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Packages with Keyword: CCCC INTERFACE FORMAT
Package NameAbstractRSICC TapelistTitle
ARC 11.2892
AbstractC00824 MNYCP 02Code System for Analysis of Nuclear Reactors.
BARC-35AbstractD00124 IBMMF 0035-Group Neutron Cross Sections and Resonance Self-Shielding Factors Generated in ISOTXS and BRKOXS Format from ENDF/B-IV Using MINX.
BUGLE-80AbstractD00075 IBMPC 03Coupled Neutron, Gamma-Ray Group Cross Section Library Derived from ENDF/B-VI for LWR Shielding and Pressure Vessel Dosimetry Applications.
BUGLE-80AbstractD00075 PC386 01Coupled Neutron, Gamma-Ray Group Cross Section Library Derived from ENDF/B-VI for LWR Shielding and Pressure Vessel Dosimetry Applications.
COVERVAbstractD00077 I0360 01Compilation of Multigroup Cross-Section Covariance Matrices in COVERX Format for Several Important Materials.
COVERXAbstractD00044 I0360 02Compilation of Multigroup Cross-Section Covariance Matrices in COVERX Format for Several Important Materials.
DIF3D 11.2892
AbstractC00784 MNYCP 02Code System Using Variational Nodal Methods and Finite Difference Methods to Solve Neutron Diffusion and Transport Theory Problems.
DOSCOVAbstractD00090 I0360 0024-Group Covariance Data.
ESGAbstractD00065 I0360 0056-Group Cross Section Library Based on VITAMIN-C Generated by Using SPHINX and XSDRNPM to Collapse 171 Groups.
PERSENT 11.2892
AbstractC00823 MNYCP 02Perturbation and Sensitivity Code for Assembly Homogenized Multi-group Transport Problems
AbstractC00822 MNYWS 01Code System for Analysis of Fast Reactor Fuel Cycles.
REBUS 11.2892
AbstractC00822 MNYCP 02Code System for Analysis of Fast Reactor Fuel Cycles.
REBUS3/VARIANT8AbstractC00653 MNYWS 01Code System for Analysis of Fast Reactor Fuel Cycles.
REBUS-PC 1.4AbstractC00708 PC586 00Code System for Analysis of Research Reactor Fuel Cycles.
SENPROAbstractD00045 I3691 02Compilation of Multigroup Sensitivity Profiles in SENPRO Format for Fast Reactor Core and Shield Benchmarks and Thermal Reactor Benchmarks.
VITAMIN-4CAbstractD00053 I3691 00Broad-Group and Fine-Group and Coupled Neutron/Gamma Cross-Section Libraries Derived from ENDF/B-VII.0 Nuclear Data.
The Radiation Safety Information Computational Center (RSICC) collects, analyzes, maintains, and distributes software in the areas of radiation transport and safety. RSICC resides in the Nuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle Division (NEFCD) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.