ID#: M00012MNYCP00 RSIC #: MIS-012 CODE PKG NAME: PMK2-VVER440 COMPUTER: ANY PACKAGED: 09/29/2011 MOST RECENT UPDATE: NEA-1789/02 ************************************************************************* Transmitted on one CD-R Disc with Documentation in PDF format: - M0129.pdf 09/15/2010 09:03 AM NEA-1789.002 ************************************************************************* Contents of NEA-1789.002: 09/15/2010 09:03 AM CDSUPPLEMENT 04/12/2010 05:22 AM 6,715 PMK-2.html 08/02/2007 10:22 AM 5,833,447 PMK-2_Book_I.pdf 11/21/2009 05:36 AM 90,796,743 Szabados_et_als_II.pdf 3 File(s) 96,636,905 bytes 1 Dir(s) Total Files Listed: 2618 File(s) 307,751,918 bytes 182 Dir(s) ************************************************************************ This package contains the 'Results of the Experiments Performed in the PMK-2 Facility for VVER Safety Studies'(Volume I)and 'Major Findings of PMK-2 Test Results and Validation of Thermohydraulic System Codes for VVER Safety Studies' books by L. Szabados, Gy. Ezsol, L. Perneczky, I. Toth, A. Guba, A. Takacs, I.Trosztel, as well as assorted data files from the study.