Online Catalog
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810 -- US DOE 10CFR810 Jurisdiction
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RUGA -- Restricted Use Government Authorized
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Packages with Keyword: ON-LINE
Package NameAbstractRSICC TapelistTitle
AIRSCATAbstractC00341 DP010 00Calculation of Dose Rate for Gamma-Rays Scattered in Air.
DWNWNDAbstractC00383 DP010 00Interactive Gaussian Plume Atmospheric Transport Model.
ENEDEPAbstractC00227 GE400 00Energy Deposition Code System for GE 265 Time-Sharing System.
INDOSAbstractC00236 DP010 00Conversational Computer Code Systems to Implement ICRP-10-10A Models for Estimation of Internal Radiation Dose to Man.
INGDOSAbstractC00408 DP010 00A Conversational Code System Designed to Implement NRC Reg-Guide 1.109 Models for Estimation of Annual Doses from Ingestion of Atmospherically Released Radionuclides in Foods.
MESOIAbstractC00497 D0780 00Interactive Mesoscale Lagrangian Puff Dispersion Model with Deposition and Decay.
MOCUPAbstractP00365 DALPU 00MCNP/ORIGEN Coupling Utility Programs.
The Radiation Safety Information Computational Center (RSICC) collects, analyzes, maintains, and distributes software in the areas of radiation transport and safety. RSICC resides in the Nuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle Division (NEFCD) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.