Since its inception in 1962, RSICC has evolved into one of the world’s leading resources for a broad range of the best available nuclear computational tools and services. RSICC software and data collections provide in-depth coverage of radiation transport and safety topics encompassing, but not limited to:

Physics of the interaction of radiation with matter
Radiation production and sources
Criticality safety
Radiation protection and shielding
Radiation detectors and measurements
Shielding materials properties
Shields and shipping cask design
Radiation waste management
Radiological safety and assessment
Atmospheric dispersion and environmental dose
Radiation dose in medical applications
Space shielding applications

Requesting Source versions of MCNP® or SCALE

Individuals that need access to the SOURCE version of MCNP® or SCALE should submit a request for the executable version of the desired package and include a justification in either the end use statement or in the comments of their request that explains why the SOURCE version is needed. Individuals that fail to provide this information will only be provided the executable version of the code.

MCNP 6.3 Announcement

RSICC is pleased to announce the availability of MCNP6.3 from RSICC. The latest release of MCNP6.3 contains various enhancements that are detailed in the code’s user manual that is available at Our customers are encouraged to review this document for more details about this version. The software package will be distributed on a single DVD and is NOT distributed with the nuclear data files. The package will contain instructions on how to download the nuclear data files from the LANL website.

All versions of the MCNP® software are controlled under Part 810 of Title 10 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR 810). This control places more restrictions on the availability of the code and limits its distribution to U.S. persons and citizens of countries listed in Appendix A of 10 CFR 810. In limited cases, non-Appendix A citizens may be provided access to the code under a restricted or cloud access on a case-by-case basis.

Prior to requesting the software, customers will need to register with RSICC or may need to update their registration with RSICC. Customers are required to utilize an email address and postal address for the organization with which they are affiliated. If you need the software sent to an address that is different than that of your organization, please include a comment that explains the reason that you need to receive the software at another address and provide the address to which the software should be sent. Please note that you cannot receive the software in a different country from that of your organization. Furthermore, if customers have changed organizations, they will be required to provide proof of disposition of any previously obtained software to RSICC before the request can be completed. Please provide this proof of disposition by sending an email message to along with photos of the broken DVDs and a statement asserting that the software has been removed from your computers.

When submitting your request, if you need the source code version instead of the executable, please include a comment that explains why you need the source code version. Requests for the source code version require the approval of the U.S. National Nuclear Security Administration for individuals that are not U.S. persons. Our customers are also reminded that they must include a detailed end use statement that describes all the intended use of the code and for what types of systems the code will be used such as commercial reactors, research reactors, nuclear material storage, transport or processing, etc. It is important that the customer declare any proposed use of the codes for fuel cycle facilities, maritime nuclear applications, or space applications as these are controlled uses under U.S. Federal regulations. Customers are required to write statements in the first person when submitting their end use statement because our regulators need to know for what purposes the customer needs the code and not for what purpose the organization needs the code.

Thanks to the support of the MCNP® team at Los Alamos National Laboratory RSICC will be waiving the cost recovery fee for all requests for the MCNP6.3 package that are submitted before September 30, 2023.

SCALE 6.3 Announcement

RSICC is pleased to announce the availability of SCALE 6.3 from RSICC.

The latest release of SCALE 6.3 contains various enhancements that are detailed in the codes user manual that is available at the following website: Our customers are encouraged to review this document for more details about this version of SCALE 6.3.

In February 2023, the U.S. Department of Energy asserted control over the SCALE software. In as such all versions of the SCALE software are controlled under Part 810 of Title 10 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR 810). This control places more restrictions on the availability of the SCALE code and limits its distribution to U.S. persons and citizens of countries listed in Appendix A of 10 CFR 810. In limited cases, non-Appendix A citizens may be provided access to SCALE under a restricted or cloud access on a case-by-case basis.

Prior to requesting the software, customers will need to register with RSICC or may need to update their registration with RSICC. Customers are required to utilize an email address and postal address for the organization with which they are affiliated. If you need the software sent to an address that is different than that of your organization, please include a comment that explains the reason that you need to receive the software at another address and provide the address to which the software should be sent. Please note that you cannot receive the software in a different country from that of your organization. Furthermore, if customers have changed organizations, they will be required to provide proof of disposition of any previously obtained software to RSICC before the request can be completed. Please provide this proof of disposition by sending an email message to along with photos of the broken DVDs and a statement asserting that the software has been removed from your computers.

When submitting your request, if you need the source code version instead of the executable, please include a comment that explains why you need the source code version. Requests for the source code version require the approval of the U.S. National Nuclear Security Administration for individuals that are not U.S. persons. Our customers are also reminded that they must include a detailed end use statement that describes all the intended use of the code and for what types of systems the code will be used such as commercial reactors, research reactors, nuclear material storage, transport or processing, etc. It is important that the customer declare any proposed use of the codes for fuel cycle facilities, maritime nuclear applications, or space applications as these are controlled uses under U.S. Federal regulations. Customers are required to write statements in the first person when submitting their end use statement because our regulators need to know for what purposes the customer needs the code and not for what purpose the organization needs the code.

