No. 386 January 1997
The secret of the true love of work is the hope of success in that work; not for the money reward,
for the time spent, or for the skill exercised, but for the successful result in the accomplishment of
the work itself.---Sidney A. Weltmer
The following is the text of the announcement made on January 29, 1997.
Acting Secretary of Energy Charles Curtis today renamed the Idaho National Engineering
Laboratory (INEL) to the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL).
"The name change reflects the new mission of the laboratory and its focus on the technical
challenges related to the environment, on both a national and global scale," said Acting Secretary
Curtis. "The modification also acknowledges the role the Office of Environmental Management
wants the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory to play within the
Department of Energy," said Alvin Alm, Assistant Secretary for Environmental Management.
While the name change emphasizes the environmental mission of the laboratory, it will continue
to service traditional engineering and applied research customers.
CHANGES TO THE COMPUTER CODE COLLECTION Two changes were made to the computer code collection during the month. Two existing code packages were updated to make corrections or to add new data. One contribution came from Japan. | |
OP SYS: UNIX Language: Fortran 77 Computers: FACOM Format: tar |
The Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute and the Research Organization for Information Science and Technology, Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Japan, enhanced this package by adding the BERMJ3G data library and modifying some of the included codes. BERMUDA consists of nine codes to solve the time-independent transport equation for a given fixed source in a variety of geometries. A new 41 group constants gamma-ray library of 30 nuclides based on JENDL 3.2 was added to the package, and three codes for gamma-ray transport calculations were modified in this shielding analysis code system for use with both fusion and fission reactors. BERMUDA is written in Fortran 77 and runs on Facom/VP2600 computers. References: JAERI 1327 (May 1992), JAERI-M 93-143 (July 1993), JAERI 94-002 (July 1994), JAERI 95-006 (1995), and JAERI 96-021. Fortran 77; Facom/VP2600 (C00616/FV260/03). |
OP SYS: DOS, UNIX Language: Fortran 77,C Computers: many Format: DOS, tar |
Oak Ridge National Laboratory contributed some minor
corrections to this code system for simulating atomic
collisions in crystalline targets using the binary collision
approximation. The new release is designated Version 14b
and corrects an error in handling thermal displacements in
situations where atoms with a certain identifying number are
on sites with a different identifying number. Users of
MARLOWE version 14 may request details of the changes
from RSICC.
The system executes on IBM MVS, VAX VMS, Data General, MS-DOS and a variety of Unix systems (AIX, DG/UX, EP/IX, HP-UX, IRIX, DEC Unix, SunOS, Ultrix, and Unicos.) MARLOWE runs on personal computers under Microsoft DOS, version 6 using the Lahey Fortran 90 compiler Version 1.10h. Source, scripts, test problems, and documentation files are included in the package. No executables are included in this package, which is transmitted either on one DS/HD 3.5-in. (1.44 MB) diskette in self-extracting compressed DOS files or on one diskette in a compressed tar file. References: Unpublished report (1996), Phys. Rev. B 40, (1989), Nucl. Instrum. Methods in Phys. Res. B 48 (1990), and Nucl. Instrum. Methods in Phys. Res. B 67 (1992). Fortran 77 and C or Assembler; many computers (P00137/MNYCP/03). |
CHANGE TO THE DATA LIBRARY COLLECTION One addition was made to the data library collection during the month. | |
OP SYS: UNIX Language: Computers: all Format: UNIX, tar |
ORNL contributed a new multigroup cross-section library based
on ENDF/B-VI data produced and tested for light water reactor
shielding and reactor pressure vessel dosimetry applications.
This fine-group library, which is designated VITAMIN-B6,
contains 120 nuclides. Several dosimetry response functions and
kerma factors for all 120 nuclides are also included with the
library. Significant benchmark data testing of VITAMIN-B6
was an integral part of this development work to accelerate the
qualification. Over 50 benchmarks were calculated using the
VITAMIN-B6 library. In general, results using the new data
show significant improvements relative to earlier ENDF data.
