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Packages with Keyword: LIQUID PATHWAY
Package NameAbstractRSICC TapelistTitle
COLUMN2AbstractC00534 ALLMF 00Calculation of Effects of Physicochemical Processes on Migration.
DPCTAbstractC00580 CYXMP 00A Deterministic-Probabilistic Model For Contaminant Transport.
FE3DGWAbstractC00531 D0780 00Code System for Finite-Element, Three-Dimensional Ground-Water Flow Analysis.
FEWA-FEMAAbstractC00477 I3033 00A Finite Element Model of Water and Other Material through Aquifers.
GENII 2.10AbstractC00737 PCX86 02Environmental Radiation Dosimetry Software System.
GENII-LIN 2.1AbstractC00728 PC586 01GENII-LIN Multipurpose Health Physics Code System with a New Object-Oriented Interface, Release 2.0.
GETOUTAbstractC00461 C0176 00A Computer Code System for Predicting One-Dimensional Radionuclide Decay Chain Transport through Geologic Media.
MARINRADAbstractC00503 C1785 00Code System Model for Assessing the Consequences of Release of Radioactive Material into the Oceans.
NUTRANAbstractC00675 I0370 00Code System for Long-Term Repository Safety Analysis.
PAGANAbstractC00621 IBMPC 00Code System for Performance Assessment Ground-water Analysis for Low-level Nuclear Waste.
POLYRESAbstractP00438 MNYCP 00Richards Equation Solver; Rectangular Finite Volume Flux Updating Solution.
PRESTO-IIAbstractC00504 I0360 00Code System for Low-Level Waste Environmental Transport and Risk Assessment.
RANCHMDAbstractC00589 D8810 00Radionuclide Chain Transport with Matrix Diffusion.
REPRISK PC 1.02AbstractC00586 PC386 01Repository Risk Assessment Software for Personal Computers.
RIVER-RADAbstractC00626 MNYCP 00Code System for Simulating the Transport of Radionuclides in Rivers.
UTMTOXAbstractC00500 D8600 00Unified Transport Model for Toxic Materials.
WHATIF-AQAbstractC00561 B7800 00A Computer Program For Speciation Calculation.
The Radiation Safety Information Computational Center (RSICC) collects, analyzes, maintains, and distributes software in the areas of radiation transport and safety. RSICC resides in the Nuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle Division (NEFCD) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.