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No. 382 September 1996
For almost 35 years, the center was known as the Radiation Shielding Information Center (RSIC). In the past month, RSIC was officially renamed Radiation Safety Information Computational Center (RSICC). The old and new acronyms sound alike. A primary motivation for the change is that the scope of technical topics covered by the center spans more than radiation shielding. The new name also reflects RSICC's commitment to explore new ways to allow our user community to effectively use computer technology available at RISCC.
Bernadette L. Kirk
One addition, contributed by Canada, was made to the computer code collection during the month.
OP SYS: AIX Language: Fortran 77 Computers: workstations Format: tar | The Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal of Canada contributed this
lattice cell code system called DRAGON, which is a collection of
models to simulate the neutronic behavior of a unit cell or a fuel
assembly in a nuclear reactor. It includes all of the functions that
characterize a lattice cell code, namely: interpolation of microscopic
cross sections supplied by means of standard libraries; resonance self-shielding calculations in multidimensional geometries; multigroup and
multidimensional neutron flux calculations which can take into account
neutron leakage; transport-transport or transport-diffusion equivalence
calculations as well as editing of condensed and homogenized nuclear
properties for reactor calculations; and finally isotopic depletion
calculations. DRAGON contains a multigroup iterator conceived to control a number of different algorithms for the solution of the neutron transport equation. Each of these algorithms is presented in the form of a one-group solution procedure where the contributions from other energy groups are included in a source term. The current version, DRAGON_960627, contains three such algorithms. The JPM option solves the integral transport equation using the interface current method applied to homogeneous blocks; the SYBIL option solves the integral transport equation using the collision probability method for simple one-dimensional (1-D) or two-dimensional (2-D) geometries and the interface current method for 2-D Cartesian or hexagonal assemblies; and the EXCELL option solves the integral transport equation using the collision probability method for more general 2-D geometries and for three-dimensional (3-D) assemblies. The execution of DRAGON is controlled by the generalized GAN driver, which is modular and can be interfaced easily with other production codes. The user must supply cross sections. DRAGON can directly access standard microscopic cross-section libraries in the following formats: DRAGON, MATXS (TRANSX-CTR), WIMS-AECL, and APOLLO. It has the capability of exchanging macroscopic cross-section libraries with a code such as PSR-206/TRANSX-CTR or PSR-317/TRANSX-2 by the use of the GOXS format files. Macroscopic cross sections can also be read in DRAGON via the input data stream. DRAGON runs on IBM RS/6000 and HP9000/700 workstations. Modifications are being developed to allow execution on SUN SparcStations and DEC Alpha systems. At RSICC the system was successfully tested on IBM under AIX 3.2.5 using XL Fortran v3.2.2.3 and on HP under HPUX10.01. The package is transmitted on either a CD-ROM or tape cartridge as a compressed unix tar file which contains installation instructions, the user's guide, Fortran source, installation scripts, and test cases. Reference: IGE-174 Rev. 1 (March 1996). Fortran 77; IBM RS/6000 and HP9000 (C00647/MNYWS/00).
In serving a specialized area of scientific endeavor, it seems important that we note significant events or changes in the activities of people concerned with radiation protection, transport, and shielding in the nuclear industry. We, therefore, continue to carry personal items as they are brought to our attention.
Nina Kalach, from the Institute for Nuclear Research in the Ukraine, is nearing the completion of a three-month IAEA Fellowship assignment in RIAS working with John White. She has focussed on the preparation and testing of multigroup cross sections for neutronics analysis.
Tokio Fukahori has informed RSICC that the head of JAERI/NDC and distinguished scientist, Dr. Yasuyuki Kikuchi died in the early morning of 20 September 1996 (JST).
