GENII-S 1.485 Environmental Radiation Dosimetry Software System.
Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico,
Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington,
Westinghouse Hanford Engineering Development Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
IBM PC; FORTRAN 77 and Quick Basic (C00648/IBMPC/00).
GENII-S is the result of implementing GENII in the SUNS software shell. SUNS was developed to simplify the application of Monte Carlo methods of uncertainty analysis to a variety of problems. The GENII portion of the GENII-S package contains the program which was developed to incorporate the internal dosimetry models recommended by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) into the environmental pathway analysis models used at Hanford. GENII, which is available from RSICC as CCC-601, is a coupled system of seven programs and the associated data libraries that comprise the Hanford Dosimetry System (Generation II) to estimate potential radiation doses to individuals or populations from both routine and accidental releases of radionuclides to air or water and residual contamination from spills or decontamination operations. The GENII-S system includes interactive menu-driven programs which allow the user to effectively address the parameters required for scenario generation and data input, internal and external dose factor generators, and environmental dosimetry programs. There also exist pull-down help menus which provide the user with a description of the input parameter and the possible options. The programs in GENII-S analyze environmental contamination resulting from both far-field and near-field scenarios. A far-field scenario focuses outward from the source, whereas a near-field scenario focuses in toward a receptor. GENII-S can calculate annual dose, committed dose, and accumulated dose from acute and chronic releases from ground or elevated sources to air or water and from initial contamination of soil or surfaces and can evaluate exposure pathways including direct exposure via water (swimming, boating, and fishing), soil (surface and buried sources), air (semi-infinite and finite cloud geometries), inhalation and ingestion pathways. In addition, GENII-S can perform 10,000-year migration analyses and can be used for retrospective calculations of potential radiation doses resulting from routine emissions and for prospective dose calculation for purposes such as siting facilities, environmental impact statements, and safety analysis reports. HEDL contributed additional data to the CCC-601/GENII package in March 1995. These data are intended to improve the treatment of decay chains for calculations of doses form contaminated soil allowed to decay for hundreds of years. Air transport calculations are largely unaffected by these changes due to the short decay times involved. These alternate data as well as the original data released with CCC-601/GENII are included in this GENII-S package. Other data updates may be obtained by requesting the GENII package and accompanying literature describing the data changes and incorporating these data sets into the GENII-S directory replacing older versions (See P.D. Rittmann in REFERENCES).
The Sensitivity and Uncertainty analysis Shell (SUNS) provided the capability to perform sensitivity and uncertainty analysis in one calculation, eliminating manual interfaces between the GENII code results and the sensitivity and uncertainty analysis codes. The main features of SUNS include: (1) an interactive full-screen input of all model data, (2) a customized help system, (3) the ability to modify setup options while inside SUNS, (4) a formatted printing of data files, (5) a full internal file management, (6) a consistent interface for data entry, editing, and processing/viewing output, (7) the ability to create both deterministic output blocks (results from parametric analysis, for example) and result from repeated trials in a single run, (8) an ASCII test output file (for data echo, debugging, and non-tabular output) in addition to SUNS output files, (9) a generation of statistical output information, including minimum and maximum value, means, variances, and percentiles in addition to simple and partial correlation coefficients for both raw and rank data, (10) the creation of graphical output including histograms, cumulative and complementary cumulative distribution functions, scatter plots, and x-y plots, (11) the tools (with a consistent user interface) to aid in model installation, and (12) user-specified menu options available to run any DOS program or batch file.
