ID# : P00398PC48600 RSIC# : PSR-398 CODE PACKAGE NAME : D2O V1.0 COMPUTER : IBM PCx86 PACKAGED : 03/31/99 MOST RECENT UPDATE: / / ************************************************************************** Transmitted on 1 DS/HD 3.5-inch diskette (1.44MB) in DOS format. FILE NAME File size bytes DATE ************************************************************************** PSR398D0.EXE 770,179 03-30-99 3:26p Compressed D20 files Change to the drive where the files are to be installed, and type: A:\PSR398d0 -d A subdirectory called D2O will be created containing the following: Directory of C:\D2O F77L3 EER 40,584 02-15-94 8:36a Error file for lahey5.2 D2OINP DAT 287 01-28-97 10:32a Input Data COM BL 984 01-28-97 12:20p Subroutine D2O FOR 173,727 04-02-98 12:48p Source Code D2OLOU DAT 611 04-02-98 12:51p D2OLOU.DAT D2OSOU DAT 1,158 04-02-98 12:51p D2OSOU.DAT D2OVOU DAT 623 04-02-98 12:51p D2OVOU.DAT README DOC 18,432 04-13-98 10:34a Word Doc - Readme READ ME 6,191 04-13-98 1:44p ASCII Text READ.ME ABSTRACT DOC 24,576 04-14-98 8:58a Word Doc - Abstract D2O LST 266,846 03-30-99 12:52p Source hardcopy D2O EXE 3,165,186 03-30-99 12:52p Program EXEcutable TEST