Sig Hecker, director of Los Alamos National Laboratory, has announced his decision to step down as Laboratory director, effective Oct. 1, 1997. "The nation, the University of California, and the states of New Mexico and California owe Director Hecker a tremendous debt for his selfless dedication over the past decade to the betterment of the laboratory, the Department of Energy, higher education, and to the hundreds of graduate students and young scientists and engineers who have enjoyed an association with LANL," University of California President Richard Atkinson said in a statement. Hecker first came to Los Alamos as a summer student in 1965, returned as a postdoctoral researcher in 1968, and joined the technical staff in 1973 working in the area of materials science. As a researcher he produced some of the seminal work in the field of plutonium metallurgy. He rose through the ranks before being named director in January 1986. His tenure as director has included a variety of dramatic events for the Laboratory, including the 50th anniversary of Los Alamos' founding, the end of the Cold War, peaceful scientific collaborations between former adversaries, namely U.S. and Russian weapons scientists, the end of underground testing of nuclear weapons, increased participation by the public in the operation of facilities such as Los Alamos, and an increased emphasis on cost effectiveness as the federal budget tightens. President Atkinson has asked that Hecker serve as a Senior Advisor to the President of the University of California for DOE National Laboratory Issues. In this role he will address national science and technology policy issues and work to develop closer ties among universities, the laboratories and industry. A search committee will be established shortly to begin the process of choosing Hecker's successor.
John Gustafson, 505-665-9197
Conferences, Cources, Symposia
The following literature cited has been ordered for review, and that selected as suitable will be placed in the RSICC Information Storage and Retrieval Information System (SARIS). This early announcement is made as a service to the shielding community. Copies of the literature are not distributed by RSICC. They may generally be obtained from the author or from a documentation center such as the National Technical Information Service (NTIS), Department of Commerce, Springfield, Virginia 22161. For literature listed as available from INIS contact INIS Clearinghouse, International Atomic Energy Agency, P.O. Box 100, A-1400 Vienna.
RSICC maintains a microfiche file of the literature entered into SARIS, and duplicate copies of out-of-print reports may be available on request. Naturally, we cannot fill requests for literature which is copyrighted (such as books or journal articles) or whose distribution is restricted.
This literature is on order. It is not in our system. Please order from NTIS or other available source as indicated.
16th IEEE/NPSS, Vol. 1 . . . SOFE '95: Seeking a New Energy Era, Vol. 1. . . .1996 . . . University of Illinois.
16th IEEE/NPSS, Vol. 2 . . . SOFE '95: Seeking a New Energy Era, Vol. 2. . . . 1996 . . . University of Illinois.
Health Phys., 71, 122-124 . . . Risk of Radiation at Low Doses-Sievert Lecture. . . . Beninson, D. . . . August 1996 . . . Nuclear Regulatory Authority, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Health Phys., 71, 128-134 . . . The Fission Track Detector Revisited: Application to Individual Neutron Dosimetry. . . . Pretre, S.; Aroua, A.; Boschung, M.; Grecescu, M.; Valley, J.F.; Wernli, Ch. . . . August 1996 . . . Swiss Nuclear Safety Inspectorate, Villigen-HSK, Switzerland; Institute for Applied Radiophysics, Lausanne, Switzerland; Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen-PSI, Switzerland.
Health Phys., 71, 219-224 . . . Alternative Methods of Obtaining the Computed Tomography Dose Index. . . . Knox, H.H.; Gagne, R.M. . . . August 1996 . . . Center for Devices and Radiological Health/FDA, Rockville, MD.
Nucl. Sci. Eng., 123, 215-227 . . . Improvement of Gamma-Ray Sn Transport Calculations Including Coherent and Incoherent Scatterings and Secondary Sources of Bremsstrahlung and Fluorescense: Deter . . . Kitsos, S.; Diop, C.M.; Assad, A.; Nimal, J.C.; Ridoux, P. . . . June 1996 . . . CEA, Gif-sur-Yvette, Cedex, France; Electricite de France, Villeurbanne, France.
Nucl. Sci. Eng., 123, 228-237 . . . Inconsistencies in Widely Used Monte Carlo Methods for Precise Calculation of Radial Resonance Captures in Uranium Fuel Rods. . . . Bogart, D. . . . June 1996 . . . National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH.
