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Packages with Keyword: X-RAY
Package NameAbstractRSICC TapelistTitle
BMC-MGAbstractC00291 C6600 00Multigroup Monte Carlo Neutron and Gamma-Ray Shielding Code System for Plutonium.
BRHGAMAbstractC00350 I3033 00Monte Carlo Estimation of Absorbed Dose from X-Ray Sources in Phantom Man.
CALKUXAbstractC00594 IBMPC 00Code System to Calculate Exposure Transmission of Medical X-ray Beams Through Barrier Materials.
CEPXSAbstractC00837 MNYCP 00Coupled Electron-Photon Cross Section
DTF-69AbstractC00130 C6600 00Multigroup Neutron Transport Discrete Ordinates Code System with One-Dimensional, Anisotropic Scattering.
GES_MCAbstractC00742 PC586 00Gamma-electron Efficiency Simulator.
KUXAbstractC00515 ALLCP 00Medical X-Ray Shielding Calculation.
NCRP49AbstractC00462 IBMPC 00X-Ray Shield Calculation System.
PIXE2010AbstractD00246 MNYCP 00Proton/alpha Ionization (K, L, M shell), Tabulated Cross Section Library.
USRHYDAbstractC00197 I3675 00Electron and X-Ray Energy Deposition and Hydrodynamics Code System.
XPORT-PCAbstractC00559 IBMPC 00An Approximation For Black Body X-Ray Transport in Air.
XRAY_AACAbstractC00525 D0750 00X-ray Attenuation and Absorption Calculations.
XSHLDAbstractC00495 IBMPC 00Diagnostic X-Ray Shielding Calculation.
The Radiation Safety Information Computational Center (RSICC) collects, analyzes, maintains, and distributes software in the areas of radiation transport and safety. RSICC resides in the Nuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle Division (NEFCD) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.