ANISN errors in BUGLE-B7 and BUGLE-96

NUREG/CR-7045, “Production and Testing of the VITAMIN-B7 Fine-Group and BUGLE-B7 Broad-Group Coupled Neutron/Gamma Cross-Section Libraries Derived from ENDF/B-VII.0 Nuclear Data” (September 2011) is distributed as part of the RSICC data package DLC-245 (VITAMIN-B7/BUGLE-B7) and also serves as a manual for VITAMIN-B7 and BUGLE-B7. There are multiple errors in the ANISN ID numbers in Table 3.14 of NUREG/CR-7045, as given below:

NuclideSelf-shielding MaterialANISN ID in NUREG/CR-7045, Table 3.14Correct ANISN ID
O-16PWR core fuelN/A1129-1136
U-235PWR core fuel1129-11361137-1142
U-238PWR core fuel1137-11421143-1148
Ni-60Carbon steel5177-51855177-5184
Ni-60Stainless steel5186-51925185-5192

In the table above, the ANISN ID errors for Ni-60 that are self-shielded in carbon steel and stainless steel also exist in “NUREG/CR-6214, Rev.1, “Production and Testing of the VITAMIN-B6 Fine-Group and the BUGLE-93 Broad-Group Neutron/Photon Cross-Section Libraries Derived from ENDF/B-VI Nuclear Data” that is related to the RSICC data package DLC-185 (BUGLE-96).

Download Announcement

Effective Immediately: All requests, with the exception of MCNP, RELAP,MCNP-DSP, MRIPP1.0, MCUNED, and MCNPX-Polimi, will now be delivered by download. This allows RSICC to provide a faster more efficient service.
The download will be sent to the email address you have provided in your RSICC registration.
For users needing physical media, DVD/CD, please make a notation in the comments section of your RSICC request, specifying why physical media is required. You can also contact RSICC directly.

Single User Multi-Organization License Agreement

In order to support the use of RSICC software by multi-national organizations and international collaborations, RSICC now offers our customers the option to request a Single User Multi-Organization Software License Agreement. The Single User Multi-Organization Software License Agreement addresses issues regarding the “re-export” of software and data packages obtained from RSICC because under Federal export control regulations our customers cannot “re-export” the code to another person in another country.

This agreement is intended to allow our customers to specify additional foreign locations for which they may be approved to utilize RSICC software. In general, the default option will be the standard single user license agreement for the country in which the customer resides and is employed. The following defines the requirements for use of this license agreement.

This SUMO software license agreement is only available for individuals that receive software directly from RSICC. In addition, the point of contact (host or system administrator) at the additional foreign location(s), must be licensed directly from RSICC and must agree to abide by the policies associated with host/server/cluster systems that are summarized following this announcement.

To apply for this license the customer must first register with RSICC and provide full and complete information. When submitting their request, the customer must provide the following information in the COMMENTS section of the request form for each applicable package: • full name and email address of the point of contact (POC), • the full name of the organization at which the software will be used, and • the complete address (no post office boxes) of the organization under which additional access is being requested.

Individuals that would like to utilize this service must have a valid reason for needing this access and provide such justification to RSICC in the END USE statement as well. If this information is not included in the END USE statement, then the customer’s request will only be considered for the standard single user license agreement.

When processing the request, RSICC staff will verify that the designated POC(s) has a valid license for the same version of software that is being requested by the applicant and verify that the POC obtained the package directly from RSICC. If the POC, did not obtain the package directly from RSICC, the POC will need to register with RSICC, apply and be approved for the package before the applicant’s request can be processed.

The requests will be reviewed for each designated location and a decision will be rendered as to whether or not a license is granted. If an organization or location is denied, then the customer will be notified and may be limited to the standard single user license agreement for their own organization.

Persons that have any citizenship of or are located in countries that are not listed in Appendix A of 10 CFR 810 are not permitted to utilize the Single User Multi-Organization License Agreement.

The customer making the request for the single user multi-organization software license will be required to pay the cost recovery fee for each location at which they are approved. In addition, the POCs at the other foreign locations that have not obtained the software directly from RSICC will have to obtain the software from RSICC and pay the applicable fee.

Host/Server/Cluster Guidance

Software obtained from RSICC is export controlled under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Department of Energy, 10 CFR 810, or the U.S. Department of Commerce, 15 CFR 730-744. Additionally, RSICC distributes this software under guidance issued by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Nonproliferation and Arms Control. The distribution and use of RSICC software is restricted and controlled under these regulations and guidelines. Individuals that request the software must be cleared through both an export control and a nonproliferation review process prior to the individual being granted a license to receive software for a specific end use.

