ID#: M00006MNYCP00 RSIC #: MIS-006 CODE PKG NAME: JDL-REACTOR-KINETICS COMPUTER: Pentium PACKAGED: 07/24/2009 MOST RECENT UPDATE: ************************************************************************* Distributed on 1 CD in a WinZIP file. ************************************************************************* 07/24/2009 01:32 PM 15,849,136 ************************************************************************* Double click on the file above and select a directory in which to extract the following files. Directory of jdl_reactor_kinetics\NEA-1843_001.DISPZIP 05/19/2008 07:24 AM 32,172 Corrigendum_to_Kinetics.pdf 04/01/2009 01:02 PM 2,133 JDL-KINETICS-readme.html 02/12/2008 11:02 AM 61,523 Lewins-JD.html 02/11/2008 03:01 PM 6,433 lewins.jpg 02/11/2008 10:51 AM 521,781 Power_series_solutions_NSE.pdf 05/19/2008 07:23 AM 16,013,879 Reactor_kinetics.pdf 02/29/2008 10:19 AM 176,704 Reactor_kinetics_errata.pdf 7 File(s) 16,814,625 bytes ************************************************************************ This package contains the JDL-REACTOR-KINETICS "book" by Dr. J. D. Lewins in PDF format. The NEA Data Bank identifier is NEA-1843/01. ************************************************************************