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Packages with Keyword: PHANTOM
Package NameAbstractRSICC TapelistTitle
ALGAM-97AbstractC00152 I3675 00Monte Carlo Estimation of Internal Dose from Gamma-Ray Sources in a Phantom Man.
BRHGAMAbstractC00350 I3033 00Monte Carlo Estimation of Absorbed Dose from X-Ray Sources in Phantom Man.
CAMERAAbstractC00240 C0074 00Radiation Transport Analysis Code System and the Computerized Man (CAM) Model.
CAMERAAbstractC00240 IBMPC 01Radiation Transport Analysis Code System and the Computerized Man (CAM) Model.
DISDOSAbstractC00170 I0360 00Calculation of Dose Distribution in Human Phantoms Irradiated by External Photon Sources.
FANTOMAbstractC00375 BESM6 00Monte Carlo Calculation of the Response of an External Detector to a Photon Source in the Lungs of a Heterogeneous Phantom.
K009AbstractC00062 I7090 00Solid Angle Integration Charged Particle Penetration Code.
MEVDPAbstractC00157 C6600 00Primary Radiation Transport Code System - Complex Geometry - Computerized Anatomical Model Man.
AbstractC00655 PC386 00Magnetic Resonance Image Phantom Code System to Calibrate in vivo Measurement Systems.
REBEL 3AbstractC00299 I0360 00Adjoint Monte Carlo Calculation of Radiation Doses to Human Organs in Dwelling Rooms.
REBEL-2AbstractC00299 C6600 00Adjoint Monte Carlo Calculation of Radiation Doses to Human Organs in Dwelling Rooms.
REBEL-2AbstractC00299 ICL00 00Adjoint Monte Carlo Calculation of Radiation Doses to Human Organs in Dwelling Rooms.
VIP-MANAbstractD00256 MNYCP 00Computational Phantom.
The Radiation Safety Information Computational Center (RSICC) collects, analyzes, maintains, and distributes software in the areas of radiation transport and safety. RSICC resides in the Nuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle Division (NEFCD) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.