Nucl. Sci. Eng., 123, 272-281 . . . Benchmark Test of 14-MeV Neutron-Induced Gamma-Ray Production Data in JENDL-3.2 and FENDL/E-1.0 Through Analysis of the OKTAVIAN Experiments. . . . Maekawa, F.; Oyama, Y. . . . June 1996 . . . Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Ibaraki-ken, Japan.
Nucl. Sci. Eng., 123, 282-288 . . . Skyshine Line-Beam Response Functions for 20- to 100-MeV Photons. . . . Brockhoff, R.C.; Shultis, J.K. Faw, R.E. . . . June 1996 . . . Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS.
Nucl. Sci. Eng., 123, 289-294 . . . Effect of an Overhead Shield on Gamma-Ray Skyshine. . . . Stedry, M.H.; Shultis, J.K.; Faw, R.E. . . . June 1996 . . . Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS.
Nucl. Sci. Eng., 123, 317 . . . Neutron-Proton Elastic Scattering. . . . Murray, R.L. . . . June 1996 . . . North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC.
Nucl. Tech., 115, 1-21 . . . System Modeling and Reactor Design Studies of the Advanced Thermionic Initiative Space Nuclear Reactor. . . . Lee, H.H.; Abdul-Hamid, S.; Klein, A.C. . . . July 1996 . . . Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR.
Nucl. Technol. 115, 61-72 . . . Average Irradiation Temperature for the Analysis of In-Pile Integral Measurements. . . . Yacout, A.M.; Yang, W.S.; Hofman, G.L.; Orechwa, Y. . . . July 1996 . . . Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL.
Nucl. Technol., 115, 100-113 . . . Development and Application of Neutron Field Optimization Parameters for an Acelerator-Based Neutron Source for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy. . . . Woollard, J.E.; Blue, T.E.; Gupta, N.; Gahbauer, R.A. . . . July 1996 . . . Ohio State University, Columbia, OH.
Nucl. Technol., 115, 138-145 . . . The Role of Characterization as an Interface Between Safety Authorities, Waste Producers, Radwaste Managers, and Research Laboratories. . . . Alexandre, D. . . . August 1996 . . . Direction du Cycle du Combustible, Saint-Paul-Lez-Durance, Cedex, France.
Nucl. Technol., 115, 146-152 . . . Characterization of Low- and Medium-Activity Radioactive Waste. . . . Heres, A.P.M.; Noe, M.C. . . . August 1996 . . . Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique, Saint-Paul-Lez-Durance, France.
Nucl. Technol., 115, 153-161 . . . Neutron Moisture Meter Measurement in Waste Packages. . . . Perfettini, J. . . . August 1996 . . . Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique, Saint-Paul-Lez-Durance, France.
Nucl. Technol., 115, 162-172 . . . Nondestructive Determination of Activity. . . . Chabalier, B. . . . August 1996 . . . Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique, Saint-Paul-Lez-Durance, France.
Nucl. Technol., 115, 178-191 . . . Determination of Physical Homogeneity by Gamma-Ray Imaging. . . . Pettier, J.L. . . . August 1996 . . . Cadarache Research Center, Saint-Paul-Lez-Durance, France.
Nucl. Technol., 115, 192-198 . . . Studies on Important Radionuclides for the Safety of a Radioactive Waste Disposal Site: Correlation Between Easily Measurable Gamma Emitters and Long-Lived Radi . . . Raymond, A.; Lagarde, B.; Pitiot, A. . . . August 1996 . . . Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique, Saint-Paul-Lez-Durance, Cedex, France; French National Agency for Radioactive Waste Management; Chatenay-Malabry, Cedex, Fran.
Nucl. Technol., 115, 243-265 . . . Advanced Neutron Source Enrichment Study. . . . Bari, R.A.; Ludewig, H.; Weeks, J.R. . . . September 1996 . . . Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY.
