ID# : P00608PCX8600 RSIC# : PSR-608 PACKAGE NAME : SAPHIRE 8.09 COMPUTER : PC Windows DATE : 06/24/2014 MOST RECENT UPDATE: 07/21/2014 *********************************************************************** Transmitted on 1 DVD in a compressed file. Documentation in PDF format: P608.pdf 06/26/2014 11:49 PM 68,249,500 *********************************************************************** contains: 07/11/2014 11:59 AM . 07/11/2014 11:59 AM .. 06/26/2014 10:03 AM 3,744,825 NUREGCR-7039-Vol1-ML11195A298.pdf 06/26/2014 10:07 AM 14,807,617 NUREGCR-7039-Vol2-ML11195A299.pdf 06/26/2014 10:09 AM 7,228,183 NUREGCR-7039-Vol3-ML11195A300.pdf 06/26/2014 10:11 AM 5,816,320 NUREGCR-7039-Vol4-ML11195A128.pdf 06/26/2014 10:12 AM 2,954,780 NUREGCR-7039-Vol5-ML11195A129.pdf 06/26/2014 10:12 AM 5,082,920 NUREGCR-7039-Vol6-ML11195A130.pdf 06/26/2014 10:13 AM 6,131,148 NUREGCR-7039-Vol7-ML11195A131.pdf 06/26/2014 11:49 PM 68,249,500 05/24/2013 07:36 AM 24,711,403 Saphire8090.exe 9 File(s) 138,726,696 bytes Executing Saphire8090.exe creates the following: Directory of Saphire8 07/11/2014 12:33 PM CRUZIN 07/11/2014 12:33 PM Macros 07/11/2014 12:34 PM tools 07/11/2014 12:33 PM 68,887 unins000.dat 07/11/2014 12:32 PM 695,578 unins000.exe 2 File(s) 764,465 bytes *********************************************************************** Included in the package is a precompiled executable for Windows systems. This package was tested at RSICC using a Windows Xeon 64 bit Windows7 system.