ID#: P00451IBMPC00 RSICC#: PSR-451 CODE PKG NAME: PC-BATLE COMPUTER: IBM PC PACKAGED: 10/15/99 ********************************************************************** Transmitted on one DS/HD 3.5 inch diskette in DOS format ********************************************************************** README 1ST 1,527 10-22-99 11:45a readme.1st BATINP FOR 33,536 10-23-85 1:55p BATINP.FOR BATLE FOR 39,040 01-22-85 1:18p BATLE.FOR BATOUT FOR 1,664 10-07-85 4:05p BATOUT.FOR BATINP EXE 87,348 10-23-85 2:05p BATINP.EXE BATLE EXE 102,948 02-06-85 8:56a BATLE.EXE BATOUT EXE 38,036 10-07-85 4:09p BATOUT.EXE EXAMPLE 1,099 03-04-87 10:42a EXAMPLE TAPE2 OUT 3,958 04-03-86 2:12p TAPE2.OUT TAPE3 OUT 515 04-03-86 2:13p TAPE3.OUT TAPE4 OUT 1,366 04-03-86 2:13p TAPE4.OUT TAPE5 OUT 3,591 04-03-86 2:13p TAPE5.OUT TAPE9 TMP 1,099 10-23-85 2:08p TAPE9.TMP READ ME 3,762 03-05-87 3:10p READ.ME BATLCOMP BAT 631 03-05-87 3:04p BATLCOMP.BAT 15 file(s) 320,120 bytes ********************************************************************** PC-BATLE was developed at Sandia National Laboratory to run on an IBM PC and was received through the Energy Science and Technology Software Center. Executables are included with the package. See the reference document for details on package execution. PC-BATLE was tested at RSICC on a Dell Pentium 100 PC in a DOS window under Windows 95. The included executable was created with the Microsoft F77 V3.2 compiler and tested at NESC under DOS3.1. The READ.ME file on this diskette contains information for PC users.