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Packages with Keyword: DATA PROCESSING, UTILITY
Package NameAbstractRSICC TapelistTitle
ANSIFTAbstractP00077 C6600 00ANSI Standard Fortran Sifting Program.
ANSIFTAbstractP00077 I0360 00ANSI Standard Fortran Sifting Program.
AREADAbstractP00088 I0360 00Input Data Processor for Transport Codes.
BREESE-IIAbstractP00143 I3033 00Auxiliary Routines for Implementing the Albedo Option in the MORSE Monte Carlo Code System.
BSPRP2AbstractP00372 IRISC 00Code System to Process DORT Boundary-Flux Files.
CARP-82AbstractP00131 I3033 00Multigroup Albedo Data Using DOT Angular Flux Results.
ENDVER/GUIAbstractP00572 PCX86 00The ENDF File Verification Support Package.
FBSAMAbstractP00103 I0360 00User-Storage - Magnetic Disk Data Manipulator.
FREEFORMAbstractP00081 I0360 00Free-Form Input Reading Routines.
LAZYAbstractP00595 I0360 00General Experimental Data Processing Program.
LIBMAKAbstractP00087 I0360 00ANISN-Type Binary Data Processing Code System.
MAINTAINAbstractP00067 I0360 00Code System for Use in Maintaining and Revising Card Image Files on Tape.
MANYFILEAbstractP00068 I0360 00Utility Routine - Manipulation of Data Sets Between Various I-O Devices.
REACTIONAbstractP00347 AL000 00Code System to Calculate Integral Parameters with Reaction Rates from WIMS Output.
REACTIONAbstractP00347 IBMPC 00Code System to Calculate Integral Parameters with Reaction Rates from WIMS Output.
SORAAbstractP00174 I0360 00A Code System for Storage and Retrieval of Data from Radionuclide Analyses.
WILITAbstractP00344 MNYCP 00A Utility Program for WIMS Libraries.
X4ECSAbstractP00220 D0780 00A Code System to Combine Cross Section Data in EXFOR and/or ENDF/B-IV Format.
X4RAbstractP00222 DVX11 00Code System for Retrieving EXFOR Cross Section Data According to a Given Target Nucleus.
The Radiation Safety Information Computational Center (RSICC) collects, analyzes, maintains, and distributes software in the areas of radiation transport and safety. RSICC resides in the Nuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle Division (NEFCD) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.