Nucl. Technol., 115, 266-280 . . . Method and Results of Safety Evaluation of the High-Temperature Engineering Test Reactor. . . . Shigeaki Nakagawa; Kazuhiko Kunitomi; Kazuhiro Sawa . . . September 1996 . . . Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Ibaraki-ken, Japan.
Nucl. Technol., 115, 298-310 . . . Considerations of Autocatalytic Criticality of Fissile Materials in Geologic Respositories. . . . Kastenberg, W.E.; Peterson, P.F.; Ahn, J.; Burch, J.; Casher, G.; Chambre, P.L.; Greenspan, . . . September 1996 . . . University of California, Berkeley, CA.
Nucl. Technol., 115, 311-319 . . . Design of a Small-Animal Thermal Neutron Irradiation Facility at the Brookhaven Medical Research Reactor. . . . Liu, H.B. . . . September 1996 . . . Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY.
Nucl. Technol., 115, 359-367 . . . Modeling of Boron Species in the Falcon 17 and ISP-34 Integral Tests. . . . Lazaridis, M.; Capitao, J.A.; Drossinos, Y. . . . September 1996 . . . Joint Research Center, Ispra, Italy.
Nuclear Energy Agency, 75, 259-270 . . . Analysis of Benchmark 2 Results. . . . Bacha, F.; Lefievre, B.; Maillard, J.; Silva, J. . . . 1994 . . . College de France - Paris, France.
Nuclear Energy Agency, 75, 194-199 . . . Vectorization of the Keno-V.a Criticality Safety Code. . . . Hollenbach, D.F.; Dodds, H.L. . . . 1994 . . . Nuclear Energy Agency, Paris, France; University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN.
Nuclear Energy Agency, 75, 159-182 . . . LATHET Benchmark Calculations for Protons Incident on 90Zr and 208Pb. . . . Prael, R.E. . . . 1994 . . . Los Alamos National Lab., Los Alamos, NM.
SAND-95-2736C; CONF-951204-28 . . . Verification of RADTRAN. . . . Kanipe, F.L.; Neuhauser, K.S. . . . 1995 . . . US Department of Energy, Washington, DC; Sandia National Labs., Albuquerque, NM . . . OSTI; NTIS; GPO; INIS (mf . . . Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA; 11-15 December 1995..
WHC-SA-2964; CONF-951209-4 . . . Comparison of RESRAD with Hand Calculations. . . . Rittmann, P.D. . . . September 1995 . . . US Department of Energy, Washington, DC; Westinghouse Hanford Co., Richland, WA . . . OSTI; NTIS; GPO; INSI (mf . . . Low-level Radioactive Waste Management Conference, Phoenix, AZ; 12-14 December 1995.
JNSTAX, 33, 157-165 . . . Application of a Refined Emergency Code System SPEEDI to Atmospheric Field Experiments Conducted Over a Complex Terrain. . . . Venkatesan, R.; Moellmann-Coers, M. . . . February 1996 . . . Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam, Indonesia.
NCLEAM, 32, 1-11 . . . Calculation of Lattice Cell Constants for the IAEA PHWR Benchmark Using the Computer Code WIMS-D/4. . . . Saleem, M.; Parvez, A.; Arshad, M. . . . 1995 . . . Karachi Nuclear Power Plant, Karachi, Pakistan.
DESY D3-84 . . . Doses Due to Neutrons and Charged Particles in the Angular Range 10 Degrees to 170 Degrees Behind Concrete Shield of High Energy Proton Accelerators. . . . Dinter, H.; Tesch, K.; Dworak, D. . . . June 1996 . . . Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, Hamburg, Germany; Institute of Nuclear Physics, Krakow, Poland.
INDC(NDS)-342 . . . Activation Cross Sections for the Generation of Long-Lived Radionuclides of Importance in Fusion Reactor Technology. . . . Pashchenko, A.B. . . . February 1996 . . . IAEA Nuclear Data Center, Vienna, Austria.
