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Packages with Keyword: NUCLEAR SAFETY
Package NameAbstractRSICC TapelistTitle
ALARM-B2AbstractP00218 I0360 00A Computer Code System for Analysis of a Large Break LOCA of a BWR.
CORTESAbstractP00404 I0360 00Code System for Thermal & Mechanical Analysis of Tees.
DEISAbstractC00455 C6600 00Draft Environmental Impact Statement on Licensing Requirements for Land Disposal of Radioactive Waste.
FAMRECAbstractP00167 C7600 01Fuel Assembly Mechanical Response Code System.
GAPCON-THERMALAbstractP00499 C7600 00Code System to Calculate Fuel Steady State & Transient Behavior.
LTCAbstractP00329 IBMPC 00LMR Transient Calculation Code System.
NONSAP-CAbstractP00458 C7600 00Code System for Analysis of 3-D Reinforced Concrete Structures.
NRCPAGEAbstractP00491 DVX11 00Code System to Detect Recurring Loss of Special Nuclear Materials.
AbstractP00423 C0176 01Reactor System Transient Code.
AbstractP00581 MNYCP 01A Best-Estimate Transient Simulation of Light Water Reactor Coolant Systems During a Severe Accident.
AbstractP00198 I3033 01Computerized Mathematical Models of Spray Washout of Airborne Contaminants (Radioactivity) in Containment Vessels.
THYDE-B1/MOD2AbstractP00553 FM200 00Computer Code for PWR LOCA Thermohydraulic Transient Analysis.
TSORTAbstractP00486 IBMPC 00Automated Technique for Nuclear Plant Training Task Assignment.
The Radiation Safety Information Computational Center (RSICC) collects, analyzes, maintains, and distributes software in the areas of radiation transport and safety. RSICC resides in the Nuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle Division (NEFCD) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.