielding Radiation Dose Calculations.
SHIELDOSE-PCAbstractC00379 IBMPC 00Code System for Space Shielding Radiation Dose Calculations.
SOFIPAbstractC00358 I3033 00Evaluator of Space Radiation Environment Encountered by Geocentric Satellites.
SPARAbstractC00228 C6600 00Calculation of Stopping Powers and Ranges for Muons, Charged Pions, Protons and Heavy Ions.
SPARAbstractC00228 I0360 00Calculation of Stopping Powers and Ranges for Muons, Charged Pions, Protons and Heavy Ions.
SPARESAbstractC00148 I3675 00Space Radiation Environment and Shielding Code System.
SRNA-2K5AbstractC00789 PCX86 00Proton Transport Simulation by Monte Carlo Techniques.
STAR CODESAbstractP00330 IBMPC 00Code System for Calculating Stopping-Power and Range Tables for Electrons, Protons, and Helium Ions.
TALYS-1.2AbstractP00548 PC586 01Nuclear Model Code System for Analysis and Prediction of Nuclear Reactions and Generation of Nuclear Data.
TRAPPAbstractC00205 I3691 00Transport of Alpha Particles and Protons with all Nuclear Reaction Products Neglected.
The Radiation Safety Information Computational Center (RSICC) collects, analyzes, maintains, and distributes software in the areas of radiation transport and safety. RSICC resides in the Nuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle Division (NEFCD) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.