ID#: P00158MNYCP13 RSICC #: PSR-158 CODE PKG NAME: SAMMY-8.1.0 COMPUTER: Linux, MacOS and Windows TEST COMPUTERS: Linux, MacOS and Windows ORIGINAL RELEASE: 10/07/1980 MOST RECENT UPDATE: 03/24/2017 ***************************************************************************** The package is transmitted on CD-Rom in a compressed Unix tar file. ***************************************************************************** See file P158.PDF on the distribution CD for the electronic version of the SAMMY Users’ Guide, ORNL/TM-9179/R8. 03/08/2017 01:14 PM 606,126,160 SAMMY-8.1.0.tgz 03/24/2017 03:24 PM bin_Lin 03/24/2017 03:05 PM bin_Mac 03/24/2017 03:25 PM bin_Win 03/24/2017 03:05 PM cmake 02/20/2017 09:30 PM 6,790 CMakeLists.txt 10/20/2015 04:33 PM 3,001 Copyrights.txt 03/24/2017 03:24 PM doc 03/04/2017 10:53 PM 12,173 INSTALL 03/24/2017 03:05 PM lib 01/19/2017 08:13 PM 2,424 PackagesList.cmake 08/18/2015 02:10 PM 530 ProjectName.cmake 03/24/2017 03:06 PM samexm 03/24/2017 03:06 PM samsim 03/24/2017 03:24 PM samtry 03/24/2017 03:24 PM script 03/24/2017 03:24 PM src 03/24/2017 03:25 PM TestRunner 08/18/2015 02:10 PM 2,719 TPLsList.cmake 03/24/2017 03:07 PM TriBITS 08/18/2015 02:10 PM 1,175 Version.cmake 7 File(s) 28,812 bytes ***************************************************************************** LINUX ----- cd to /samtry/samtry and run auto_test.bsh: auto_test.bsh to run all test cases, or, use a regular expression to run just a few or one: ./auto_test.bsh tr001 NOTE: must be a full path; relative path will not work. A deprecated alternative is to run "zzauto" (in /samtry/samtry will sequentually run test_runner in each tr* subdirectory, including for new test cases (i.e. those above tr180) that were added for SAMMY 8.1.0 release. cd to /samtry/samtry and run auto_test.bat: auto_test.bat /samtry/samtry to run all test cases sequentually. (Note: unlike with auto_test.bsh, regular expressions are not an option here.) Deprecated alternative: Command file "test.bat" in /samtry/samtry will sequentually call "test.bat" in each subdirectory tr[0-9][0-9][0-9] on windows, analogously to zzauto on Linux or Mac OSX. (Note: test.bat will run test cases extant in SAMMY 8.0.0 version, but not the test cases added in 8.1.0 version.) *****************************************************************************