EXIFON2.0: A Model for Statistical Multistep Direct and Multistep Compound Reactions.
INPEXI creates input files (if they do not already exist) from mass tables.
MAKE6 transforms EXIFON output into a (restricted) ENDF-6 format.
Technische Universität Dresden, Germany, through NEA Data Bank, France.
Fortran 77; IBM PC/XT, IBM PC/AT (P00305IPCXT01).
The EXIFON code is based on an analytical model for statistical multistep direct and multistep compound reactions (SMD/SMC model). It predicts emission spectra, angular distributions, and activation cross sections for neutrons, protons, alpha particles, and photons. Multiple particle emissions are considered for up to three decays of the compound system. EXIFON is a fast, easy-to-handle code which predicts cross sections from one global parameter set. The only adjustable quantity is the pairing shift. The INPEXI code creates input files for EXIFON2.0 from mass and shell-correction tables. The MAKE6 code transforms EXIFON output into an ENDF-6 format file.
The model is based on random matrix physics with the use of the Green’s function formalism. All calculations are performed without any free parameters. Results are presented for bombarding energies below 30 MeV.
None noted.
The sample problem (as listed in RUN.BAT, using the FE56 data) took about 50 seconds on an IBM PC/AT with a math co-processor.
IBM PC and compatibles with math co-processor.
The code was written in Fortran 77 and uses RM Fortran Version 2.42 or Microsoft Fortran Version 4.01.
H. Kalka, “Statistical Multistep Reaction Model for Nuclear Data,” (September 1991).
The package includes the referenced documents, executables, Fortran source code, sample input and output files in a self-extracting file.
March 1991, August 2001, July 2012.