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Packages with Keyword: FUEL MANAGEMENT
Package NameAbstractRSICC TapelistTitle
ARC 11.2892
AbstractC00824 MNYCP 02Code System for Analysis of Nuclear Reactors.
CITATION-LDI 2AbstractC00643 PC386 02Nuclear Reactor Core Analysis Code System.
AbstractP00555 MNYCP 00Dynamic Analysis of Nuclear Energy System Strategies.
AbstractC00745 MNYWS 00Modular Code and Data System for Fast Reactor Neutronics Analyses
FEAST METALAbstractP00563 MNYCP 00Fuel Engineering and Structural Analysis Tool.
GT2R2AbstractP00483 ALLMF 00Code System to Calculate Fuel Rod Thermal Performance.
MCRACAbstractC00562 IBMPC 00Multiple Cycle Reactor Analysis Code.
MURE V2-SMUREAbstractC00764 MNYWS 01Serpent - MCNP Utility for Reactor Evolution.
RAPIDAbstractC00797 PCX86 00RAdial Power and Burnup Prediction by Following Fissile Isotope Distribution in the Pellet.
REBUS3/VARIANT8AbstractC00653 MNYWS 01Code System for Analysis of Fast Reactor Fuel Cycles.
REBUS-PC 1.4AbstractC00708 PC586 00Code System for Analysis of Research Reactor Fuel Cycles.
SPESAbstractP00602 I0370 00Fuel Cycle Optimization for LWR.
SRAC95AbstractC00716 MNYWS 00Thermal Reactor Code System for Reactor Design and Analysis.
SWATAbstractC00714 MNYCP 01Step-Wise Burnup Analysis Code System to Combine SRAC-95 Cell Calculation Code and ORIGEN2.
WREM-TOODEE2AbstractP00469 ALLMF 002-D Time-Dependent Fuel Element, Thermal Analysis Code System.
The Radiation Safety Information Computational Center (RSICC) collects, analyzes, maintains, and distributes software in the areas of radiation transport and safety. RSICC resides in the Nuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle Division (NEFCD) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.