ID#: P00410C760000 RSICC#: PSR-410 CODE PKG NAME: COMPARE-MOD1A COMPUTER: CDC-7600 PACKAGED: 06/04/99 ***************************************************************** Transmitted on one DS/HD diskette as a self-extracting compressed DOS file ***************************************************************** COMPARE EXE 78,414 06-04-99 5:33p Extracting files from COMPARE.EXE will create the following files: README 1,295 06-04-99 5:33p This file COMPARE FOR 181,592 09-01-98 5:51p Fortran Source COMPARE INP 9,619 09-01-98 5:51p Sample Input GENPLT FOR 12,069 09-01-98 5:51p Plotting Source CONTROL CDC 436 09-01-98 5:51p CDC Control Cards COMPARE OUT 113,571 09-01-98 5:51p Sample Output INF NEA 1,144 09-01-98 5:51p NEA Information File 7 file(s) 319,726 bytes ****************************************************************** To extract files from COMPARE.EXE, type the following commands where a: is your floppy disk drive and c: is your hard drive. c:\ mkdir compare cd compare a:\compare COMPARE runs on a CDC-7600 machine. The files are transmitted on diskette for convenience. Executables are not included with the package. Because no CDC computer was available, COMPARE was not tested at RSICC.