The software distributed by RSICC is licensed to individual requestors (Licensee) under a single-user license agreement while employed at the organization listed on the license forms and cannot be transferred to any other individual or entity. The Licensee is responsible for the control, management and protection of the software. The Licensee is responsible for compliance with U.S. export control requirements (laws and regulations) and the terms of the license agreement. This includes preventing access to the software by any individual or entity (including IT staff) as such access may be deemed an export control violation. Individual Licensees should protect the software, documentation, and installation accordingly. Neither the software nor manuals should be posted to the Internet or otherwise be made publicly available. Any and all system administrators that are assisting with the installation and maintenance of a licensed code(s) or that would otherwise have access to a licensed code(s) that is placed on a stand-alone system and/or server/cluster must also be licensed for the exact version of the software that is placed on these systems. Individuals whose duties are only that of a System Administrator are not authorized to be users of the licensed codes(s).

System administrators and/or hosts should implement standard and customary account access and/or file permissions such that only the licensed individuals may access the program. This should include identity and access management, such as multi-factor authentication, to ensure software is kept secure from unauthorized access. Please note that the single-user license agreement is code and version specific. The Licensee must be licensed for the specific version to which they are granted access. For example, an individual with a license only for MCNP5 should not be permitted access to MCNP6.1. Additionally, some individuals are only licensed for the executable versions of the code(s), and the system administrator(s) must ensure that such individuals do not have access to the source code. Therefore, it is recommended that the source code be removed after installation of the program(s) and furthermore procedures must be implemented such that control software is not lost via decommissioned storage media.

Network, server, parallel, cluster, or similar installations outside of the United States may not be within a country NOT listed in Appendix A of 10 CFR 810 (see table below) nor occur at facility identified as an entity under 15 CFR 744. RSICC software may be hosted on a server, cluster or high-performance computing system with the following conditions:

1) Each server/cluster operator must designate one individual responsible for oversight of the use of RSICC software on the server/cluster. This individual will be responsible for communicating and reporting to RSICC on an annual basis regarding the users of the cluster/server.
2) Each and every system administrator that would have access to any form (source or executable) must register, request, and be approved for the software with RSICC for the version to which they would have access.
3) An authorized and approved system administrator may install and maintain the software and must ensure that the software is not distributed or shared with those who do not have a specific license for the version to which they would have access. System administrators are required to utilize protocols that limit access to the software. Users should only be granted access and use of software to which they have a specific license, e.g. users that have a license for SCALE 6.1 should NOT be granted access to SCALE 6.0 or SCALE 6.2.
4) System administrators are not permitted to provide access to RSICC software to individuals NOT located within the same country as the server/cluster unless the Licensee has an approved Single User Multi-Organization License Agreement from RSICC.
5) Individuals with citizenship or multiple citizenships that include a country not listed in Appendix A of 10 CFR 810 may be granted access to RSICC software on a server/cluster, if the individual has been approved for access to the software by the U. S. Department of Energy’s Office of Nonproliferation and Arms Control.
6) Under no circumstances should an individual with citizenship or multiple citizenships that include a country NOT listed in Appendix A of 10 CFR 810 be granted access to RSICC software on the server/cluster, if that individual has NOT been approved by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Nonproliferation and Arms Control. Additionally, under no circumstances should an individual located at an entity identified under 15 CFR 744 be granted access to RSICC software on the server/cluster.
7) Individuals that have been only granted access to RSICC’s secure cloud server MAY NOT be granted access to any other server/cluster.
8) When a Licensee requests access to RSICC software on a server/cluster, the system administrator must follow the following process:
      (a) The system administrator will require that the Licensee provide proof of a license by requiring that the Licensee provided an electronic copy of either the Single User License Agreement or the Single User Multi-Organization License Agreement. System administrators cannot provide access to anyone located in another country unless that individual has an approved Single User Multi-Organization License Agreement from RSICC and the organization of the system administrator is listed on the SUMO License Agreement.
      (b) As of February 1, 2015, RSICC’s single user and export control agreements were restricted to the specific end use provided in the request and to the Licensee’s installation (employer, organization, or university) when making the request. The system administrator must ensure that the Licensee’s current installation is the same as that on the license agreements.
      (c) If the Licensee’s current installation is NOT the same as that on license agreements, then access should be denied until the Licensee has updated license agreements with RSICC. This will require the Licensee to update their registration with RSICC and submit a new request with RSICC. The Licensee should not be granted access to the software until they have been authorized. Please note that some approvals are location and organization specific.
9) The system administrator will maintain records of the Licensees that are utilizing the server/cluster and send a record to RSICC ( that include the Licensee’s full name, RSICC customer identification number, installation, and the codes to which the Licensee has access on the system. This information must be provided when the system administrator makes the first request to RSICC to provide such services and must be updated annually by sending updated information to RSICC no later than November 30 of each calendar year. The record should include the customer’s full name, RSICC customer number, customer installation as well as request numbers and software package name and identifier for which they are accessing on the cluster.

Server/cluster operators that agree to comply with these conditions may install RSICC software on the server/cluster that are within their corporate/institutional ownership, physical control, and the individual country identified.

The Radiation Safety Information Computational Center (RSICC) collects, analyzes, maintains, and distributes software in the areas of radiation transport and safety. RSICC resides in the Nuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle Division (NEFCD) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.