ID#: P00420MNYCP00 RSICC#: PSR-420 CODE PKG NAME: DEPOSITION 1.03 COMPUTER: IBM PC PACKAGED: 06/25/99 ********************************************************************** Transmitted on one DS/HD diskette in DOS format ********************************************************************** DEPO EXE 79,191 10-03-91 10:21a DEPO.EXE DEPO _XE 77 10-31-91 12:02a DEPO._XE README 747 06-25-99 2:30p readme 3 file(s) 80,015 bytes ********************************************************************** DEPO runs on an IBM PC. The interactive program is executed by typing DEPO at the prompt. DEPO was received from the Energy Science and Technology Software Center. The code was executed at RSICC on a Dell Pentium 100 in a DOS window of Windows95. Note that there is a descrepancy in this package which includes the DEPOSITION 1.03 executable and the DEPOSITION 2.0 report. RSICC was unable to obtain other executables or reports.