VITENEA-E: AMPX 174-N, 38-Gamma Multigroup X-Section Library for Multidimensional Radiation Transport and Dose Evaluation.
AIM: Convert AMPX master card-image data to binary format. AIM is not included but is distributed in AMPX, SCALE and SCAMPI packages.
ENEA, FIS-MET, Bologna, Italy; Athena S.a.S, Bologna, Italy; and Bologna University, Physics Department, Italy, through the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency Data Bank, Issy-Les Moulineaux, France.
VITENEA-E is a coupled 174-neutron, 38-gamma-ray multigroup cross section library in AMPX format produced by ENEA-Boogna for nuclear fusion applicatons.
The material characterized by MAT=900 has been added in the library. It contains the ANSI standard neutron/gamma flux to dose rate factors, in the 174n and 38 gamma group structure, to be used for dose rate calculations.
To produce the master library in AMPX format, the NJOY, SMILER, and SCALE sequence of codes were used. NJOY-94 was used to process the ENDF/B-VI basic nuclear data into averaged cross sections and particle transport matrices.
The RECONR, BROADR, UNRESR, HEATR, THERMR, and GROUPR modules were used for neutron and gamma-ray production data in GENDF format, while the RECONR and GAMINR modules were used for photon interaction.
- RECONR: reconstructs pointwise cross sections from resonance parameters
- BROADR: Doppler broaden and thin pointwise cross sections
- UNRESR: computes effective pointwise self-shielded cross sections in the unresolved energy range
- HEATR: produce pointwise kerma factors and radiation damage cross sections
- THERMR: generates neutron scattering cross sections in the thermal range
- GROUPR: produces self-shielded multigroup neutron cross sections and group-to-group scattering matrices, and photon production matrices in GENDF format
- GAMINR: computes multigroup photon interaction cross sections and scattering matrices in GENDF format
The SMILER code, a module of the AMPX-77 code system, was used to convert multigroup data from the GENDF format into the AMPX format. It merges the neutron and the photon data (from GROUPR and GAMINR, respectively) to provide, nuclide by nuclide, a coupled n-photon library, as final product.
VITENEA-E is a coupled 174-neutron, 38-gamma-ray multigroup cross section library in AMPX format suitable for multidimensional radiation transport calculations and dose evaluation. To produce that library, the file ENDF/B-VI was chosen as the primary source of basic nuclear data because it is suitable for processing using the NJOY-SMILER-SCALE sequence. That file is adequate for fusion calculations since it allows important features, like:
· data for angle-energy correlation of high energy neutrons, charged particles and recoil nuclei;
· separate isotopic evaluations for the main structural materials; and
· photon production data for the main structural materials.
The neutron weighting function is taken from Vitamin-E. It has the form:
· Maxwellian thermal spectrum (from 10-5 to 0.414 eV),
· 1/E slowing down region (from 0.414 eV to 2.1225 MeV),
· fission spectrum (from 2.1225 to 10 MeV),
· 1/E (from 10 to 12.52 MeV),
· DT fusion neutron spectrum (from 12.52 to 15.68 MeV), and
· 1/E (from 15.68 to 19.64 MeV).
The photon weighting spectrum is assumed to be constant both for production from neutron reactions and for interactions among photons only. The scattering Legendre expansion order is assumed to be 8, both for the neutron and the photon interactions. The library is based upon the Bondarenko method for the resonance self-shielding and the temperature effects. The materials were processed at 293.6, 900, and 2100 K. Ten values of the background cross sections are considered: 10+10, 1000, 300, 100, 30, 10, 3, 1, 0.1, 10-6.
The basic nuclear data (ENDF-B/VI) related to the following materials have been processed and are included in VITENEA-E: H (free gas), H (water), H-3, He-4, Li-6, Li-7, Be-9 (metallic), Be-9 (BeO), C (free gas), C (graphite), O, Al-27, Si,, Ti, Cr-50, Cr-52, Cr-53, Cr-54, Mn-55, Fe-54, Fe-56, Fe-57, Fe-58, Co-59, Ni-58, Ni-60, Ni-61, Ni-62, Ni-64, Cu-63, Cu-65, Mo, Wnat, W‑182, W-183, W-184, W-186, Hf-176, Hf-177, Hf-178, Hf-179, Hf-180,Re-187. Additional materials have been included in Vitamin-ENEA by taking their multigroup cross sections directly from the Vitamin-E library. They are:
H2, Li-6, Li-7, B-10, B-11, N-14, Na-23, Mg, P-31, S, Cl,, K, Ca, V, Zr, Nb-93, Cd,, Sn, Gd, Ta‑181, Pb, Bi-209, Th-232, U-235, U-238, Al-27, F-19, Ar, Ga, Pt, Fe, Cr, Ni, Cu.
(Materials appearing twice are taken from different evaluations—ENDF/B-V and ENDF/B‑VI—or processed by different computer codes—NJOY and MINX).
(RSICC ID: D00240MNYCP00, NEA-1702/01)
Not applicable.
a. Documentation available with library
G. C. Panini, et al. “Production and Application of the Vitamin-ENEA Data Library for Radiation Transport Evaluation in Fusion Reactors Using Scale Computational System,” Trieste_VitENEA-E.pdf.
b. Other useful documentation
R.W. Roussin, et al. Vitamin-E: A Coupled 174-Neutron, 38-Gamma Ray Multigroup Cross-Section Library for Deriving Application-Dependent Working Libraries for Radiation Transport Calculations, draft ORNL/RSIC-47 (available with DLC-113/VITAMIN-E documentation, November 1987).
M. Frisoni and G. C. Panini, “RFL-2: A library of nuclear Response Function in Vitamin-J Structure,” June 1994 EFF Meeting, EFF-DOC-281 (93), NEA Data Bank, Paris.
D. G.Cepraga, G. Cambi, M. Frisoni, and A. Chiasera, “Water Cooled and Gas Cooled SEAFP Fusion Plant Models Comparison Based on the Outside-Cryostat Dose Rates,” Fusion Engineering and Design, 69 (1-4):723-726 (2003).
G.C.Panini, et al., “Production and Application of the Vitamin-ENEA Data Library for Radiation Transport Evaluation in Fusion Reactors Using SCALE Computational System,” Conference Proceedings Vol.59 Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Trieste, 19-24 1997.
The package is transmitted on a CD which contains the reports listed in section 10.a above, the data files, and test cases.
August 2010.