SUNS interactively prepares a text input file for input to the environmental dosimetry programs and the necessary processing files to manage the file handling needed to control the operations of the five subsequent codes and prepare an output report. ENVIN controls the reading and organization of the input files for ENV, which then calculates the environmental transfer, uptake, and human exposure to radionuclides that result from the chosen scenario for the defined source term. ENV writes the annual media concentrations and intake rates to an intermediate data transfer file for use by DOSE. DOSE converts these data to radiation dose, calculating the external dose using factors generated by EXTDF and the internal dose using factors generated in INTDF. DOSE calculates the one-year dose, committed dose, cumulative dose, and maximum annual dose and prepares the normal output report of doses and optional doses by pathway and by radionuclide. EXTDF calculates the external dose-rate factors for submersion in an infinite cloud of radioactive materials, immersion in contaminated water, and direct exposure to plane or slab sources of contamination. EXTDF used the ISOSHLD point kernel integration technique whereby numerical integration is carried out over the source volume to obtain the total dose. INTDF estimates the dose equivalents in a number of target organs from the activity in a given source organ based on ICRP-30 models and biokinetic values for radionuclide residency and transport in the body. The dose equivalent in a target organ is a product of the total number of nuclear transformations of the radionuclide and the energy absorbed per gram in the target organ. This initial value problem is solved using a coupled set of differential equations. DITTY calculates long-term total population exposure based on air and water source terms, atmospheric dispersion patterns, and exposed population. A straight-line, cross-wind-averaged Gaussian plume model is used for the dispersion calculation, and the regional population is defined as a function of time for airborne and waterborne pathways. The time frame may be any 10,000-year period, broken into 143 periods of 70 years each.
Maximum of 100 radionuclides, 16 sectors, 10 distance intervals, and 5 shields.
Sample 1D and Sample 1S were run on a Pentium 90 under Windows 95 rebooted (without EMM386 loaded) to the DOS mode. Sample 1D ran in under 15 seconds while Sample 1S ran in approximately 2 minutes. 486 machines are approximately a factor of 3 to 4 times slower depending on the processor speed. Typically, a DX 66 would take approximately 3 times as long.
GENII-S requires an IBM PC/AT or compatible computer, an 80287 math coprocessor, 640 Kbytes of random access memory, and a minimum of 5 MB of on-line disk storage.
Lahey F77L-EM/32 Version 5.01 (92%) and Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.0 (3%) compilers were used to create the executables, which run under DOS 3.1 or later versions. The GENII portion of the GENII-S program is written in FORTRAN 77, whereas the SUNS portion utilizes QuickBASIC coding. Additional information and details are available in the User's Guide for GENII-S. At RSICC the included executables were tested on a 486 PC under DOS 6.0 and on a Pentium under the Windows 95/Dos 7 operating system.
Note that the actual source files are not available. Files in the SOURCE.EXE archive have become corrupted and will not compile. The commons named in "INCLUDE" statements are omitted. The files are included for informational purposes and will be replaced if the valid files are recovered.
a) included in document:
C. D. Leigh, B. M. Thompson, J. E. Campbell, D. E. Longsine, R. A. Kennedy, B. A. Napier, "User's Guide for GENII-S: A Code for Statistical and Deterministic Simulations of Radiation Doses to Humans from Radionuclides in the Environment," SAND91-0561 UC-721 (April 1993).
b) background information:
B. A. Napier, R.A. Peloquin, D. L. Strenge, and J. V. Ramsdell, "GENII-The Hanford Experimental Radiation Dosimetry Software System, Volume 1: Conceptual Representation," PNL- 6584 Vol. 1 (December 1988).
B. A. Napier, R.A. Peloquin, D. L. Strenge, and J. V. Ramsdell, "GENII- The Hanford Environmental Radiation Dosimetry Software System, Volume 2: Users' Manual," PNL-6584 Vol. 2 (November 1988)
P. D. Rittmann, "Verification Tests for the July 1993 Revision to the GENII Radionuclide and Dose Increment Libraries," WHC-SD-WM-TI-596, Rev. 0 (October 1993).
Enclosed are the listed references listed in 10.a and the executable programs, sample cases and updated data files (to be obtained from GENII code package) on 1 DS/HD 3.5-inch (1.44 MB) diskette in self-extracting compressed DOS files.
April 1997.