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Packages with Keyword: SELF SHIELDING
Package NameAbstractRSICC TapelistTitle
BOREHOLE-EB6.8-MGAbstractD00268 MNYCP 00Multi-Group Cross-Section Library for Deterministic and Monte Carlo Codes.
BUGENDF70.BOLIBAbstractD00262 PCX86 00ENDF/B-VII.0 Broad-Group Coupled Cross Section Library for LWR Shielding & Pressure Vessel Dosimetry Applications.
BUGJEFF311.BOLIBAbstractD00254 MNYCP 01JEFF-3.1.1 Broad-Group Coupled Cross Section Library For LWR Shielding & Pressure Vessel Dosimetry Applications.
ELANAbstractP00141 ICL00 00Neutron Cross-Section Self-Shielding Code System.
GECINXAbstractP00193 H6000 00A Code System for Collapsing Multigroup Cross Sections in CCCC Format.
MIGROS3AbstractP00265 I0370 00A Code for the Generation of Group Constants for Reactor Calculations from Neutron Nuclear Data in KEDAK Format.
NASIF-NARESAbstractP00121 I0360 00A Code System for Computing Shielding Factors from ENDF/B Tapes.
REX2-87AbstractP00290 D8810 00A Code For Calculating Self-Shielded Multigroup Neutron Cross Sections and Self-Shielding Factors From Preprocessed ENDF/B Basic Data Files.
ROLAIDS-CPMAbstractP00353 SUN04 00Code System to Calculate Group-Averaged Cross Sections Using the Collision Probability Method.
SCOPEAbstractP00210 I3033 00Computer Code System for Shipping Cask Optimization and Parametric Evaluation.
SELFS-3AbstractP00551 C6600 00Self-Shielding Correlation of Foil Activation Neutron Spectra Analysis by SAND-II.
TRANSX 2.15AbstractP00317 MFMWS 01Code system to produce neutron, photon, and particle transport tables for discrete-ordinates and diffusion codes from cross sections in MATXS format.
TRANSX-CTRAbstractP00206 CY000 00Interfaces MATXS Cross-Section Libraries to Nuclear Transport Codes for Fusion Systems Analysis.
The Radiation Safety Information Computational Center (RSICC) collects, analyzes, maintains, and distributes software in the areas of radiation transport and safety. RSICC resides in the Nuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle Division (NEFCD) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.