ID# : D00234MNYCP00 RSIC# : DLC-234 PACKAGE NAME : PGAA-IAEA COMPUTER : x86 PC DATE : 01/25/2010 MOST RECENT UPDATE:01/25/2010 IAEA1413/01 *********************************************************************** Transmitted on one CD-R Disc 03/28/2008 11:30 AM Annex1 03/28/2008 11:30 AM data 06/11/2007 11:01 AM 6,497 databases.htm0 06/11/2007 11:01 AM 6,700 databases.htm 06/13/2007 06:17 AM 5,520 dirlist.txt 06/11/2007 11:01 AM 15,787 egaf.html 03/28/2008 11:30 AM EGAF 06/11/2007 11:01 AM 6,760 iaeapgaa.htm 06/11/2007 11:01 AM 3,468 iaeapgaacrp.HTM 06/11/2007 11:01 AM 5,761 index.html0 06/11/2007 11:01 AM 6,760 index.html 03/28/2008 11:30 AM isoexpl 03/28/2008 11:30 AM lnetscape 06/11/2007 11:01 AM 829 ndslogo3.gif 03/28/2008 11:30 AM Netscape7 01/16/2008 07:41 AM 651,116 PGAA.INF 03/28/2008 11:31 AM pgaa7 03/28/2008 11:31 AM PGAAdatabase 06/11/2007 11:01 AM 56 06/11/2007 11:02 AM 63 pgaa_win.bat 06/13/2007 12:12 PM 3,911 readme.nea 09/11/2007 06:17 AM 39,687 restrictions.pdf 06/11/2007 11:02 AM 2,952,768 tecdoc.pdf 15 File(s) 3,705,683 bytes 8 Dir(s) *********************************************************************** The package was screened at RSICC on a Pentium PC running Windows and Linux. It was not tested at RSICC and is distributed as received from the NEADB. See the README.nea file for PGAA User Instructions.