ID#: M00020MNYCP00 RSIC #: MIS-020 CODE PKG NAME: MMRW-Books COMPUTER: Many Computers PACKAGED: 09/18/2015 MOST RECENT UPDATE: 09/30/2015 NEADB ID: NEA-1792/01 ************************************************************************* Transmitted on CD-R Disc for Windows with 09/17/2015 04:52 PM 52,134,982 20152361.exe 09/30/2015 01:52 PM 52,174,848 MMRW-Books.tgz 09/19/2007 01:59 PM 23,449,700 4bookmarked.pdf 09/19/2007 03:40 PM 1,118,790 CorrigendaMMPTT.pdf 09/19/2007 03:40 PM 5,299,836 corrigenda_RPNR.pdf 09/18/2007 05:59 PM 15,282,071 CORRIGENDA_SDTN.pdf 08/24/2007 06:21 PM 121,637 Cv.pdf 09/19/2007 04:42 PM 14,058,659 Mathematical Methods in Particle Transport Theory_CROPPED.pdf 08/24/2007 08:25 PM 9,893 MMRW-BOOKS-readme.html 09/20/2007 02:16 PM 3,793 MMRWBOOKS_abstract.txt 09/19/2007 03:39 PM 18,734,824 RPNRbookmarked.pdf ************************************************************************* Prof. M.M..R Williams has now released three of his legacy books for free distribution: ************************************************************************