INDC(NDS)-352 . . . Completion of FENDL-1 and Start of FENDL-2; Summary Report. . . . Pashchenko, A.B. . . . March 1996 . . . IAEA Nuclear Data Section, Vienna, Austria . . . . . . Del Mar, California, 5-9 December 1995; Hosted jointly by TSI Research and ITER Joint Central Team at San Diego..
Chin. J. Nucl. Sci. Eng., 16, 103-112 . . . Calculation of Equivalent Homogenized Constants of the Baffle and Reflector. . . . Cheng Hongwu; Xie Zhongsheng; Zhang Zongyao . . . 1996 . . . Xi'an Jiaotong University; Nuclear Power Institute of China . . . . . . In Chinese.
Chin. J. Nucl. Sci. Eng., 16, 132-139 . . . Higher Order Harmonics of Reactor Neutron Equation. . . . Li Fu; Hu Yongming; Luo Zhengpei . . . 1996 . . . Tsinghua University . . . . . . In Chinese.
Chin. J. Nucl. Sci. Eng., 16, 139-147 . . . Neutronic Study and Design of the Helium Gas - Cooled Blanket of Fusion Experimental Breeder. . . . Wu Yican; Kong Minghui; Qiu Lijian . . . 1996 . . . Institute of Plasama Physics, Academia Sinica . . . . . . In Chinese.
KAPL-4823; DOE/TIC-4500-R75 . . . Monte Carlo Fundamentals. . . . Brown, F.B.; Sutton, T.M. . . . February 1996 . . . Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory, Schenectady, NY.
ORNL/TM-12973 . . . Sensitivity and Parametric Evaluations of Significant Aspects of Burnup Credit for PWR Spent Fuel Package. . . . DeHart, M.D. . . . May 1996 . . . Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN.
ORNL/TM-13170/V1 . . . Characteristics of Spent Fuel from Plutonium Disposition Reactors. Vol. 1: The Combustion Engineering System 80+ Pressurized-Water-Reactor Design. . . . Murphy, B.D. . . . June 1996 . . . Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN.
UCRL-ID-124171 . . . A Room Temperature ENDF/B-VI, Mod.3 Cross Section Library. . . . Cullen, D.E. . . . March 1996 . . . Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA.
AECL-11341; COG-95-289 CC3 User's Manual for the CC3 Computer Models of the Concept for Disposal of Canada's Nuclear Fuel Waste.. . .Dougan, K.D.; Wojciechowski, L.C.. . .1995. . .Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., Pinawa, MB, Canada. ANENDJ, 23, 553-565 FRANCO Evaluation of the FRANCO (Finite Element Fuel Rod Analysis Code).. . .Feltus, M.A.; Lee, K.. . .05/96. . .Pennsylvania State Univ., University Park, PA. ANL-95/40 VARIANT VARIANT: VARIational Anisotropic Nodal Transport for Multidimensional Cartesian and Hexadgonal Geometry Calculation.. . .Palmiotti, G.; Carrico, C.B.; Lewis, E.E.. . .10/95. . .Argonne National Lab., Argonne, IL; USDOE, Washington, DC. CEA-CONF-12207 PACTOLE PACTOLE: A Computer Code to Predict the Activation and Transport of Corrosion Products in PWRs.. . .Beslu, P.; Robin, J.C.; Coulet, F.; Ridoux, P.; Long, A.. . .1994. . .CEA Centre d'Etudes de Cadarache, Saint-Paul-lez-Durance, France. INEL-95/0454 INEL RML Version 1.00 Programmer's Tools Used in Constructing the INEL RML/Analytical Radiochemistry Sample Tracking Database and Its User Interface.. . .Femec, D.A.. . .09/95. . .EG&G Idaho, Inc., Idaho Falls, ID. JRNCDM, 201, 143-153 CARFIA Computer Program for Radiometric Flow-Injection Analysis.. . .Myint, U.; Khin Mg Myoe; Toelgyessy, J.. . .1995. . .Yangon University, Myanmar. LTKK-TJ-47 CATHARE Validation Studies of Thermal-Hydraulic Code for Safety Analysis of Nuclear Power Plants.. . .Haapalehto, T.. . .1995. . .Lappeenranta Univ. of Tech., Finland. NEDEAU, 155, 85-96 CHYMES Validation of the CHYMES Mixing Model.. . .Fletcher, D.F.; Denham, M.K.. . .04/95. . .AEA Technology, Abingdon, United Kingdom. Nucl. Energy Agency, 75, 11-23 SCALE-4 Overview of the SCALE-4 Code System.. . .Parks, C.V.. . .1994. . .Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. Nucl. Energy Agency, 75, 186-193 MCACE Parallelization of Monte Carlo Code MCACE for Shielding Analysis and Measurement of Parallel Efficiency on AP-1000 with 64 Cell Processors.. . .Takano, M.; Masukawa, F.; Naito, Y.; Kawazoe, A.; Okuda, M.. . .1994. . .Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Tokai, Ibaraki, Japan; Tokai Research Establishment, Tokai, Japan. Nucl. Energy Agency, 75, 219-236 HERMES The HERMES System of Beam Materials Interactions and Systematics of INCE Calculations of Double Differential Cross Section Measurements of Neutron Production by Protons Between 100. . .Cloth, P.; Drueke, V.; Filges, D.; Neef, R.D.; Sterzenbach, G.. . .1994. .Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH, Germany. Nucl. Energy Agency, 75, 387-388 NUCLEX NUCLEX - An IBM PC Version of Handbook on Radionuclide Production Cross Sections at Intermediate Energies.. . .Ivanov, V.I.; Sobolevsky, N.M.; Semenov, V.G.. . .1994. . .Inst. for Nucl. Research of Russian Acdmy of Sci., Moscow, Russia. NUREG/CR-6116-Vol. 6 SAPHIRE 5.0 Systems Analysis Programs for Hands-On Integrated Reliability Evaluations (SAPHIRE), Version 5.0.. . .Russell, K.D.; Kvarfordt, K.F.; Hoffman, C.L.. . .10/95. . .Idaho National Engineering Lab., Idaho Falls, ID. NUREG/CR-6366 PolyRES PolyRES: A Polygon-Based Richards Equation Solver.. . .Meyer, P.D.; Rockhold, M.L.. . .12/95. . .New Mexico State Univ., Las Cruces, NM. SAND-96-0324C; CONF-95101156-10 MELCOR Progress on the MELCOR Code.. . .Bergeron, K.; Cole, R., Jr.; Elsbernd, A.; Rodriquez, S.; Smith, R.; Leonard, M.. . .1995. . .Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC; Sandia National Labs., Albuquerque, NM. Topsafe '95, v.2, 130-133 RELSIM; RELAP RELSIM: RELAP Based Plant Analyzer.. . .Salwa, K.; Domanski, S.; Jackowski, T.; Jankowski, M.; Kulig, M.. . .1995. . .Science and Engineering International, Warsaw, Poland. Topsafe '95 v.2, 148-151 SB LOCA; RELAP5; MOD2 Comparison Calculations of SB LOCA Usng Different Versions of RELAP5 Code.. . .Prosek, A.; Mavko, B.. . .1995. . .Institute Jozef Stefan, Ljubljana, Slovenia. UCRL-ID-119140 EQ3/6; EQPT; EQ3NR; EQ6 EQ3/6 Software Test and Verification Report 9/94.. . .Kishi, T.. . .02/96. . .Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA. VTT-SYMP-147 CAVEAT CAVEAT: A Formal Proof Tool to Validate Programs.. . .Antoine, C.; Trotin, A.; Baudin, P.; Collart, J.M.; Raguideau, J.. . .1995. . .Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique, Gif-sur-Yvette, France. YKJIEZ, 29, 409-416 SPAN/XRF Development and Application of Software SPAN/XRF for Si(Li) X-Ray Spectra Processing.. . .Wang Liyu. . .09/95. . .Academia Sinica, Beijing, China.