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Packages with Keyword: INTRANUCLEAR CASCADE
Package NameAbstractRSICC TapelistTitle
FLEPAbstractD00022 I3033 00Coefficients for the Analytic Representation of Nonelastic Cross Sections and Particle-Emission Spectra from Various Nucleon-Nucleus Collisions in the Energy Range 25 to 400 MeV.
HILOAbstractD00087 I0370 00Group Cross Sections for Radiation Transport
HILO2KAbstractD00220 MNYCP 00Group Cross Sections for Radiation Transport
HILO86AbstractD00119 I0360 00Group Cross Sections for Radiation Transport
HILO86AbstractD00119 PC386 01Group Cross Sections for Radiation Transport
HILO86RAbstractD00187 ALLCP 00Group Cross Sections for Radiation Transport
LEPAbstractD00001 I0360 02Cascade and Evaporation Particle Results from Low-Energy Intranuclear Cascade Calculations.
MECC-7AbstractC00156 I0360 00Medium-Energy Intranuclear Cascade Code System.
MENSLIBAbstractD00084 I0370 0060 Group, P5, Cross Sections in DTF-IV for Transport Calculations for Neutrons with Energies Up to 60 MeV.
PICAAbstractC00160 I0360 00Monte Carlo Medium-Energy Photon-Induced Intranuclear Cascade Anal Code System.
PICAAbstractC00160 D0VAX 00Monte Carlo Medium-Energy Photon-Induced Intranuclear Cascade Anal Code System.
The Radiation Safety Information Computational Center (RSICC) is a Department of Energy Specialized Information Analysis Center (SIAC) authorized to collect, analyze, maintain, and distribute computer software and data sets in the areas of radiation transport and safety. RSICC resides in the Reactor and Nuclear Systems Division (RNSD) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.