The calculational approach for developing this new ENDF/B-VI library was consistent with the ANS 6.1.2 standard and is based on the successful development and application of the VITAMIN-C and VITAMIN-E pseudo problem-independent, fine-group cross-section libraries. The primary cross-section processing was performed by the modular PSR-355/NJOY94 system with RECONR, BROADR, THERMR, UNRESR, GROUPR, and GAMINR playing major roles. The SMILER module from AMPX77 was used to translate the intermediate NJOY file named GENDF into the AMPX master library format. The data are in AMPX master library format which can be used with the CCC-545/SCALE system. PSR-352/SCAMPI was used to execute the two included test cases on an IBM RS/6000 workstation. Selected modules from the AMPX77 system can be used to perform the manipulations necessary to make problem-dependent working libraries for ANISN, DORT, TORT, MORSE, and other multigroup radiation transport codes. One CD-ROM or cartridge tape is required for transmittal of the package which is distributed as a compressed Unix tar file. References: NUREG/CR-6214, ORNL-6795 (Jan. 1995) and Supplement (Jan. 1997). All computers (D00184/ALLCP/00). |
In serving a specialized area of scientific endeavor, it seems important that we note significant events or changes in the activities of people concerned with radiation protection, transport, and shielding in the nuclear industry. We, therefore, continue to carry personal items as they are brought to our attention.
ANS Elects Five New Fellows
The American Nuclear Society recognized five new fellows during the 1996 Honors and Awards Luncheon at the 1996 Winter Meeting. The new fellows and their citations are noted below:
David D. Clark, professor of Applied and Engineering Physics, Cornell University: "For the conception, design, and development of a succession of novel experimental facilities and instruments for the performance of unique research in nuclear science and engineering including estimation of reactor physics parameters under isothermal conditions, determination of short-lived isomer decay schemes, measurement of delayed neutron energy spectra, and utilization of cold neutrons."
Mohamed S. El-Genk, professor of Chemical and Nuclear Engineering, University of New Mexico: "Prof. El-Genk has been a nucleation center for space nuclear science and application for the past fifteen years through the technical excellence, research, and publication; by providing an international forum for meeting and exchange through the Symposia for Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion; by promoting international dialogue and cooperation; and through education and guidance of young researchers and students in the field."
Yassin Hassan, professor of Nuclear Engineering and Graduate Coordinator, Texas A&M University: "For a record of accomplishments and publications in the field of thermal science in the area of computational and experimental two-phase flow. Dr. Hassan was one of the first to use particle image velocimetry (PIV) in multi-phase flow and has gained an international reputation for his contributions to nuclear thermal hydraulics."
Lynn R. Wallis, manager, Public Affairs, General Electric Company: "For 36 years he has provided technical and engineering contributions used to solve major problems in all phases of the nuclear field. The depth and breadth of hands-on experience is unique. He has also made a tremendous commitment of personal time to help people worldwide understand the nuclear option."
William L. Whittemore, senior technical advisor, General Atomics: "For major contributions in the field of research reactors including design, innovative development, installation of many facilities, applications development, direct training and qualification of operators worldwide, neutron scattering and thermalization and radiography; significant contributions in high-energy nuclear physics."
Elizabeth "Libby" Johnson, ANS Charter Member, Dies at Home in Oak Ridge, Tenn.
It is with great sadness that we note the death of Elizabeth "Libby" Johnson, 75, on October 10, 1996, after a lengthy illness. Ms. Johnson was a charter member of the American Nuclear Society, an ANS Fellow, chaired the Nuclear Criticality Safety Division, served on the Standards Committee as a member and secretary on both the N16 consensus committee and subcommittee ANS-8, and was a member of several committees. Ms. Johnson worked on the Manhattan Project during World War II and worked for ORNL from 1946 until her retirement in 1994. She also served as an administrative judge on the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel from 1975 to 1994.